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  • in reply to: Lauren Doing a Tad Better #72079

    Thank you, Lainey, for the news. Really helps to know she is doing a bit better though her condition sounds very serious. Will continue to pray for Lauren.
    Ps I’m a stress cleaner too!

    in reply to: Some info from ONS congress #72021

    Thank you, Karen!

    in reply to: My mom #72025

    I’m so sorry. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your Mother.
    Sincerely, Willow

    in reply to: Chronic Hives #71922

    I’m so sorry, Lisa. That sounds very uncomfortable and I’m sure frustrating for you. Prednisone is so powerful… Hoping you get relief!

    in reply to: Clear scan #72065

    That’s fabulous, Randi!! What relief you must feel…another clean scan!

    in reply to: Hello #68142

    Dear Suz ,
    May I ask what kind of chemo up it sister is doing for maintenance? Still Gem Cis? I’ve heard it can work for a while and then not (cancer mutates and develops resistance) so they like to switch up chemo types. Also, how does she manage side effects? Has she had problems with low platelet counts?
    While my sister was trying to get gem Cis on booard last fall, they kept delaying g her infusions due to slammed w c and esp platelet counts. Meanwhile can ER went from stage 3 to 4. They did y90 radioembo which targeted tumors in liver but meanwhile those seed cells had spread to omentum, abdominal aortic lymph nodes and every love of her lungs. We are devastated though she tries just not to think about it as her coping mechanism. Essentially she had no chemo from mid Nov till mid April when they put her on Xeloda pills (supposedly milder on platets). So frustrated because she has a little boy only 9 (3rd grade). Amazing thing is that aside from fatigue, and low back ache, she has very few symptoms of this cancer. I feel like we are holding our breath!
    Well, as a fellow sister of one with stage 4 ICC Im so glad you posted. I’m really glad your sister was able to tolerate long term gem Cis with some success (slowing and shrinking this monster is name of the game!)
    God bless you. Willow

    in reply to: What happens when…. #71873

    With my sister, that was a frequent problem right from the start with gem-Cis. Initially it was her white blood cell counts that were too low so they gave her the Neupogen or Neulasta injections to boost her w c’s. unfortunately, there isnt a similar shot for boosting platelets. when she was “turned away” due to low blood counts, Her Dr didn’t try again the next week because that would have been the scheduled “off week” anyway. The reason is partly due to no chair availability at chemo infusion center (other pts are scheduled for those chairs on my sisters off week at Stanford) and partly due to the drs experience..they knew at least two weeks was more likely needed recovery time to build up blood cells. If it happens very often (which was my sisters case so she never did complete a full cycle of Gem-Cis) they will move to other chemo or other treatments. In my sisters case. They did radioembolization w Y90 and then 4 months later (April 2013) put her on Xeloda, a pill form of chemo that’s supposedly easier on the platelets.

    in reply to: Lauren’s 2nd Surgery News #71998

    Praying for Lauren.

    in reply to: Chronic Hives #71929

    Wow, Lisa, more biopsies! It’s good the new dr is looking even deeper into the problem. I sure wish you could find relief from this. I met a gal with similar condition triggered by cold believe it or not. Anyhow, I thank you for your thoughtfulness in calling and praying for my sister and I. I will continue to do the same for you! XO

    in reply to: Lauren’s 2nd Surgery News #72015

    Pam and Lauren… XOX!

    Carrie, though not common, I’ve definitely read of people on this site becoming eligible for surgery after chemo kills cancer in lymph nodes but I can’t tell you who. Somtimes lymph node tumors die faster (are more sensitive to the chemo) than tumors in liver and vice versa…so variable! And the kind of chemo that works for one may not for another. Tiff has had good luck with GTX though my sisters onc says its “very strong” and doesn’t think my sis can withstand side effects like severely depleted platelets for one. Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Y90 while doing Gem/Cis #71966

    Dear Croberts,
    My sisters Drs at Stanford wanted her to be off the gem-Cis for a period of time before doing y90 radioembo . Perhaps because it suppresses your blood cell counts and y90 is an invasive surgical procedure . They didn’t put her back on chemo till mid April and her y90 was placed early Jan of this year. Wish she could’ve been able to do both. Her platelets really took a hit from the gem Cis so now she is on Xeloda. Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70268

    Praying for a smooth surgery and recovery for Lauren!
    XO Sara

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70267
    in reply to: New member,Any advice or positive support appreciated #70680

    Sorry to hear of your Dads complication. Yes it is difficult to keep morale up with such a serious condition. From what Ive gathered on this blog, abscesses after abdominal surgical procedures are fairly common though they are definitely serious. Sounds like your Dad is being agressively treated and hopefully this can certainly be viewed as a “bump in the road” (though thats easier when looking at that bump in the rear view mirror! Please pass on a hug to your dear Dad.

    in reply to: MRI abdomen/CT chest scheduled for tomorrow #71954

    Thinking if you and wishing you smooth sailing, Randi!

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