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  • in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23454

    Joyce, I’m so sorry to hear of Butch’s passing. My dad passed on Tues Oct 7th at 8:30pm. Even knowing that it’s coming does not make the pain of losing a loved one any easier. We had the following printed on the prayer card for the viewing and rosary for my dad…

    The Best
    God saw that he was getting tired,
    And a cure was not to be.
    So He put His arms around him,
    And whispered,

    in reply to: just need some words of encouragement #23590

    Wow Lissa, I’m so sorry to hear about the difficult time for you and your family. Just remember that God never gives us more than we can handle. I know that I just wish he wouldn’t have that much confidence in me :/

    I will most certainly pray for you and your family. I’m Catholic and we’re big into lighting cancels at church and I will light one for you this weekend during Mass.


    in reply to: Update on John #22826

    Having just gone through what you are going to go through my heart just hurts for you and your family. How wonderful that you can return to your retirement home during this time. I hope that gives you both comfort. My parents also retired to AL, to the Gulf Shores area but dad was not able to spend his last 3 1/2 months there since it was so far from family.
    I pray that you can hold hands and share these last days in God’s peace.


    in reply to: Miracle Man does it again! #22940

    Lainy, keeping my fingers crossed and that you miracle man keeps on receiving those miracles!

    in reply to: Hi I am Terry recently diagnosed with CC #23302

    Terry, You were fortunate to be able to have a resection. Based upon what I’ve read on this site it offers the highest probability for a longer life expectancy. There is a lot of information on this website and I encourage you to ask questions here and to your doctors. You are the one most responsible for your care so never stop asking questions. I read many people who have little side effects with chemo. I would like to suggest you pick up the book Anti-Cancer. It offers much information regarding diet and foods either feed your cancer or inhibits your cancer. Following what it says can’t hurt but only help. And at this point you need to increase your odds. Many people have lived many years with this disease so don’t be discouraged.
    Keep the faith and rely on family and friends (esp on this site) to help.


    Dad passed away Tuesday October 7th. We are all so very sad right now. The viewing and rosary is tomorrow with the mass and funeral on Saturday. My mother is in so much grief that I can’t even describe. I will write about his final days later when it’s less painful. Again my hope is that in describing Dad’s final days someone else will know what to expect. I know that was something that was important to my mom and myself. That fear of the unknown….

    God bless all and I so hope and pray that a cure is found soon. I hate this disease.


    Dad was discharged from the hospital yesterday and came home with 24 hr hospice care. He’s extremely weak, but still eating and drinking. He sleeps most the time. It’s 5:30 pm and the last time he urinated was 2am this morning and it was only a little bit. The hospice nurse that his body is not able to break down what it’s taking in. Soon he will stop eating and drinking. His speach is slurred during the little bit of time he’s awake and he doesn’t feel like talking.
    Yesterday his blood pressure was going down (still within the low normal range) and his sugar was going up.

    Will keep you posted.

    in reply to: PLEASE any suggestions for gas #23273

    My dad also suffered with severe gas pains. Dr prescribed pepcid and prilosec (one in am the other in the pm) and we also had to give him gas x, mylanta, gaviscon. We tried it all and never found anything that worked for him. I hope you find relief.

    in reply to: About my username and that I’m new to this forum. #23290

    I love your username. An I BELIEVE also. This is an excellent forum with lots of good information from people who care to help others.

    So sorry you are having this “blip” in your life right now. It looks like you have a good family support group.


    Dad continues to be in a confused and agitated state. He’s in the hospital and has been refusing to take medicines. Mom has to stay away because he starts asking her to get his shoes and clothes…again trying to leave. Doesn’t seem that anyone knows what to do for him. Our hope is that they can find the right medication to give him some peace. Then we want to take him home and plan on having 24 hr hospice care. His urine is dark and his stool is white and he’s itching all over. His abdomen is swollen. I was not able to visit with him today because I was afraid that he would be mad and angry with me. I makes me sad not to be able to help him right now.

    I hear he’s still eating a little (much less than he used to). We’ll keep praying and see what tomorrow brings.


    Gavin, my father shakes also. When holding anything in his hands. I feel so bad for him trying to watch him eat. He’s too proud to have anyone help. This is my strong father who always took care of me and I always knew he was there for me. It’s difficult to watch. I’ve not seen an explanation for this either. Dad did not have parkinsons or anything like that before this disease.

    I had a much needed chuckle regarding your reikye induced sleeping. Dad sure could use anything right now to help him sleep.

    Keep us poste. Best wishes


    Hi all, thank you for your continued thoughts. Today was a rough day. Dad did not sleep last night. He layed there with his eyes open looking around. Mom would ask him a question and he would answer but that is all. As the day progressed he got more and more confused. He was asking questions and saying things that did not make sense. At about 7pm he started asking mom to get the phone so that he could make the phone call so they could leave. He wanted mom to pack their things so that they could leave. Not sure where he thought he was going. When mom didn’t get the phone he just got agitated and angry. Mom got scared with the way he started behaving fearful that she would not be able to control him. So I called 911. That was another fiasco. They finaly convinced him to allow them to take him to the hospital. This was after 3 policemen and 3-4 EMT men all in the room. They have him in ER right now and the blood work shows high liver enzyme count and high ammonia. They want to start him on an IV but he’s refusing treatment. Hospice says that they will move him to a “resped” (?) facility tomorrow. Which is a nursing home for a maximum of 5 days. I do not believe that this facility is appropriate for my parents.

    I’ll keep you posted. I need to find out more about how the mental state is affected by the high liver enzyme and ammonia.

    Thank you for all your input. I read them daily.

    Carolyn, I pray for peace for you and your family. My father has not complained to much about pain. Only the weakness and tiredness.

    in reply to: MD Anderson Center #22800

    Dad saw a surgeon at MD Anderson and we were not impressed. They offered us nothing in the way of treatment. Just sent us on our way.

    This was just our experience. I like the cancer center dad is at now. The doctors there were trained at MD Anderson. They are aggressive with their treatments. The Drs provide you with their home and personal cell numbers for you to call them with any concerns. And its true. We’ve done it many times and Dr B always answers the phone.

    It’s the McKinney Regional Cancer Center

    in reply to: Any advice for antidepressants? #23110

    Sophie, they’ve put my dad on Lexapro and Zoloft with ativan as needed for agitation. Maybe the lexapro would help. Violarob is right when that anti-depressants work so differently for everyone. Often people have to keep trying until they find one that works for them. And to drag it out even more it’s suppose to take 2-4 wks before it actually kicks in.

    Good luck. I’ve heard deep breathing helps too

    in reply to: Mixed news… #23164

    Mary, you must have had such a stressful day. I’m so glad that it was only scar tissue. I never heard of this balloon thing. They did that with and ERCP?
    Put ice on those knees. I’m recoverving from knee surgery in April so I understan knee pain. I’ve had ice on mine today too.

    Best wishes

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