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  • in reply to: Can’t move arm #64971

    I am not sure if my situation is or was similar to your dads, but my I had immense pain in both arms and although my right arm is now 95% ok my left is still painful and lacks a lot of mobility. I have been told this is likely to be due to nerve damage inadvertently caused during the resection, specifically the phrenic nerve. It may be worth checking out. Take care xx

    in reply to: New user from uk #64012

    Hello again Adam
    I too had a lot of pain post surgey and I found taking a strong sleeping tablet at night helped as my body could relax and concentrate on the healing process. The scar tissue still causes me pain and I have nothing like the mobility in my arms and legs as i had before. I have been told that this is probably due to nerve damage. I too would recommend you seek another opinion and also speak to your oncologist. Keep smiling and try to laugh every day. Take care xx

    in reply to: Surgery tomorrow #63981

    Thinking of you and praying you wake up free xxx

    in reply to: Severe anemia due to chemotherapy #64184

    Thank you for such an interesting link. Reading ths helps me to understand why I feel so tired every day. I take walks several times a day, eat a good healthy diet and still sleep an average 12-14 hours a day. I think I will speak to my doctor about supplements. Thank you Lilianna

    in reply to: New user from uk #64005

    Hello Adam
    My name is Sandie and I am here in the UK. Your story sounds extremely similar to mine and if you ever wish to speak to me please le me know. I too thought there wa no hope and had accepted my end, but I have now completed chemo and Radio and have since had 3 clear scans. I still have side effects from the chemo and sometimes have bad days, but every day I laugh and make sure I have something to look forward to, being positive is so helpful. Your wife sounds like an angel and you two will have wonderful times together. Take care xx

    in reply to: Question about hand and foot syndrome from Xeloda? #63624

    I took Xeloda whilst being treated in France and wa given a herbal Calendula cream which I found really cooling and because it was slightly greasy helped with dryness too. Good luck.
    Sandie x

    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62814

    PAm and Lauren,
    I was on Xeloda for 5 weeks and was overcome with tiredness, some days I would sleep 16 hours, but I felt that whilst sleeping my body could concentrate on healing. I took high calorie food supplements to ensure I wa getting sufficient energy to cope. I hope the new treatment works well for Lauren. God bless xx


    in reply to: Survival #60265

    Hello again special friends. It has been a while but I am delighted that my first post chemo and radio scan was clear, although I do have some scar tissue from the radiation and alot of pain in my shoulders and arms for which I will have physiotherapy. I am also on antidepressants to help me recover from trauma. My family and I have been on an awful roller coaster ride but life is bright again and i pray that it could be the same for anyone suffering from this dreadful disease. xx

    in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY 3 YEARS CC FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #61500

    Superb, wonderful news. It is people like you Cathy that bring so much hope and it is lovely to wipe away tears of joy instead of sadness. Keep going special lady xx

    in reply to: Survival #60262

    I have seen my doctor today who has put me on a short course of antidepressants to help me through. Your words are so full of understanding and I cannot thank you enough for your invaluable support. With love Sandie x

    in reply to: CT Scan #61232

    Good luck Cindy, my thoughts and prayers are for you x

    in reply to: Survival #60257

    Dear friends, it is only a couple weeks ago I was on top of the world and it seemed everything positive was happening to me. But something has changed and I now feel depressed and trapped, like someone has taken away my security blanket and left me in a hazed confusion. Physically I get stronger slowly every day but emotionally and mentally I feel I am back pedalling. Is ths normal?

    in reply to: Survival #60252

    Finished radio and chemo and yesterday’s MRI scan clear. Doctors happy with blood tests. Thank you to everyone for just being there. xxx

    in reply to: Survival #60246

    Dearest friends, you are all so amazing and I have so much more hope now thanks to you all. Due for a scan on May 11th following completion of radio and chemo, post scan I WILL be celebrating my future. Love and thanks to yo all xx

    in reply to: Survival #60239

    Dearest friends, thank you for your responses, all of which give me great hope for a long future. I am with Betsy, we re going to make up that small percentage. I believe my tough attitude and sense of fun has held me in good stead and will do in the future. I persuaded the radiographers to put up a picture of Brad Pitt next to Shrek on the ceiling of the radiography room and I know this small thing has put a smile on the face of many adults having radiotherapy. But I also know from my experiences that you cannot be tough all the time and it is during those times that I have strength in reading the amazing stories on the site. God bless you all and thank you. Xx

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