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  • in reply to: Just for interest… #76004

    As long as the herbal medicine used in a complimentary way, it is ok.
    As solo for treating cancer, at this point in time, the answer is no.
    The reason is simple, herbal formula commonly use more than 10 herbs or more,it is very difficult to isolate the ACTIVE ingredient or even the active compound to provide proof of benefit even from one herb, not to mention 10 or more herbs. BTW, this is not my own understanding but similar assessment had been voice out by a friend of mine who was the Dean of Chinese herbal medicine at the Chinese university in Hong Kong not long ago. He is now the dept. head of pharmacognosy (study of natural plants ) in the States.
    In addition, it is difficult to obtain the real herbal plants for use.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Wife diagnosed with Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma stage IVb #76028

    Hi, Dan,

    Blood clots are a common problem for CCA, Lovenox is a good choice for PVT,DVT at home, Coumadin and other newer kind of anticoagulant works fine too without routine monitoring of PT/INR level like Coumadin required.
    Since I do not know about your case,like tumor size, location of the tumor, associated disease(comobidities ), I cannot provide more info and experience to help you more. BTW, I am only a patient and not a doctor.
    Cholangiocarcinoma is a tough one to swallow and treated, but unless your wife were treated at at one of the hospital familiar with CCA, most of the oncologists do not have a clue but just follow the book giving GEM/CIS standard chemotherapy.
    Other way to extend the quality of life besides using chemotherapy is interventional radiology and immunology clinical trials like anti PD-1
    No body know how long a CCA patient can live with a good quality of life, I live for 4 and half years, some live 6 or seven more years . And of course some live just for a shorter period of time. But knowledge of this disease can help, in my opinion, to provide a better outcome.
    So, if you do not have a second opinion on your wife’CCA, you can try MD Anderson at Houston For a GI cholangiocarcinoma consult, or MASS GENERAL or John Hopkins for a consult that involved GI oncology, interventional radiology and radiation and liver specialist ( multidisciplinary consult). Good luck and
    God bless.

    in reply to: Burzynski Clinic? Any thoughts or opinions #76019

    MD Anderson,will be the best place if you seek treatment for CCA. MDA is #1. For treating cancer.
    The Burzynski clinic is not the right place to go( please check the link below for more info) .


    God bless.

    in reply to: Pregnancy after CC?? #76001

    PET or CT scan every 3 months, Lab work included CA19-9 and CEA for tumor markers,PT/INR for blood clots,BMP for liver enzymes ,electrolytes and kidney function; and CBC for white cells and red cells and platelet counts every month.
    That is how my CCA is monitored with 2 recurrences in the past 4 and half years.
    CCA is like a roller coaster ride, unlike other cancer, CCA recurrence is not uncommon. Good luck and
    God bless.

    in reply to: Article on combining Chinese medicine and chemo. Any thoughts? #75848


    I did mention this Chinese herbal combination under “my personal case study” on 2/22/2012. please read the link below. It is not new, most the Chinese , Japanese and Far East older generation all should know about .
    It is a complimentary medicine formula and not a therapeutic agent in the sense of the Western medicine practice.
    “the “shi quan da bu tan” 十全大補湯-in Chinese herbal practice or called (juzen-daiho-to)in Japan Kampo herbal list .”


    God bless.

    in reply to: What works? #75818

    If she can drink, then Ensure, Carnation Breakfast Drink and add protein power will be one way to boost your mom’s energy; otherwisr talk to a GI doctor for advise of other kind of nutrition support such TPN if you really want to go that route.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #75792

    Tobe honest,since you husband ,Ron, had tumor involvement in both lobes of the liver. The best answer to question #1 is to get rip of the small tumors in one lobe by RFA ablation if the size of each <3cm each and the number is no more than 3-4 tumors. It is possible that if the systemic chemotherapy works well, you may not need the RFA treatment and , the little tumor will be gone too and become clear of tumor of the one lobe. If that will be the case, and your big tumor is shrink big enough too because of the chemotherapy works, then resection may be possible after they try to regenerate bigger your healthy part of the liver; and that ,I think will be the best outcome.
    For question#2, the answer is no.
    For queation#3,for adjuvant chemotherapy usually will administer till tumor progression or untolerable side effects occur. In general, 6month to a couple years with chemo breaks in between.
    God bless.

    in reply to: CAT Scan Results #75756

    Hi, Lisa,
    CCA is always like a curve ball and is really hard to predict it’s path. It is difficult at times,at least for me, to fully know the right way to treat this disease.
    May I ask why to wait another 4 weeks for PET and not doing it ASAP?
    Your thinking about the CA19-9 triple value rising based on your experience is always a good and logical precaution to prepare for this disease,just in case.
    Just a suggestion,
    I forget where you get your radiation treatment, but can you find out whether you may need to use RFA,Microwave or even cryoablation instead if you may reached the upper limit of the maximum radiation dose allowed by using SBRT 4 or 5 times as I remember in your case.Or ask the doctors how many MORE times you can still use SBRT for treatment purpose.
    I am waiting for the consult from Mayo about the lymph node and the confirmation of the other two RFA results to see whether the post-2month results is indeed correct as the local radiologist said.
    Thanks always praying for me, and I will do the same for you.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Platelets too low for Cis? #75703


    just some info. if interested:

