My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2

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    Margaret….had to sign in, but was able to see it finally. Will you be able to post a picture on Facebook with the final result?


    Hi Margaret,

    Yes, it did work and I think it is so cool. I got my one and only tat after Jim passed away. I also was 60. It is on the back on my left shoulder and very similar in that it is a heart with wings and a tear drop. He is now the angel on my shoulder, forever in my heart. Our son is a tattoo artist which made it a little easier for me. I’ll be thinking of you tonight. You will do just fine.

    Love & Hugs,


    OMG Margaret!!! I have been through a lot but I could never do a Tattoo!! You are one brave lady! I tried to get in to the sight but it was down, will try again later. Best of luck.


    Yes, it worked! Gotta love technology! Here I am about to turn 60 and getting my very first tattoo for my beloved husband!

    So even after he has gone to his eternal reward (Heaven) he’ll still be with me!



    Not sure if this will work but this link should take you to the tat that I’m getting tonight!


    Margaret and Tom, several things come to my mind.
    1. Don’t mess with them!
    2. You have not lived until you have had Margaret flush you out!
    3. You ain’t seen nothin yet!
    4. The new Dynamic Duo
    5. The Wedding Cake Toppers

    Waiting for Thursday!


    You are inspiring, Margaret and Tom. But, then you already know that. Again, good luck.
    All my best wishes,


    Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and the ‘tidal wave’ of support that we get from each and everyone one of you. We don’t go in until thursday so I’ll post after that what meds the doc is putting him on….

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer. The Timex Watches are taking a licking and we’re keeping on TICKIN’

    Margaret and Tom


    Sending love and prayers to you and Tom. If anybody can Kick It, you pair can!!

    Love and hugs

    Andrea x


    Margaret….”Could be something else” has a nice ring to it. Numerous times we have seen for spots to light up on the scan and then to disappear. I wish the same for Tom.
    Fingers crossed for Wednesday and please, remember the tidal wave of support heading your way.
    All my best wishes,


    Wow, Margaret. I don’t need to tell you to “cowgirl up”. :0) Sometimes news can hit us pretty hard but I admire your attitude so much. Trying to pattern mine after yours.

    Hugs to you and heck, give one to Tom too.

    Lots of Love.



    My fingers are crossed that he is wrong, too. Keep on kickin’.

    Love & Hugs,


    Margaret, please keep on being selfish and hopeful! After all Tom has been through I believe he will kick this one too. Anniversary in February, New Grandchild in April such wonderful goals to meet and enjoy. You know how we get excited when someone is told they can have surgery? Well, we get just as excited to hear that a Doctor was wrong in reading scans!! You just know I am always thinking about the 2 of you!


    Margaret- Tom and you are an inspiration to all fighting CC. I love that you keep your sense of humor going, Mr&Mrs Doom & Gloom don’t have a chance with your attitude.
    The collection agency and me are on first name basis. They have no clue how anyone could keep track of or pay all these bills!! Very honest and kind for a collection agency! Congrats on the grandbaby-God has way of distracting us and sending us a reason to HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    To all of our CC friends, patients and caregivers –

    It is with a very sad and heavy heart that I must make this post today. Tom had a CTScan yesterday and met with his oncologist today. He has a spot in the right lung, pretty high up in the top portion of the lung that ‘lit up’ on the CTscan. His oncologist is going to start him on a chemo (don’t know what the drug is at this time) next week Wednesday. It will be a continuous drip via his port and he’ll carry the chemo in a fanny pack. I will be going with him next wednesday to learn how to administer it, etc.

    Now, his oncologist said it ‘could’ be cancer, or it could be something else.

    But with his tumor markers being elevated again and with his health seeming to be declining somewhat, I am convinced that it most likely is cancer that has now decided to start spreading. (But they have been wrong before, haven’t they?) So before I begin to get all down about this I’m getting by boxing gloves on and will be once again KICKIN’ that cancer.

    On the flip side he has gained about 7 pounds since his oncologist last saw him (thank goodness for Boost Plus and Protein Bars). We have a new grandchild on the way. We ordered new carpet for the living room, dining room and hallway and it’ll be installed within the next few weeks. We sold the boat last night and my car is in the shop for repairs! I now have some money to pay for the car repairs and to pay for some of the never ending medical bills.

    So now I’ve chased Mrs. Gloom and Mrs. Doom away and will go forward and be grateful if Tom is still here in April (2nd) when our next little one should make his or her appearance. And am looking forward to celebrating one more year of marriage in Feb. 2012. And hoping with all my fingers and toes crossed that the radiologist that read the ctscan was WRONG again this time and it turns out to be nothing. Cause I’m selfish and want another few years with Tom by my side.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!

    Love and Hugs,

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