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  • #89193

    So glad to hear this news! I have been thinking of and praying for and your family during this time, and trust there have been some wonderful family moments in the darkest times as well as in these brighter days of getting better.. Love and healing peace to you and your family!!



    It was so wonderful to wake up this morning and read your post.

    Love to you and your wonderful family,



    Dear Duke and youngest son…….words can’t express the joy of reading your posting. Duke, get stronger real soon. Your humor and kindness and the infinite words of wisdom are music to our ears.


    -Transcribed by Duke’s younger son-

    I’m back again for better of for worse; a lot better than i was two weeks ago.

    It’s amazing how your feelings change, i wanted to toss in that i want to live again. typing is terrible, got a lot to say as i feel better. thanks for all your love and prayers, I will fill you in more as i feel better.

    What i was so willing to give away, others fought so hard for




    Dear Chucks daughter, I am sorry for the latest turn in your father’s battle. He is a strong willed man who is blessed with a great deductive mind. He has made a difference here for many diagnosed with this awful disease. Tell him Pat from Bay Village said hello and thank you for all your spirited help on this board. He will NEVER be forgotten, thank you, Pat


    Please send Duke our love and best wishes from the UK. He has always responded to my posts and helped so much in trying to get some answers to this disease. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time and I am so grateful to him for taking so much time out for others,. Thank you Duke and hope you are ok x


    Dear Chuck’s daughter

    Please pass on my best wishes and thoughts to your Dad. His posting on here helped me a so much with my Mum who has CC.

    Please tell Duke that he was a real inspiration for me. He is such a fighter. Amazing!!

    I would be very proud of him if he was my dad…though hopefully I can still be very proud of him for being his friend and contact on here.

    Lots of love to him and my prayers are with him



    I havent checked in to these forums in a while. I really try to limit my exposure to the depressing nature of this disease as much as possible (a little selfish, I know). I specifically decided to log in to see how Duke was doing actually. Something just told me it was time. When I was diagnosed 1 year ago Duke was one of the first to reply to me and he is someone in a similar situation to mine (non operable, etc) he let me know that there is no “expiration date” stamped on my foot. He even contacted me by e-mail recently just to check in. Duke, if you read this I hope you are at peace with your decisions and I hope you make it through this to fight another day (if that is your wish) Cillie


    It’s not necessary to know a person for long to be deeply touched by the strength of his/her spirit, it’s not even necessary to get to know someone in person to feel how great and important they are to others.

    I’ve already said that people on this site are amazingly helping, caring, understanding. Duke is one of them, will never forget how much he comforted me when I felt devastated. Will never forget other people who did that too, you’re all great.

    When I was in a similar situation like yours, Chuck’s daughter, I wished for humane support and the possibility to talk to someone who knew how I felt. It helped me, this site helped me a lot. Chuck did.

    The news about your dad isn’t the news I wished to hear but some things in life are inevitable, we’re all guests on this earth and one day we’ll all meet again.

    I so much loved Lainy’s term ‘relocation’ when we spoke about the people who were not with us in this world already – my dad relocated almost 3 months ago but his love, good deeds, his spirit remain with us.

    It’s good to know your dad is surrounded by the people who love him, my thoughts are with him and your family too. If my simple humane support can ease the pain at least a little, I wnt you to know that I keep praying and supporting you from far away.


    Dear Chuck’s daughter,

    Your Dad and you family have been forefront in my thoughts. My first impression of Duke was that he was a lot like me and liked numbers. Then I found out he was REALLY smart with numbers. I was drawn to that we both wanted to see the curve move right- it was the bell curve that showed the normal survival for CC patient.s. Please tell Duke he helped move the curve. So many people when diagnosed see the statistics and have no hope; your Dad gave hope to many.

    I hope your family knows how many people your Dad helped with the information, humor, spirit and love he has shared.

    There are so many who read these posts but do not join the conversations, so please know that the few of us responding are only a very small portion of those your Dad has touched,

    I went back and looked at earlier posts and found this within the first thread:

    Hi Duke,
    Thanks for your response to my post. I read your post to my husband, Norbert yesterday. It made him feel so much better than he has felt in quite a while. He had me look up your info and read him your posts about yourself. For the first time, since he was diagnosed, I saw him brighten up. I saw the old Norbert, the one who will not give up so easily without a fight. I felt I owed you a huge THANK YOU!!!!
    Best of luck to you with your treatment!!!

    This was just one post- there are so many Duke has touched. Please pass along thoughts,prayers,love and hugs,. And thank you so much for keeping us updated.



    Chuck’s Daughter,

    Thanks so much for keeping us informed about your dad. He is well loved & respected here as you can see by the postings. Hoping for peace and comfort for him and also for you and the rest of the family. My thoughts are with all of you right now.



    Chucksdaughter…….not sure I am able to express in words my feelings, but I want you to know that your Dad lives forever on this site and in our hearts. Those newly joining our discussion board will encounter a most wonderful welcome from Chuck. Take a look:
    That is in addition to the additional 570 postings signed by him.
    My thoughts and love are with you in this most precious of times.

    Forever grateful with tons of love,


    Dear Chuck’s daughter,

    I am real sorry to hear the latest news from you about your dad and please tell him that I am thinking of him loads and loads. I have been there with my dad where you are now with your dad and I so know how hard this is for you both. Please know that we are all here for you and always will be and your dad is so very much loved by us all.

    I am very glad to hear that your dad is surrounded by his family and friends right now and I can so picture all of you bringing a smile to his face.

    Thinking of you and your dad right now.




    Wonderful Daughter of Chuck’s, even though these are words that we did not want to read we thank you for keep us updated.
    Dad and I had several emails back and forth on facing the end and this was a few months ago but I felt he knew and he has taken this journey with so much dignity and grace.
    He will understand this, I am not being crazy but I think he will smile. Tell him that his Cuz has talked to Teddy and when ever he is ready, there is a chair waiting for him at Teddy’s Sicilian Restaurant. I am glad I am not writing on paper or it would be all wet now.
    Sending Prayer after prayer and I hope he is maintaining comfort. Please give him a big hug for me! You are an amazing daughter to do this at a time that makes it even harder to do. Bless you.


    (Chuck’s daughter again)

    I wanted to thank all of you for your kind words. I’ve kept him updated letting him know how much everyone cares about him. It’s brought a smile to his face every time. All of his family and friends have come by to cheer him up. The mucositis has cleared up well, but he is ready to be at peace. This community has kept him going and fighting for so long. Thank you so much for everything, each one of you.

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