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  • in reply to: My Uncle was recently diagnosed…. #48339

    Dear Brian – Welcome to you and your uncle. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are on a new roller coaster and the downs are tough – so hold on tight. The ups are to be celebrated and cherished. Hopefully you with your medical knowledge and love for your uncle and him with his great attitude, will make a winning team in his treatment. We are here for you and encourage you to visit often with questions, just to vent, or to offer support. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Hope from our CC family #48486

    Dear Rachna – I agree – keep on the doctors to get that pain controlled. They can find something to treat it. No one should have to live with that kind of pain. My heart goes out to you and mom. Saying prayers for you to find an answer and good treatment for the pain. We always recommend second and third opinions, so you might want to consider that. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. blessings, Susan


    Dear Alglog –

    I was going to say the same thing that Lainy said – SECOND OPINION, THIRD, if needed. Contact Mayo and others. I would encourage you to maintain a positive outlook and attitude despite the difficult roller coaster ride that CC provides. You’re up and you’re down, but you are not alone. Keep us posted. Blessings to you, your brother, and your family. Susan

    in reply to: Hi, good to find you #48456

    Welcome to your new family. So glad to hear that you have had successful treatment. Come often and share with us. Others have spoken of chemo brain and it is a very real side effect. You will find a lot of support on this side as well as good information. Keep us posted. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Dad’s first birthday without him… #48422

    Dear Graceful – Your dad would be so proud and so honored to have his picture sent up. How cool that you did that. I understand the grieving process as mine is all to close. I am coming up on the one month anniversary of my husband graduating to Heaven. My heart is with you and I look forward to your posts – when you are ready – about your Dad’s story. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Husband has not been doing well this week.. #48255

    Dear Melanie – So many of us understand the guessing game that you are playing. Connecting unclearly numbered dots is so hard and frustrating. Know that we are with you, caring for you, praying for you and understanding just how hard it really is. Blessings to you and hubby. Keep us posted. Susan

    in reply to: New to the site #48435

    Welcome Mother25. You have joined a wonderful family. We look forward to hearing more from you and will share honestly and from our hearts. I am so sorry that you had to join our family, but we welcome you here to vent, share, ask questions, and be a part of us. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: HOSPICE MISSION UPDATE #48362

    Lainy – Thank you for demonstrating awesome strength and character. You needed to stand up to this inhumane treatment and you are finally being heard. I look forward to hearing that the changes you are requesting are in place. They appear to be making some changes so hopefully you are sparing some other family the horrible treatment Teddy received. Keep up your good work. Susan

    in reply to: Update on dad #48323

    While the move to having hospice come in is so hard, Lainy really encouraged me to do it and I never regretted it. It was so nice to have someone to call on if I needed them and I did need them a few times. Please let them provide you the support that you could use right now, even if you don’t see it. If Dad should show some improvement, it is reversible. You can start or stop, but I think the support is invaluable. Good luck. My thoughts are with you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: What to expect next #47577

    Hi Cindy – I don’t know what your doctor will order, but after my husband’s rounds of chemo, his CT scan was scheduled within the next week and the results were available very quickly – I think by the next day. We really did not have a lot of waiting time. He did well on chemo also and felt better when he was on it, however, in his case, his tumors did not shrink and no further chemo was recommended. At that point, he was hoping for a clinical trial but found his protein levels were just too low. Each patient is different and we hold out much hope for your mom. I agree completely with Lainy that attitude plays the biggest part of all. Best wishes are headed your way. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Hello group #48259

    Welcome Feeper – Take each day as it comes, never give in or give up, and stay connected to those who care about you. So many of us on this site have stories of hope to share. My husband was told he had 90 days and he lived 180. We were thankful for every day and it gave us time to take care of the business of living. We went on a family vacation with our children and grandchildren. We were so thankful for every day – even the hard ones. Our hearts are with you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Mom was called home this week… #48240

    Dear Erica – My heart goes out to you, but when you have a cup of coffee in the morning just think that you are having it with mom and grandma. You will experience so many emotions, so be kind to yourself and grieve at your own pace. Thinking of you and wishing you peace. Susan

    in reply to: Letter from Heaven #48288

    Dear Andie – I understand the numb feeling, but for me it did give way to more sadness. I also think of my husband and his illness and how he was not really himself, but what I really miss is the man I have loved for all those years. Some days are easier than others and some are harder than I can imagine, but all in all, I am so thankful to have had his love for most of my life. So, amidst the sadness and the missing him, there is joy and appreciation for all we had. I am sure you will go through so many feelings, especially when things slow down a little. Everyone is different, so be easy and kind to yourself through whatever feelings you have. Thinking of you, Susan

    in reply to: #48213

    I also went to the website and put in a request for liver cancer recognition. Thanks for the referral to the site, Cathy.

    in reply to: Husband diagnosed May 2010 #48218

    Dear Julianne – You have received such difficult news and there are more questions than answers. On this site, we can offer you friendship and support to help you face the days ahead. Keep up your hope. Like Lainy said, attitude is so important. Cherish each day. Celebrate your life. Spend as much time together as possible. It’s a difficult road, but you are not on it alone. Please comment often so we can keep up with your husband’s progress. Hopefully the Gemzar/Cisplatin will be effective on the tumor. Virtual hugs to you. Blessings, Susan

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 405 total)