    Gemzar alone: 24%(all grades) will have thrombocytopenia(low platelet count) .for grade 3 and 4 (more serious) ,the % is 4%.
    cisplatin alone: 30%;for grade 3 / 4 ,the %= 3%.
    Combined GEM/CIS regimen when compare to cisplatin alone in one study=85%(all grades) to 13%(all grades)
    God bless.

    in reply to: Update – Need Help #75658

    I am a patient of ICCA for 54 months now. I am 63.
    Like your mother, I do not like the side effects of chemotherapy;but Xeloda by mouth twice a day;14days on and 1 week off is a relatively easy to take and the side effect is much better than GEM/CIS. I was on Xeloda for 14 months or so without difficulty.
    For multiple tumors in the liver, radioembolization is one of the method to extend and provide quality of life to your mom. Cryoablation can be done to control the lymph nodes IF NOT too big and too many. Systemic chemotherapy ,however, will provide better overall coverage of controlling both the tumor growth in the liver and in the lymph nodes.
    I do not know whether those interventional radiology(IR) procedures are available thru Public Social Health systems, but you can ask the oncologist to get you a referral to see them I guest.
    God bless.

    in reply to: University of Chicago #75604

    Hi, everyone,
    if interested, here is the link and info for veronistat.( patient’s version)


    God bless

    in reply to: Miracle cancer cures? Ask for evidence #75536


    You are a gentleman in expressing of how you feel about big pharma’s inability to satisfy the need of the patients. Nothing need to say sorry for others and in fact you are not off the target that much.
    Big Pharma are business entities and they serve their share holder’s interest first. They do not operate on providing cures for disease, they operate on margins. And I know you may have known about this
    . I ,at times,feel the same way as You do,even I know FDA has all those “fast tract or breakthrough status” and “orphan drug “pathway to encourage drug companies to apply for new drug application. so far for the last three years, FDA on average had been approved 25-30 new drug entities .and that was from the tens of thousands of new found polymers ie: small molecules to proteins from the labs ,going thru the evaluation process,then put thru animals studies,to eliminate down to only hundreds and go thru the IND( investigational new drug) applications from FDA and start the clinical trials ,by the time it reach the end of phase II, the chance of going all out into phase III may be down to just less than a hundred . And to completely become a new drug and then apply NDA and be approved by FDA,it will take for about a year.
    In short, for a chemical compound or polymer discovered from the lab to become a new drug approved by FDA is between 7-14 years.
    The fastest approval by FDA that I knew of thru an official of them was 6 months from start to finish and I believed the new drug approval was thru the “orphan drug status.
    I am as frustrating as you are in finding better solutions for your wife and myself and I understand that as patient advocates, we ,ourself have to do something of more constructive for this disease than just talking about it. Your answer in the other message about “going thru a new mall” is one of the best suggestion to solve the current problem about our web site.
    You are not demanding the people and this web site to do this way and not that way to satisfy you,you want to help the people who will visit the mall later and have a more enjoyable shopping experience.you are a very considerate person.. You just suggest and explain your intention in a friendly and easy to understand way. This requires good communication skill and temperament to do that and in doing so, you only do not offend any body but care about others feeling. For that I am grateful .
    God bless.

    in reply to: The Role of Inflammation in Cancer #75342

    Hi, Regina,

    These are just information that that organization and hospital puts up on their web site,Just like other hospitals (ie: Mayo)etc.
    You can regard these info. are general and NOT specific.

    The theory of inflammation and tumor development is not new; and is GENERALLY accepted by the medical community.(ie; hepatitis B,V ,PSC etc are risk factors for CCA due to the fact that these risk factors caused inflammation of the hepatocytes in the lining of the bile ducts.)
    And BTW inflammation is also the foundation for understanding the practice of Chinese herbal medicine(ie: the “Yin and Yang “or the “Cold and Hot” theory )
    As always, information thru internet should treat with caution especially when money is involved.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Somewhat new to the site #75461

    Intrahepatic liver tumor ,,sizes<3cm or number not more than 3-4 lesions, chemoemo first followed by either RFA or microwave ablation ,based on medical research articles that I read, will have the best chance to be completely ablated,that the result will be on par or the same with liver resection but without the long recovery period of surgery.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Rapid growth of tumors? #75457

    your oncologist is right, based on your location, UCSF or USC is the place you should ask for a 2nd opinion ASAP.Ask your oncologist or check out our web site from the heading of cholangiocarcinoma,on the top bar above and click” Major Cancer Center” for recommendation.
    Multidisciplinary TEAM APPROACH with liver surgeon,radiologist and oncologist is the best way to handle this cancer.
    Liver resection provide the ONLY POSSIBLE cure for this disease.
    Gook luck and you don’t need pathology to confirm since this tumor if it is extrahepatic CCA will not always shows positive ID .
    God bless.

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