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  • in reply to: “I just want to touch the sky” #47228

    My husband is shaky and has been for a long time. His lungs are clear, but he has begun having the secretions in his throat. It leads to the death rattle but hospice has provided medications to dry the secretions. I never will understand why we need to know “when” but I think it is because we don’t want to be taken by surprise. Our brains work so hard to convince us that each step is a new type of normal. But the truth is that our brains are trying to protect us and our hearts. I just pray that your mom will have tremendous peace before she touches the sky.

    in reply to: Not so great update #47195

    Let’s pray for another up after this sad news. Hugs and best wishes to you and dad.

    in reply to: Slightly panicked! #47116

    May the trip home be uneventful and you enjoy some wonderful days in the very near future.

    in reply to: Here we are… #47207

    I am almost at the same point with my husband and I know what you are experiencing. May the strength of your mom’s love carry you through the hours and days ahead. My heart is with you and I hold you in my own heart. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Slightly panicked! #47110

    Thoughts and prayers coming your way. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: The financial aspects of cancer diagnosis… #47016

    Melanie – Have you weighed the physical and emotional expense of moving vs. staying? I, personally, would probably look to move and if things progress, you will have more stress. So, if you can downsize now, it is probably a good time. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you make these difficult decisions. I am selling my car and have paid off everything I can. Now if I could get a handle on those school loans, I’d be ok. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Identifiable Health Benefits of Crying #47185

    So I should be crying more? It seems like a lot these past 2 days and I am sure there is more to come….

    in reply to: Mom Having Trouble Forming Thoughts #47097

    My husband has slipped into confusion as well. I think the doctor could tell you if it was the disease process or not. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Hello All #46762

    Welcome to the family. So happy to hear that your resection went well. I really agree with Lainy that Attitude is so very important. Staying positive, enjoying every moment and making them count – cancer or not. Please feel free to share whatever you are going through. I couldn’t have made it without this website but mostly without Lainy! Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: need drug info: growth inhibitor drugs #47034

    Chris – I have no experience with this either, but sometimes you can get the drug company to help or sponsor the drug. Especially if it is not yet approved, isn’t that experimental and they could use your experience to document the results and see the effectiveness. Just a thought!

    in reply to: if a blood relative had CC… #46994

    I agree that bad luck is a horrible term. I also wish we had something better. My best guess is that once some significant research is done on CC, there will be something that comes out of it that perhaps will give guidance to people in the future. Hopefully, there will be something that will help diagnose it earlier, better treatment options, and something in the preventive arena.

    in reply to: Grandmother diagnosed #47046

    Dear Candi – Welcome to this site. As is often said, we are so sorry you had to find us, but this is a great family to be a part of. My best wishes go out to you, your grandma and your family. How wonderful that they got the whole tumor in the surgery. As you will read on our site, many people are non-operable by the time cc is diagnosed. It sounds like your grandma was diagnosed earlier and that is a blessing. Let us know how both of you are doing. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Sharing a Blessing #46976

    Thank you all for your well wishes. It was a dream come true yesterday and now I pray that Randy can find his peace. We have talked a lot about legacy. He leaves a great legacy in wonderful children and fabulous grandchildren who will know him or know of him and what it means to be a member and belong in this family. Randy is the rock that grounded us all and when he leaves us (temporarily) we will enjoy the benefits of all he taught us by example.

    in reply to: if a blood relative had CC… #46988

    I agree with everyone that eating healthy and exercise are very important but we were told that it was “bad luck” that my husband got cc. Go figure.

    in reply to: cancer or no cancer???? #46931

    My husband had a CT scan in August of 2009 and it did not show anything. However, we have been told that IF they had done the test WITH contrast, it probably would have shown up and we would have had that earlier diagnosis and perhaps more treatment options. Instead, we lost that year and when the CC did show up on ct scan – they mostly saw a thickening in the transverse colon. It was the liver biopsy that gave us the diagnosis. He has had CT scans since then that show the one large tumor and “innumberable” small ones.

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 405 total)