Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone

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    Deb….I am overjoyed to hear the latest good news.
    Hugs to both of you,


    Absolutely music to my eyes and ears. Deb. I always love when these Hopes and Miracles come along. May the hews from you stay in the good news section!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks, Catherine. I wish the same results for your Mom when she has her followup in August!



    Love the word HOPE- Great news!!!!! Thank you for sharing how well Mike is doing.

    Take care,


    Five months post extended resection (followed by cyberknife focussed on the wound edge due to a few stray CC cells), my husband, Mike’s, blood work and scans look great. Absolutely no sign of recurrence!!!

    Things are looking up and there is hope!!


    Thanks for that Kathy, brilliant news!!! Love it!! And of course, looking forward to hearing more good news from you after your 5 year scan as well!




    Kathy, you go girl and a big YIPPEE to you! Thank you for posting this as you give so many others the hope they need. We have been together quite a while now and I hope all your future posts are as good as this one is. YIPPEE!


    Just want to post an update. Just had my 4 1/2 year scan..longest I have gone without a scan..6 months. Clear, CA-19-9 at 19.5. Have another scan at 5 years and if clear, I can go to yearly scans. And yes, I, too, STILL look through the Good News section to stay positive! I never thought I’d get to this point. As with others, many good things have happened through these years and one of the best will happen at the end of February..another grandchild..number 4 for our Irish clan!
    Thanks everyone for posting their good news. I love it and I hope you will continue to post.


    He is being treated at the VA Hospital in Minneapolis, MN for his metal stent work and the VA Hospital in St. Cloud, MN where his oncologist is.


    Hi. Just curious if you got a second opinion and where you’re being treated. Do you have a multidisciplinary team that are considering treatments other than chemo? It sounds like chemo is working well but always good to have plan B lined up.


    LadyDi –

    Your husband and I are pretty much on the same time track. I am still receiving chemo, when platelets permit. I recovered my weight much faster (probably due to more chocolate cake).

    I wouldn’t worry too much about the survival stats, if you look hard enough you can find pretty much any number you want (or don’t want).

    And, as many have said, there is no expiration date stamped on our heels. So, stay on the merry-go-round and keep grabbing for the brass ring (Knoebels in Pa still has one of those). Much better visual than the roller coaster.



    Ladi Di…..thanks for checking in again and for sharing this excellent news with us. Amazing that your husband is doing so well albeit the lack of chemotherapy. Wishing for all good things to continue. Please don’ forget about us. We love to stay involved.


    My husband was diagnosed 7/1/13 with Stage 3 cholangiocarcinoma of right lobe of the liver and right bile duct and right common bile duct. It is inoperable because of its size (5x5x6cm).
    Charlie has now been off chemo since 7/25/14 after being on it for a year, having Cisplatin and Gemcitabine one week, then Gemcitabine the next week and off one week.
    He had a CT scan on 11/20/14 so they could see how the tumor is doing. We found out it has not grown at all, very good for being off chemo so long. It has never shrunk at all from the chemo. So his oncologist is keeping him off for another 8 weeks. His latest test for the cancer ag (Antigen) 19-9 testing tumor markers, which was done 12/29/14 shows his level at 312. When he was still on chemo, it got down (from 2806 in June 2013 to 88 on 9/18/14, then up to 145 on 10/28/14. So it hasn’t gone up a whole lot for being off chemo so long. The doctor said all his tests look pretty good. The CT scan did show some enlargement of the liver and spleen but upon physical exam, he could not feel it enlarged so it must not be that bad. His doctor told him that 85% of those with his cancer die within 1 year and the rest don’t make it past 2 years. He is now at 1.5 years and his doctor said he just MAY be on of the rare one who beats the odds and could last another couple years! Keep praying that’s the case.
    He is gaining weight slowly, now up to 155. He feels good and has energy to do things so right now all is good.


    Love this news and your family!!!!


    Big hugs to you and your mom….dancing a happy dance for you. Best news to get!!!

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