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  • in reply to: Grover’s updates #58340

    Sorry I have not given any updates over the weekend! Once we got him back – minus the mind (I was used to that LOL), my weekend became engulfed by my daughter’s 7th birthday!

    Dad is right, I saw him Saturday and he thought he had it together, but we could tell his mind was still not focusing. I didn’t make it to visit on Sunday, but did talk to both him and mom between cupcakes and presents. By the time I got back to see him on Monday I could tell that, that was my daddy coming back. We took a walk together and laughed (together and not @ him)! It was a very nice visit! I’m back to work now, so I’ll have to wait to see him until Saturday, but I’m sure I will talk to both my parents a lot between now and then.

    Thank you all again for all your support. This is truly an unbelievable group of people

    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58324

    this was may most recent update on his blog – I have my own account HERE, so I can continue to type anything I want – LOL! I just want to say again – this site is amazing! You all truly continue to surprise me with all your love and support for our family! Much love to you all!

    well, this could be me last post (on his blog)…grouchy dad thinks he will be able to post later today. I have a feeling that these is a good chance that he could change his password – hopefully he can remember what he changes it to!

    He is now in a regular room. His surgeon, Dr. House has been in and loved the color of the bile that is draining from his tube! His oncologist, Dr. Helft came in and looked over his charts and said “Mr. Guthridge, you’re perfect”! Mom has had breakfast and lunch and the nurse will be bringing in a cot for her latter today.

    If any of his posts don’t make sense, please feel free to contact me @ – I will be happy to translate!

    PS – copy that address quickly – he could erase it as soon as he reads it!!! LOL

    Again – God Bless you all – your love and support is incredible! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Mom and Dad are both humbled by your continued thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58317

    Friday, March 2, 201

    Long night…I (Suzanne) didn’t get a chance to visit daddy until approximately 10pm…he was doing so well that he was being passed up by more desperate patients to be moved to ICU. We did finally arrive in ICU – he was suppose to be in here for 24 hours…again, he is doing so good they need this room too…he should be going to a regular room this afternoon!

    Lots of tubes and cords coming from every direction, but he is doing very well with his breathing exercises and he is up and sitting in a chair right now!

    He wants to post…not sure how we feel about that – he’s a little grouchy, LOL! Mom got some sleep – not much. My brother John and I are here – trying to take care of both of them.

    More to come latter. Thank you again for your continued prayers, love and support. We love you all!

    The family

    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58302

    tumor is out – they are closing him up now.

    in reply to: Bowling Fundraiser! #55342

    I’m going to start practicing on the Wii @ home! I plan on whooping some booty @ this Party!

    PS – I’ve already started passing the word around work – hopefully I’ll get some donors for Grover (dad) and his “CC Harem” LOL

    in reply to: Xeloda (oral) Questions #55288

    not yet, but he better watch it! Like I tell my kids, Santa is watching! But that stuff must be good if it’s helping mom’s feet!

    in reply to: Xeloda (oral) Questions #55286

    Grover – stop talking about mom’s crusty, nasty feet on-line, I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate it!!

    xoxo, Mom

    in reply to: Bowling Fundraiser! #55336

    Put us down and if you have any flyers you want to send over I will pass them out to my in-laws, to all of my dad “Grover”‘s family and our co-workers! I think we can break that $3000 goal!

    Sounds like a wonderful time and I can’t wait to meet you all! I’ve heard about you both Sue and “Cindy Cubed” – that’s the nickname I’ve giving you Cindy, dad works with another Cindy, so I call you CC Cindy or Cindy Cubed (hope you don’t mind)!

    April seems so far away but it will be here before we know it!


    in reply to: Road traveled by others…. #54138

    As Grover’s daughter – he has always and will continue to be an inspiration to me! His sense of humor has always been on (don’t get the two of us together and on a role) and that is one of his many traits that I am most proud to think that I have inherited.

    I love you dad – I won’t let go!


    in reply to: Nearly four years survivorship #51618

    Thank you! I am sorry that you have to deal w/this, however you have giving me HOPE!!

    My dad was diagnosed with inoperaly CC in July. He will start his 2nd round of Chemo on Friday – Gemzar and Cisplatinum, 3 weeks on 1 week off. on his 3rd week of the 1st round his platlets were too low so Chemo was canceled – so he got 2 weeks off.

    Reading the statistics really puts fear and very little hope in my thoughs – but you are a new inspiration to me! To know that you have, and continue to survive this horrible diease with out resecution is wonderful news to me!

    Thank you – continue your fight and my GOD Bless You and your family!


    in reply to: Nearly four years survivorship #51616

    Congratulations! May I ask – was your cancer operable? You are showing me great faith and hope in the future! My dad has been diagnosed with stage 4, inoperable.

    Keep up the faith and healthy living!!


    in reply to: Introduction #51908

    Well – the Reunion is over and was very emotional to say “good-bye/see you next year” to our family from FL.

    Reading other posts and statistics, I understand how fast this horrible thing moves and am completely overwhelmed. I really just want life to be normal again, but I’m starting to realize that “this is my new normal”.

    in reply to: How did you know something was wrong? #51881

    My dad had no syptoms – He is pretty physically fit and started off just feeling full, a full “I just ate too much” feeling and then he could feel the tumor in the left lobe.

    6/1/11 had his 1st Cat scan then the biopsy 1 week later. On chemo now, praying for miricles!

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Introduction #51903

    Thank you all for your warm welcome into this Loving, yet unfortuante family to have. I am blessed to have a community/family like all of you.

    – Gemcitabine/Cisplatin combination sounds correct. I have a folder @ home with the info on it, just not here (I’m @ work, shh).

    @ Nancy – the doctor’s @ IU Hospital here in Indianapolis have explained to us that transplant would not be possible. We really like Dc. Helft (our oncologist) and he said, once the “seeds” have been planted that after the long recovery from a transplant the chances the CC seeds will have alredy strated to take over his new liver are pretty high.

    We are getting ready for the Brickyard 400 – the Nascar race here in Speedway for any fans – and this has become a big family reunion for my dad’s family for the last 17 years. His brother from FL come up every year with his family (2 sons, daughter-in-laws and 4 grand children) along with the entire Guthridge clan that is local (2 sistters + their families). It’s what I coined last year the “All Guthridge, All The Time Weekend” – 3 days of constant family activities. Always fun, overwhelming (@ times there can be 30+ family) – lots of laughs and love! I just can’t help to look at this weekend in a whole new way this year!

    Again – I’ll be in touch and thank you for the support you have all already shared with me.


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