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  • in reply to: Jim’s passing 30 March 2012 #59775

    With deep sorrow for what you had experienced and heart felt message that you wrote above; I am sure all of the efforts by each of us,caregivers,like you; patients like me and moderator like Lainy(the poet) ,Marion and Gavin and others members will not be in vain.
    May the Love of Christ,the Grace of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be always be with you.
    God bless.


    unless your are using the infusion pump like 5FU 48 hr pump for longer duration of infusion per cycle.
    the current protocol for Gemox do not called for such infusion scheduled use of the chemotherapy.
    Gem/cis is less tolerable than Gemox. and most of them is 1 week with both drugs and the second week just give Gemzar.
    but as you know physicians can use the referrence protocols any way they like .
    If you can tell me what you mean by High dose eg.give me like I will be on Gemzar 1000mg/m2+25mg cisplatin or Gemzar 1250mg/m2+50mg or 75mg of cisplatin and is that regimen give once a week or twice;then I can have some ideas.
    the following web site may be of some value to you even it does not have the most up-to-date regimens on bile ducts cancer as on our chemotherapy web page.

    God bless.

    in reply to: 2 years clear and its back! #59719

    You wrote:
    “One more question has anyone had surgery after a resection to remove a lesion? I had the right side of my liver removed but I’m working with a full otherwise healthy liver except for the lesion.”

    Yes, I had 2 liver resections within 2 years.(is that what you mean about the lesion?)
    what lesion and may I ask how big it is;why cannot use RFA to ablate the lesion by the interventional radiologist if it is under 3cm? It the lesion too close to major organs ,artery or veins? The reason is simple, it is much easier to take than the chemotherapy you mention.and if it is not contraindicated,most of the time you will have little or no side effect.
    The only thing I would consider chemotherapy first is if your primary diagnosis 24 months ago is extrahepatic or Hilar CCA instead of intrahepatic.

    Below are some(not all) information for ABRAXANE( a protein-bound paclitaxel.belong to the TAXOL family—from drug manufacture web site.

    Patients who have a severe allergic reaction to ABRAXANE should not take the drug again
    If you have a very low white blood cell count, you should not take ABRAXANE. If your white blood cell count goes down while taking ABRAXANE, you should stop taking it until your white blood cell count returns to normal. If your white blood cell count drops very low, your doctor will lower your dose of ABRAXANE
    People treated with ABRAXANE often have a side effect called sensory neuropathy, a numbness, tingling, or burning in the hands, feet, and ankles. If you get mild sensory neuropathy, you will probably not have to lower your dose of ABRAXANE. If sensory neuropathy becomes severe, you may have to stop taking ABRAXANE until it improves, and then continue treatment at a lower dose
    Treatment with ABRAXANE can make liver problems worse. If you have liver problems, your starting dose of ABRAXANE should be lowered
    ABRAXANE contains albumin (human), a derivative of human blood
    If you are pregnant, or plan to become pregnant, ABRAXANE can harm your unborn baby. Women who may become pregnant should use effective birth control (contraception). Talk to your doctor about the best way to prevent pregnancy while receiving ABRAXANE
    Because it is not known if ABRAXANE passes into your breast milk, you and your doctor should decide if you will receive ABRAXANE or breastfeed
    Men should not father a child during treatment with ABRAXANE. ABRAXANE can harm the unborn baby of your partner
    In a clinical trial, severe heart and blood vessel side effects occurred in approximately 3% of patients taking ABRAXANE. Side effects included chest pain, heart attack, fluid under the skin, blood clots in the veins or lungs, and high blood pressure. Stroke and heart failure were reported
    The most common side effects of ABRAXANE included:
    Hair loss
    Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
    Abnormal heartbeat
    Joint and muscle pain
    Changes in your liver function tests
    Low red blood cell count (anemia). Tell your doctor if you feel weak, tired or short of breath
    Infections. If you have a fever (temperature of greater than 100.4º F) or other signs of infection, tell your doctor right away
    Other side effects included vision problems, kidney problems, fluid retention, liver problems, and allergic reactions, and a decrease in blood clotting cells (platelets). Dehydration and fever have also been reported
    Treatment with ABRAXANE can cause irritation where the medicine is injected (injection site reactions). When taking ABRAXANE, you should be monitored by your doctor or nurse to make sure no problems occur at the injection site
    It is not known whether ABRAXANE interacts with other drugs, so be sure to tell your doctor about any medicines you are taking
    ABRAXANE has not been studied in children or in people with kidney problems

