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  • in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52528

    Thank you for that information. Yesterday was a hard day for me to see my abuela in such a down state of mind. she didnt smile very much and didn’t laugh. We are all getting together next week as a family. it should be a bitter sweet time. Part of me thinks that as she sees everyone and we all assure her that everything will be ok and that we ill be ok when she passes, the time may be closer than I want.

    I am trying to hope for the best but at this point its about managing pain and showing her comfort and support.

    I have read the book given to me by hospice but are there any other specific signs we should be looking for?

    thank you everyone

    in reply to: MY MOM #52744

    there are many things on the feed that I can relate to. My abuela is 82 and suffering from alot of the same symptoms. my thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52526

    This is a recent issue! Its been happening the last 4 days, she was concerned the medicine but I was assuming it was part of the disease itself. She has also been spitting up a lot of mucus and saliva for some time now. We have called hospice and I’m sure they will getting back to us sometime today!


    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52524

    Thanks Marion!
    I’ll keep you all posted!

    ~deep breaths~

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52522

    Yeah I will make sure that hospice knows. We keep a pretty detailed log as to what her side effects are since we have such a large involved family. I enjoy hearing things from your end….. thank you

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52519

    Thanks Byron
    I love that I can be around her everyday. Just noticing all the changes hurts me. She’s 82 and the happiest and most satisfied lady. She has been working with hospice for one week. The most current change is her vomiting, Could that be the medication or is it a symptom of the disease….?

    in reply to: Our father just diagnosed with bile duct cancer. #53245

    my love and prayers go out to in this time of discovery!

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52517

    Okay I will check her postings.
    As the days pass by, I realize how many little things are changing…. She does not want to go outside, she wants all the windows closed… she gets aggravated really quickly… Although she is still up when she can be..she is cooking and cleaning :)
    I think the worst part of this is knowing the worse but not knowing the time line.

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52515

    We went to the Dr. today to followup on the metal stent procedure. The doctor said there is not any direct blockage but there is still a problem with the drainage. W e are to keep monitoring the bandages and flushing as needed. We will go back and check in 7 days!


    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52514

    Yes, I have read the booklet for the second time this year. I lost another loved one last year and the secondary trauma is insane. I am indeed blessed to see her everyday!

    Its just scary to think it could be as close as 3 months away.

    I will pick up some cream today!

    Thank you

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52512

    This weekend was a hard weekend! There are a few noticeable changes I have experienced. She is having pain in her arm and lots of itching! She is being heavily medicated to stop the pain. On a positive note, she is smiling and sharing lots of wisdom. I am blessed to be able to spend everyday with her. My son is getting to spend quality time with her as well.

    She was diagnosed at the end of July and has had 3 surgical procedures since then. Her final surgery involved her receiving the metal stent. She still has the internal/external port which at times we are required to use.

    I’m not sure how much time we have with her. I think the most difficult thing im dealing with is knowing the worse, but being unable to know when that will happen.

    With the information given above, does anyone know of anyone who is/or has been in this limbo state, unsureness…… its driving me crazy :(

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52509

    thank you!

    NEW Update:

    New information as of today per the cancer doctor. The report from the CAT scan from last Thursday is as follows..(1) new fluid in my abuelas upper left quadrant which is most likely cancer but can’t be diagnosed 100 % as cancer without further testing. (2) pulmonary nodules on her lung which were not there late July and early August. The doctor believes it is cancer but he can’t be 100% sure without further testing. my abuela doesn’t want to do any radiation so there would be no reason to further test these areas. Update on yesterdays surgery is that the bandages are having to be changed every hour as they are soiled with bile fluid. She does still have the external/internal connected to help the draining!


    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52507

    Oh yes that description does make sense, thank you!

    Okay so now that she should be feeling better and her pain should be managed. Will the cancer /tumors just keep growing? They haven’t removed any of them. Hospice and the Dr’s have said she has till the end of the year. I just wonder what the process will be. Will her organs begin to shut down? I guess my question is, how ill this cancer take her from us? Will this metal stent just help her feel better or could it possibly extend her prognosis?

    Just questions….

    I’m doing lots of research but still have so may questions….

    Thank you

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52504

    She is out of surgery and in some pain. They have told us they inserted a metal stint called a “gortex?” something that cancer cannot penetrate through?

    anyone heard of this?


    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52503

    Okay so update to the family!
    My abuela is scheduled for her surgery today. They are planning on removing her internal external port and inserting a metal stint. Her surgery is scheduled to start any minute now. I’m hoping after this she will start to feel better. Shes a strong women, addicted to life. Although he did mention how satisfied she is with her life and how there is nothing she would change. I think shes ready for whatever is in store. We have had a meeting, as a family, with hospice and are ready to ride this out.

    What should we expect when she gets out of surgery. Please remember she is 82. Please chime in….

    Thank you,
    Senaida from Austin Texas

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