Search Results for 'gemcitabine cisplatin'

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  • #10757

    Am heading to Glasgow Hospital of Integrated Medicine for an assessment to find out about possible Mistletoe Therapy to help with side effects of Gemcitabine/Cisplatin chemo or even instead of undergoing this palliative chemo. Requested an Exceptional Referral from Lothian Health Board via my GP. Glasgow and Aberdeen patients can be directly referred by their GP patients I believe.
    Had to work hard to get referral but managed to. Best wishes to all


    Hi Angela

    I discovered I had cc in November 2011. I was told I had two months.. I was then living in France. They, rather reluctantly, gave me a resection which took 10 hours. I got through that then had serious complications due to a leaking bile duct. I got through that and then had radiation and a course of Xeloda, finishing treatment in May 2012. In July 2013 a scan revealed cc had returned in lymph nodes close to my aorta. Six months of harsh gemcitabine and cisplatin followed with good shrinkage results. I have 5 tumours.

    My advice for anyone going through this treatment is sleep whenever you want, stay positive, laugh every day and eat well … I avoided red meat, dairy to a minimum, very limited sugar, but everything else in moderation. I firmly believe in sleep, no stress, fun and laughter..

    I am now investigating nanoknife (prof Leen at The Princess Grace in London is a great starting point … he’s very honest and approachable.

    Live life to full darling.

    You must not give up your fight, research everything you can and contact anyone who may offer you help, but keep perspective, use your sixth instinct to guide you.


    Jayne and Angela
    I had a resection but the dreaded disease went to my lymph nodes … operations to remove were out of the question due to location, near my aorta.
    I had six months of gemcitabine and cisplatin which shrunk the tumours dramatically although was a harsh treatment.
    I am currently investigating whether nanoknife may be able to be used to remove the tumours (not the cancer, sadly) and if successful will give me time. Prof Leen at the Princess Grace in London is a good contact for nanoknife.
    My heart goes out to you both, but please don’t give up, keep up the research and be positive.
    Take care


    I am searching through all of the chemo links that amazing Percy has put on the website. Time and energy means I’m asking this though am sure the answers are all there.
    I am being offered Gemcitabine and cisplatin chemo. I have heard that Cemcitabine and Capicetabine (Xelolda) is as good with more tolerance. I already had Xeldo which has kept obvious scan results clear for 4 years. Any advice?
    Love to all affected in any way.x




    Thank you Duke,
    Seeing consultant today with all this information.
    Tyring to work out if Gemcap is a better option to request than Gemcitabine and cisplatin.


    Hi everybody,

    My name is Wendy. I am 41 years old and a mother of 2 little children. I have been fighting cancer since January 2011. I am suffering of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and I have had several operations (liver resection, internal bleedings) and radiological interventions (such as Nanoknife treatments) in the last couple of years in order to remove the tumor.

    Although the treatments seemed successful at times the cancer returned. Therefore I had to receive chemotherapy in order to be able to prolong the process and my life. In total I have received 16 chemotherapies (2x 8 chemo courses) with Gemcitabine and Cisplatin. Unfortunately it did not prevent the tumor from growing, leaving me with a dismal prognosis, again.

    After a therapy pause of four months, I will probably start with a second line chemo therapy called 5FU next week. I had hoped to join a Belgium trial based on a FGFR gene mutation, but unfortunately my gene test came out negative.

    Although the latest scan shows a growing tumor in my liver with growing metastases in my longs, I feel surprisingly healthy and vital. Therefore I am still desperately seeking for other options to turn the tide. Hopefully I can find them here with you! This site has already given me lots of extra information. I am glad that I have found you!

    Warm regards,


    A Prognostic Index to Identify Patients With Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Who Could Benefit From Gemcitabine Plus Cisplatin.


    Study of Low-Dose Radiation Therapy to the Whole Liver in Combination With Gemcitabine and Cisplatin in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma.


    A phase II trial of neoadjuvant chemotherapy using the combination of gemcitabine and cisplatin for patients with initially unresectable locally advanced biliary tract cancer.



    Study of Low-Dose Radiation Therapy to the Whole Liver in Combination With Gemcitabine and Cisplatin in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma.


    Dear Supermum,

    I would like to share this radiation treatment with you if your husband is considered a candidate.
    It is called VERO. Google it.

    Currently, there are only about 20 in the world.
    I know there are two in Belgium and one in Milan.
    In Vancouver, the BC cancer agency is fundraising to bring this high tech piece of equipment
    to the city.

    My husband also has stage 4 cholangeocarcinoma radiating from the bile duct down and around an the SMA artery and left renal vein. He had a d double gastric bypass , as well as, these two tumours were clipped or marked in case radiation is used as a treatment.

    Like your hubby, mine has had 4 cycles of cisplatin and gemcitabine.
    He is to have a fifth cycle and his CT scan is Oct. 7!

    I hope VERO will be an option for both our sweethearts!

    Prayers and love for all of you!


    Gemcitabine plus cisplatin versus chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced biliary tract cancer: Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive 9902 phase II randomised study.

    “Combination of gemcitabine plus cisplatin seems to be at least as efficient as chemoradiotherapy (50Gy plus 5 FU and cisplatin) in LABTC.”