    Please see full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING, CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS, and ADVERSE REACTIONS.
    God bless.

    in reply to: My Father’s story….. #59748

    The only thing that may give you a better idea whether the tumor shrinkage is due to the GEM/CIS or GEM/CIS+DCA is to STOP the DCA and continue the GEM/CIS regimen ONLY;starting from the next scan until the following scan will be done.(about 3 months); If the ” follow up CT scan” continues to show shrinkage of the tumor or “stable” ; that means it is the results is from the chemotherapy only and not from the DCA.If the CT scan shows disease progress,then the DCA may be of benefit and you can resume your secret formula.Or just stop the chemo treatment and use DCA alone for 3 month and take a CT scan to verify the usefullness of the DCA.

    I am a patient of CCA and I did take a look on DCA before;but due to the side effects and the difficulty in obtaining medicinal grade DCA. I stopped considering using DCA.
    I like to use myself as experiment on using medications since CCA is relatively resistance to chemo agents in general.But I will use blood work; CT scan to verify my results. I even delayed my surgery to see how fast my tumor grows in one year.
    good luck to your father;but be sure to watch out the combined side effects of GEM/CIS and DCA.
    God bless.


    what is the name of the “Low Dose regimen” called?
    and how many chemo agents in that regimen?
    and how long (total duration) and how many cycles you need to complete(frequency) for the entire course of treatment.

    GEMOX,which you are on now ,consisted of Gemzar and Oxaliplatin.
    Anorexia ,which is the side effects of both of the agents; each of them either used alone or in combination with other agents will affect your appetite.
    For Gemzar, anorexia side effect is =16-19% and for oxaliplatin is 27-35% alone. Therefore the little appetite is not related to your 5 cm tumor but is related to the adverse drug reaction of the chemo agent.
    God bless.

    in reply to: xeloda-oxiliplatin #59645

    Hi, sallypa,

    Just in case ,the following info may be of helpful.

    “(My own experience told me that MRI with contrast is a good “follow-up” alternative to use right after initial CT with contrast shown inconclusive report in the early stages of CC development ).Using MRI or PET to rule out recurrence or give the patient an early and more options to treat the recurrence while the CC is smaller than 2-3cm.MRI can also find additional small lesions which CAT SCAN missed. “
    ‘Additional info. from uptodate.com
    MRI and CAT SCAN (CT) have similar resolution for liver lesions.
    CT has been considered to be superior to MRI for evaluating extrahepatic organs and calcifications. MRI is more specific than CT for differentiating cavernous hemangiomas,diffuse hepatic steatosis and focal fatty infiltration.
    Also MRI should be reserved for the evaluation of lesions less than 2 cm,or lesions located adjacent to the heart or to major intrahepatic vessels.
    If you are allergic to the IV iodinated contrast agent used for CT,then MRI is the alternative because the contrast agent used is different than CT. and MRI is not involved radiation .”
    I hope the above info. helps.
    God bless;.

    in reply to: Back again… #59670

    To response to your email also,( the 2nd one today) ,please check under the chemotherapy experience forum here title” Systemic chemotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma”
    You will see about half way down the newer regimens used for this CCA including Avastin. remember there are NO FDA approved standard regimen established for treating CCA,including the reference standard of Gem/CIS or GEMOX . So your oncologist may be right if he just base on his/her institutional approved general guidelines to treat CCA instead of using what other clinical trial regimens such are mentioned in the experience forum that I put on this web site.
    If you are still under Chemotherapy treatment at Mayo,it seems to me( just my observation for a day there ) ,they are not that enthusiastic in using newer targeted therapy or in clinical trials as compare to other institutions ; Mayo is in my mind a bit conservative on this front.
    Email me again if you have question after reading the current regimens.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Father in Law #59618


