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  • #40841

    Hello-I did gemcidabean, 5FU, radiation and Xeloda for 9 months combined. I never had any hair loss. I only lost hair after my second transplant and that was due to all my anti-rejection medicines and a feeding tube for three months. My hair got very thin and a few bald spots, but never total loss. Good luck and lots of prayers- Cathy



    I was diagnosed at stage 4, inoperable with 3 to possibly 14 months. That was over 17 months ago. I’ve had radiation with 5FU chemo in 09 and Gem/Cits in 2010. My tumor has never changed size and no new tumors have presented. I am STABLE!

    The first year was the roughest with a couple of hospitalizations for blood infections, but most of the time I have felt great (except during the two months of radiation and 5FU chemo which were given shorty after diagnosis).

    God bless you both. There is always hope.



    Hi Sarah,

    My mom was diagnosed in March 2010. She quickly began treatment with gem/cis. That was effective for awhile, but then stopped showing results. So her doctors switched her to Folfox, which is 5FU and oxylaplatin. She has only had a few treatments, so other than 1 encouraging CA-19 result, too soon to know how it is working.
    However, my main reason for posting is to let you know about a recently published study about a drug called Cetuximab. You can read about it here in the “New Developments” section on this site.
    Best wishes to you and your husband.


    Xeloda (capecitabine) is a prodrug of 5FU for oral use.
    GemCap(Gemzar+Xyloda) as I mentioned above in 2 studies,the overall response rate are 25% and 31%.
    Xeloda usually administered twice a day,with water,12 hours apart and within 30min.after a meal.Its maxium effect will peak around 1.5hrs after the dose and it is excreted in urine(96% of the dose).
    If you have severe side effects symptoms like the “hand-and-foot syndrome” ( eg. like numbness,tingling,swelling,blistering and pain);or severe diarrhea of more than 4 times/day;you are advised to consult with your doctor for dose adjustment.
    I hope the info. helps,God bless.


    Additional info.
    The response rate is between 10-20% for mitomycin,doxorubicin and 5Fu.

    “In unresectable biliary tract cancer,F-based(fluoropyrimidine) and G-based(Gemcitabine) chemotherapy showed SIMILAR efficacy in terms of response rate(RR),DCR(disease control rate),PFS(progression free survival),OS(overall survival). the benefit of adding platinum to F or G was not significant except for DCR(46% VS 60.6%). BMC Cancer.2008 Dec 18;8:374.


    Anyway, my question is, does anyone know of other chemo regiments that have been successful with cc? I have been looking on the Internet and it seems that Cisplatin, Gemzar and 5FU are the main treatments for cc. Thanks for any thoughts – Sarah

    Most systemic treatment (chemo) for CC are based on experiences in treating pancreatic cancer.
    Chemo agents like mitomycin,doxorubicin,docetaxel,oxaliplatin,irinotecan also have been used for treatment of CC in regimens combined with Gemzar or 5FU.

    Accordingto”systemic therapy for advanced cholangiocarcinoma”in
    The “overall response rate”of the regimen
    (which include partial and complete response) examples are as following.
    Gemzar alone in two studys are 22.6% (2009)and 26.1%(2005)
    Gemzar + cisplatin regimen in five studys are 17.1%(3/2007),27.8%(2009),27.5%(2005),32%(2006),34.5%(3/2006).
    Gemzar+ capecitabine (GEMCAP)in 2 studys are 25%.(2008) & 31%(2005).
    Gemzar + oxaliplatin(GEMOX) in 2 studys are 36%(bil.<2.5xnormal);22%(bil.>2.5xnormal)-(9/2004.);and 50% -including 1 complete response and 11 partial response in a population of 24 patients(Ann Oncol.2006 Jun17(suppl_7):vii68-vii72.
    New systemic therapies using erlotinib -an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor ,does provide good result.According to,in one study,42 patients with advanced biliary cancer,57% of whom had received prior chemotherapy,received erlotinib(Tarceva)150mg daily.There were 3 partial responses and 7 additional pts remained progression-free at six months.further experience with this drug is needed,particularly combined with cytotoxic chemotherapy.
    Surgery provides the only possibility for a cure and among patients who undergo potentially curative resection,long term outcomes vary according to location and stage of the primary lesion,extent of surgery,associated comorbidities,and treatment-related complications.
    Other” treatment options for locally advanced cholangiocarcinoma”as mention in include radiation therapy and chemoradiotherpy;local ablation,eg RFA;photodynamic therapy and orthotopic liver transplantation.
    Clinical trials is another option too.