    This is my first post on this site, I am desperate for some help.
    My gorgeous 42 year old husband became jaundiced on June 14th. After various ultrasounds and CT’s they discovered a 1.5 cm mass in the ampullary of vater. My Husband had whipples on the 28th of July and has recovered Amazingly well with no complications what so ever. We were told at the follow up that his tumour was from the distant bile duct, 3.7cms with extensive vascular invasion, but clear margins, they graded it T3N1M0. The tumour was a mixed Neuroendocrine/adenomocarcenoma. The NHS service here in England offered him entry to the BILCAP trial but I was spooked by how serious This had become and sought a second opinion in London. The consultant we have in London recommended Gemcitabine/cisplatin chemo as adjuvant therapy, he explained the seriousness of this disease and recommended going full guns blazing at it. He requested a base line PET and our worst nightmares were confirmed when after only 6 weeks since whipples we had extensive liver metastasis. We were now told my husband had stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma. The Gemcitabine/ cisplatin followed the next day and we are doing 21 day cycles with a PET after the 2nd cycle so we have just had our 2nd infusion. The plan is to stick with this for 2 cycles then scan for shrinkage, if no shrinkage then change of drugs. Our oncologist has also mentioned Radiotherapy as a possibility, does anyone have any reccomendations on this? Meanwhile my husbands tumour has gone to foundation one to be tested for mutations and we are following strict diets with plenty of garlic, curcumin etc. I am absolutely desperate for any help or reccomendations, we have three beautiful children under 5 years old!
    Thank you so much for listening and any help you can pass on. Lots of love to all. X


    In reply to: Not so good news


    Hi All,

    The last month has been quite a roller coaster. Two trips to Sloan Kettering and one local hospital stay in between because of high fevers due to infection. A drainage tube was inserted and apparently all of the bile ducts were not flowing properly because the drainage tube was slightly off. The plan of action was to get the bile flowing and they would insert a balloon into the bile duct to correct the area that was narrowed.

    All doctors in Richmond and New York were certain that the cancer had not returned and the partial blockage was due to scar tissue because NOTHING showed on two CT scans and two biopsies showed nothing. Not to mention we were told this cancer does not return after seven years. Well I guess the third biopsy was the kicker because it showed a very few cancerous cells at the narrowing of the bile duct where the original resection occurred. There is no mass or tumor but the cells appear to be “angry”. The cancer cells are localized. The drainage tube was removed and a permanent stent was inserted in place of the balloon. The fifty million dollar question now is how do we treat this. All doctors agree this is a “medical mystery and “medical marvel”. We have been told when this cancer returns it always shows up somewhere else as a mass or tumor and usually within three years.

    Our oncologist in New York was quite positive and said with it being localized and such a very small amount of microscopic cancer cells, chemo and radiation could possibly eradicate this. Our Virginia doctor was not as optimistic saying we have absolutely nothing to compare this with so we do not know how it will respond to treatment. Not even sure it is a recurrence or a new cancer. Both oncologist have made several conference calls to other major cancer hospitals and it continues to be a mystery. Ron is not a candidate for a second resection because he had a complete one seven years ago.

    Ron is scheduled to start chemo on September 24 and his medicine will be:
    Gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 IV days 1 and 8
    Cisplatin 25mg/m2 IV days 1 and 8
    Duration: 21 days x 4 cycles

    We will be returning to New York following his treatment to discuss radiation.

    Certainly not the path we were expecting to travel seven years out but would appreciate any thoughts on the above. Please keep Ron in your positive thoughts and prayers. The people on this website are always in my prayers.



    Just an update on my incredible 61 year old husband diagnosed with advanced unresectable CC stage 4 bile duct cancer originating in the duct and wrapping partly around the SMA artery and left portal vein of the kidney.
    He is beginning his fourth cycle of palliative intent chemo using gemcitabine and cisplatin.
    The side effects of this systemic treatment are fatigue, diaherrea, gas, hair thinning and some minimal pain.
    We were shocked by the oncologist’s prognosis of his life in terms of months…6–11 months!!!
    This was told to us without looking at his CT scan which is due this September.
    He has not had a CT scan since his laparotomy in early June with a double gastric bypass and tumours being marked for possible radiation.
    We were also told that since his platelets were extremely low cisplatin would be removed from his treatment. Apparently cisplatin affects platelets the most.
    Isn’t cisplatin the key ingredient to shrink the tumour?
    If his platelets reached 75 he could have 80% gemcitabine.
    Needless to say we felt shocked, horrified and in disbelief.
    We believe in the power of prayer!
    In less than 5 days his platelets rebounded from 20- 118.
    He got both IV bags of gemcitabine and cisplatin in chemotherapy yesterday.
    His tumour marker went from 1.2 to 0.9

    We are not giving up but are determined to fight this cancer!

    What would be the best most realistic news from the CT scan?
    What can cure CC?
    What is the chemo intended to do?
    What would radiation hope to achieve?
    Can the bile duct in the pancreas be removed surgically?
    Are there other drugs out there being used to target CC?
    If so, what are they?
    Please excuse my spelling…flourisil IV, kepcetabine (oral), taxane?
    Please help me think of other questions to ask the Drs from your experiences.

    I also am having problems navigating ths forum.
    If you have words of wisdom or encouragement please send it to me…Reacher.
    We believe in the power of God through prayer.
    Need to be strong and remain hopeful.

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