    Your mentioned and quote” He was transferred to another hospital where there were tests and more tests to only discover that he had CC with mets to bone, stomach and lymph nodes. No treatment has been given as the Dr. said it would not do any good. ” and you also quoted “He has been in a out of the hospital every 2 weeks or so where his hemoglobin levels have gotten really low and they have had to give him blood. –that is a sign of anemia and I think depends on how low the Hgb was and how long that anemia situation was;chemotherapy may not be a good idea at this piont;it may just increase the suffering for the patient to endure all those side effects of chemotherapy; I think “quality of life” pf the patient should be a priority of concern.
    And if that was what the “SPECIALISTS”,not just your GP said about the CC mets to bone,lymph nodes and the stomach, I think their assessments are not far away from reality.
    I am not a doctor, I am just a patient ,having the same disease as your father-in-law;but I know palliative care is the best opinion at this point for him.
    the diagnosis is not related to the” total knee surgery” done in Dec.2011.
    the liver enzyme was the lab which discovered you in-laws ‘s CC.
    the Ct scan or PET scan is to confirm the finding .

    Base on what I could understand about this disease,your father-in-law might have this CCA for a couple years at least.
    If you really want to, try to get a 2nd opinion by an “interventional radiologist” to see what procedure could be of benefit to him now.
    In and out of confusion is common due the the changing of the level of ammonia affectedthe brain by this disease.
    God bless.


    Hi, Marion,
    thanks for your concern.
    for the The Chinese translation,do you need the simpified Chinese character version for the mainland or the Traditional Chinese characters version of Chinese in Taiwan,HongKong and Marcau.
    I have a hard time to find a GI doc to proof read . Base on the large population, I translated the CC brochures,(the one with the picture of the liver ) and the four main goals-collaboration,understanding,research and education-the four pillar of the foundation.
    If you can find a GI doc to proof read in the simplified Chinese character,I can e mail back my translation in 2-3 weeks. i am still looking for my Chinese doctor friend to help me,but you know when they said yes,you have to wait for the best time to request the help since this is all volunteering work and they are very busy.
    thanks again for helping me to apply the research advocacy position.
    God bless.


    1000-2000 IU(international unit)Vitamin D3 daily by mouth should be ok.
    I took 2000 IU by mouth daily with or without chemotherapy of Xeloda.
    God bless.


    Hi, everyone,
    Thanks again for your condolences for my sister-in-law and the concern for my health. I have just been back again from Ohio attending the memorial service .
    I am indeed at my low point of energy level at this moment.But I know I can bounce back after a couple days of resting.
    Again ,thanks all of you,especially those who spent time to write me a comforting message. good luck and
    God bless.

    in reply to: Experience #59509

    CA19-9>129 is indicative of the presence of CC in general.
    CA19-9>600 is associated with non-resectable CC.
    CA19-9 is not typically elevated in nonmalignant diseases,however it can be elevated in some benign liver, renal diseases , thyroid and pulmonary diseases.

    CA19-9 cutoff point=35 or 37;(that is,The diagnostic accuracy.which relate to : the Sensitivity and specificity is =77.9% and 76.3%. )
    The so called normal value is CA19-9 The CA19-9 is mostly used,when combined with other available tests (ie: CT scan,PET etc.) to show a trend for predicting the effectiveness of adjuvant treatments like after resection or chemotherapy;it may or may not be of benefit to different patients.
    God bless.

    in reply to: introductions #59526

    please apply for disability from the social security office as soon as possibe.
    using the FIRST diagnosis date and try to get the government disability within 6 or 7 month. But the point is not the disability check but the time you will get the MEDICARE health coverage sooner than 65. If April 11 is the date of the first diagnosis then you will qualify for the early medicare 2.5 years after April 11,2011.and that can save you some money in insurance coverage.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Hello everyone! #59563

    welcome aboard.
    I am just a patient and I have a lot to learn from everybody.
    Whoever is willing to devote time,energy and other means to this disease is
    care about another human being’s well fare and for that I am thankful for your effort.
    God bless.



    Thanks for your kind and comforting words.

    For me especially,your quote of ” some people walk in the rain,others just get wet.” Well I think in my situation,I am both of them. but don’t feel bad for me,as I said before,if that is what God wants me to do for my retirement years,I don’t mind at all.
    God bless.

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