    My husband is currently on 5FU and it isn’t working. He has been on Gemzar and Cisplatin which didn’t work either. We went to New York Presbyterian before Christmas to have a consult about a liver transplant but found out on 12/28 (my husband’s 49th birthday) that he is not a candidate. An MRI was done while we were in NY and the results showed that 60% of his liver has cancer and there are tumors in the ascites fluid. He has been tapped 4 times and goes in next week for a permanent “drain” so he can do it at home. Anyway, my question is, does anyone know of other chemo regiments that have been successful with cc? I have been looking on the Internet and it seems that Cisplatin, Gemzar and 5FU are the main treatments for cc. Thanks for any thoughts – Sarah


    Even though things are extremely boring here at the clinic I never seem to find time to write about what’s happening…

    Thet treatment schedule continues as it has done since we came here. Local hyperthermia once a day, during which she also wears an oxygen mask (glorified as oxygen therapy), and she also gets put in this big electromagnet, which we both agree is a way to make people feel they get more treatment for their money and possibly some placebo… She’s been through the first cycle of Irinotecan (not apparently a Mexican pyramid) and 5FU. Plans are to give her a whole body hyperthermia treatment – which is a four hour procedure under anesthesia – on thursday (although it keeps being put off).

    Kris is doing relatively well, but throwing up blood several times per day. Less so during the nights now though. She gets blood transfusions every couple of days to keep supply up. Morphine makes her tired and makes her halucinate, which she does not appreciate, and the tumor related fluid retention is very noticable. Her sholders are skin and bones but from waist down there is entirely too much of her. In quite good spirits though, and focused on getting treatment to turn things around.

    Today’s meeting with the head doctor was good because he confirmed the plans for whole body treatment, but also a little chilling because he emphasized that unless there is improvement there is very little “space” if matters get worse… Not very reassuring…

    It will be very interesting to see if the Swedish tax payers will pick up the bill for this after we get home, as I think the clinic will be suggesting a repeat performance after a few weeks at home. It would be a load off Kris’ mind to know that we will be reimbursed, but I am afraid that it will take some time before we know and we may have to plan a second round before we get a decision on the first.

    Kris sends her love to all of you!


    Hi All,

    I am posting on behalf of my mum (as she is not computer literate), she was diagnosed in April 2009 with intrahephatic (I think is it called) Cholangiocarninoma. Her surgeon Dr Lynch at Mater Hospital Brisbane was 70% sure that he could renove the two spots one located near the portal vein & the other in the right lobe of the liver. However the surgery was unsuccessful as he could not seperate the cancer from the portal vein as it was closer to the vein than the scans have shown. He also said she has small spots on her diaphram. He said her only option was chemo which will never cure her and unless the cancer shrinks enough to not even appear on a scan he will not re-attempt surgery. So mum started chemo approx 10 weeks after he stitched her up, she started on Gemzar and was on that until June 2010 when her kidney function became increasingly worse & they kept her in hospital for 2 mths until it improved. She then was started on 5FU in September 2010 which she has been receiving since. However since she started receiving this chemo she has been bloating in the legs and belly she will bloat then it will go away & then come back, she also has to stick to a very bland diet to ensure she doesnt upset her stomach otherwise she is up all night in agony. Last week she had a scan still without using contrast as her kidneys are not 100% recovered and the cancer appeared unchanged however her oncologist Dr Mackintosh (also from Mater Hospital Brisbane) said that he thinks something else may be doing on such as the cancer on the move or the tumours playing up as its strange after 2 weeks of having a break from chemo she is still bloating its not getting worse but its there. So tonight she has a CT/Pet scan which will show a clearer picture if any cancer cells are floating around as the fluid taken from her stomach was clear of cancer. I also should add her cancer did shrink quite significantly in the beginning on the Gemzar. She is now considering spending $15000 to try a new drug still in the “test” phaze as there has been some success with that however the costs is quite significant when there is no guarantee it will work.

    I would be happy to hear from anyone elses side effects from using 5FU and if anyone had a problem using Gemzar & any other chemo treatments that anyone has tried and has success with.

    My mum is only 49 and I would like to think there is something out there that will ensure she is with us for many years to come. So far she has gone through chemo with minimal side effects but then hit a brick wall with major issues such as the kidney problem and now this bloating which I really hope is not the cancer playing up.



