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  • in reply to: Trying different chemos. #55769

    Dear Trevor,

    My heart goes out to you. You have been through so much and still have a fighting spirit. I love that. I don’t know much about the different chemos so I can’t help you there. I did like what you said about hitting singles and doubles. That is what a lot of us are doing to try to keep going until another treatment comes along. All the best to you.


    in reply to: :( #55687

    Oh Susie, I am so sorry your scans didn’t turn out as well as you would have liked. Hopefully, it’s because it was done too soon. I will keep my fingers crossed and say some prayers. As for a 109 lb. person having love handles, you have got to be kidding me. You are so tiny. I am glad you are putting on some weight. Try not to worry about things. Wishing you all the best.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Latest scan #55632

    Dear Byron,

    I am sorry to hear about your scans. I am glad you still have your fighting spirit. I’m sure your doctor will come up with a new game plan. Never give up hope, my friend. We will be with you in thought, prayer, and support. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42845

    Dear Sistercorb,

    I am very sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. I wish I could take away your pain. Your Dad is in heaven with your Mom. They are free of pain and happy to spend eternity together. I’m sure they will both be watching over you and your family. He was a tough man and put up a courageous fight. You should be so proud of him. Take care and God bless you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: New around these parts #55690


    I took a peek at your blog. It looks really interesting and I can’t wait to read it . I’m sorry to say I am too tired right now. It is almost 1:00 am. You can check out my blog I write for Lauren. She doesn’t really want to know about CC or write a blog. So I do it for her. She just wants to live her life normally.


    in reply to: New around these parts #55688

    Dear Janine,

    I am so sorry to hear you have CC. My daughter, Lauren, has it as well. She is 25. She also had abdominal pain and felt full all the time when she tried to eat. My daughter is on a clinical trial where she gets Gemzar, cisplatin, and 5-FU once every two weeks. She has just finished her 7th round of Gem/cis and is still hooked up to the 5-FU pump today. Her largest tumor has shrunk 2cm. each way but it is a huge tumor. The survival rates are very disheartening, but I feel with youth on both your sides, it could help. We will never give up hope and I hope you don’t either. I cannot believe the amount of young people that have joined this site recently. Most of the statistics say that this disease primarily affects older men, but it seems like a lot of young women are being diagnosed with it. I hope you visit this site often and participate in discussions. The members here are such a friendly bunch and you will instantly feel a connection. I feel like they are part of my family. Well, take care and I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Recently diagnosed intrahepatic cc #55609

    Dear Chris,

    I am sorry to hear of your wife’s diagnosis. I have a daughter named Lauren with this disease. She is only 25. We do live pretty close to you, though. We are in Uniontown, Ohio right near Canton. You say your wife is being treated at the James. Where is that? We take Lauren all the way to University of Michigan Medical Center for her care. It is close to 200 miles each way. In fact, we just got back today. Lauren had chemo yesterday and we stayed overnight at my other daughter’s house in Ypsilanti which is right next to Ann Arbor. This disease is very sad and scary. But I find great comfort in this website. Everyone here is so supportive and sweet. My daughter still can’t bear to read posts on this site. It upsets her too much. It used to upset me too, but I just had to get used to reading upsetting things. I still cry a lot over what I read, but I feel knowledge is power. You asked about the length of time it takes to start chemo. Lauren was diagnosed with CC on 8/29/11 and started chemo 9/12/11. If you have concerns about it taking too long to get in, question them. I have learned you cannot be shy about things, you must speak up to get things handled sometimes. I just try to do it in a nice way and usually get my way. I hope you come back and visit often. Take care and God bless.


    in reply to: New here #55620

    Dear Tiffany,

    Welcome to our family. I am sorry to hear you have CC. My daughter also has this terrible cancer. She is only 25. She is also on three different chemos and you couldn’t tell she was sick except that she has lost most of her beautiful hair. I am glad you have found this site. There are so many nice people on here that will offer support and friendship. My Lauren can’t read things about CC yet because she finds it too upsetting. If you would like to read the blog I write, it is Bless you and your family, Tiffany. I wish you all the best.

    -Love, Pam

    in reply to: ASCO’s 2011 Annual Report on Progress Again Cancer. #55451

    Dear Percy,

    I will read this when I get a chance. I am sorry to say some of your posts are way over my head. You say this one is an easy read, so I will attempt it. Thank you for your tireless research. My daughter is a doctor, so I know sometimes she forgets I am not and has to explain things to me in regular words rather than her mumbo jumbo. She gets so used to being around her peers and thinks everyone else knows what she is talking about!


    in reply to: She battled to the end #55510

    Dear BB,

    I am so sorry to hear of your dear, sweet Susan’s passing. What a strong, courageous woman she was. She fought so hard because she had such a wonderful husband and child. She is at peace now and will still be with you forever. I am sure you will miss the physical presence of her, but she will be in your heart forever. I am here to support you whenever it is needed. God bless you, your daughter, and your precious Susan.


    in reply to: Grammer school to honor my Dad #55425

    Dear Kathy,

    What a moving tribute to your Dad. He sounds like such a wonderful man. I am sure you are just like your Father and will continue giving of yourself to help others. That is the greatest gift you could give him. Take care. Sending much love to you and your dear Dad.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: 2 years today since dad passed away. #55478

    Dear Gavin,

    I’m sorry I didn’t see your post yesterday. I’m sure it was a hard day for you and your Mom. It is nice that even though your Dad is gone, you still support everyone that has CC. That shows what a good job your parents did raising such a caring, loving son. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My beautiful husband has passed. #55462

    Dear Joann,

    I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better. That breaks my heart. I have shed many tears and said some prayers for your dear David. I hope you find the strength to feel joy and happiness again one day. David would want that for you and your family and everyone on this board wants that for you as well. Please come visit anytime when you need a friend.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Mark Stephens #55406

    Dear Marion,

    I am sad we lost such a great advocate for CC. I will pray for his family. Thank you Mark for getting the word out about this terrible disease and making a difference. Your voice will be missed but you will never be forgotten. Thank you Marion, for letting us know.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: This week´s MRI : ) #55398

    Yay Maria!!!!!!!! Keep the good news coming. I am so happy for you. You give everyone that is inoperable hope. God bless you.

    Love, -Pam

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