    In reply to: My Mom


    Hi there, I too am new to this site, and is the first time I have posted anything on here. Really sorry to hear what you’re going through. My wife, in her early 40s, was diagnosed in Jan 2008 with cc, her only symptom being a swelling in her legs. Almost 2yrs on, she is now looking to start a phased return to work. Last year she was on Gemcit, then this year she was taking Oxal & 5FU, plus she had SIRT to one side of the tumour in June. The trick is to keep positive and keep going. Side effects of treatment and the tumour can be unpleasant, but I have learned very much that everyone is different, and that NO-ONE can predict with any certainty what this cancer will/might do. My wife has now been told 3 times over the last 20 months that she has only a couple of months left to live, the last time in March of this year. Positive thinking and complementary therapy for my wife continues to be a great help to deal with this terrible disease. My advice would be to be thankful for each day as it comes, feel lucky for the simple things, and that gratitude will give you and your family the strength to deal with whatever this throws at you. Here in England, we are lucky enough to have the Christie Hospital in Stockport, Manchester, who continue to do wonderful things for my wife.

    Good luck, and very best wishes. Simon


    Cristie. I am a cc survivor because of liver transplant!!! I could only be a candidate if cancer was contained. I did gemcidabin, then 24 hour chemo pump with 5FU while doing radiation and Xeloda (oral chemo), while waiting for transplant. My cancer never changed, but it didn’t grow. I have the worlds greatest doctor, Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis, MO. My story is nothing short of a miracle because of this team olf doctors and hospital (I had 2 transplants). I have posted on this site many times about my expierence, so please call me if you would like more info or help. (618-576-3247). I can not say enough about my journey through this awful disease, I am one of the few sucess stories. Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Hello Jeand-I am a bile duct cancer survivor!! I was diagnosed Aug 2008-only sympton was being itchy. My tumor was in bile duct fingers and was inoperable. My only hope was a transplant. My miracle was done at Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis MO. My hero is Dr. William Chapman. When I was diagnosed we discussed only once about it being terminal (6-8 months), after that he just focused on curing it and lots of hope. I did gemcitabin, 5FU, Xeloda and radiation. I had 8 ERCP in 9 months. Iwas transplanted May 24, 2009 making me cancer free!! I was transplanted again on July 5,2009 after my hepatic artery burst due to radiation damage. Dr. Chapman never gave up and always so loving and hopeful. My family and I believe I was saved twice to give hope to this terminal cancer. Don’t give up and pray like crazy! Cathy


    i just wanted to post an update. my sister finished her first cycle of gemzar chemo and now has a week off before she starts five weeks of 5fu chemo and radiation daily. so far she is doing good. the only side effects of the first round were tiredness, nausea, and some weight loss. we are all scared about this next process. we know it is going to be hard. we are praying for the best. i am praying the side effects will continue to be minimal.


    Hi Andie: I am in a similar situation with my daughter’s dad Rick who is 13 months post diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (extrahepatic) stage 4 metastasized to liver with multiple inoperable tumors. He did remarkably well on palliative doses of gemzar and cisplastin for the first eleven months. He had three metal stents placed and they can do no more nor can they be removed. The next step if necessary is external drainage. My Rick began to be resistant to initial chemo so second line chemo was given (5FU) with no response…then third line CPT 11 was given and initially we thought it might be holding off the growth but his C19 doubled to 11,000 last week. I spoke today with a radiation oncologist who is part of our church and he said he had spoken with staff at CMPC in San Francisco about using IMRT around the stents to help with stopping tumor growth and subsequent blockage. I realize your dad has external drainage but look at Gavin’s post on IMRT on June 28th and read that article. It is worth the shot in the dark…I understand some of what you are going through and wish you and your dad the best. Keep searching and researching… Take care, Gaye

    P.S. If anyone has any feedback or ideas on the above post regarding my Rick…I would love to hear from you. He is 13 months out now from diagnosis and they gave him 2 months initially. We have been blessed and he has had great medical care, support and a positive, fighting spirit and faith. Thinking of all of you facing this difficult journey. God Bless! Hello Marion!!


    my sister had resection surgery in august. the surgery was successful but the dr did not get the margins that he wanted. only 2mm margin. she is now starting a course over the next six months of gemzar for a month than a month of 5fu/radiation and than more months of gemzar after that. was just wondering if anyone had this similar chemo/radiation combo and what the results were and the side effects. also was there any thing that helped alleviate the side effects or were comforting. i feel so bad for her and just want to help in any way i can. thank you.

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