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  • in reply to: What a difference a couple of days makes! #32673


    Just wanted say hi and tell you that your post here have me a big ol smile! I love your sense of humor.

    Thank You



    My dad had gull stones several years before he was dx with cancer. Looking back at photos and plotting the time of when I thought his cancer started, he looked puffy in the face.
    Never sick before that.
    In my opinion, it was either enviromental or thoses stones.


    in reply to: New scan results #29860

    Hi Kris

    I haven’ t posted here for some time. I am sorry to hear about the tumor. Have you thought about Theresphere?
    My dad had the chemoembolization and we found out later that it did kill some of the tumor.


    in reply to: Chemoembolization worked well #27764


    I did alot of research on Dr Geschwind. If I had C.C, thats who I would go see. I think your in good hands.
    My father had the same procedure as you. It killed most of the tumor. I feel the mistake he made was not to keep on attacking it with treatments, chemo. etc…His treatments were at Mayo in M.N. In my opinion, they were not aggressive enough.
    We were set up to go see your doctor and it just didn’t happen. If you can handle the treatments, keep on it. I think your on the right track.


    in reply to: Question for everyone #24898


    While researching ways of stripping rust off old cars for restoration I found several types of acid that works. One is sulfric and the other is Phosphoric acid.

    Guess which one is in soda?????????

    Now after looking at how to safely use these acids I fould a article that said people who drank 2 or more sodas a day had double the risk of kidney cancer……….. If I can find the article I will post it.


    in reply to: Hang in there people…….. #20014

    There is also a article in Popular Science, June issue.


    in reply to: Is CC hereditary? #19979


    I have the same question.

    My grandfather died of bone marrow cancer and had a stent in his liver also. Had a very high iron content.

    20 years ago I remember asking my dad about the rust looking stuff on his feet. Looked like it was migrating up his legs. Darker at the bottom and lighter at the top. Got much darker as time went on. My dad was dx in april 07 interhepatic.

    After his dx I was checked for liver function and found my iron content was around 450. My dads was 600. I also have the rust looking stuff migrating up my legs.

    After researching more I found my grandfather had the same stuff on his legs. My brother has normal iron content and no rust on his legs…………

    I thought Hemochromotosis ( Spelling )? They checked me for the gene and found that both my dad and I do not have it. I found they only check for 3 genes but if I remember, 15 different genetic defects that can cause this.


    in reply to: Platelets loooooow! #19929

    Hi Jeff

    I know that lack of iron will cause someone to be anemic but low platelets will cause the same thing??? I need some schooling on this.

    My dad and I have a hi iron count. His is 600 and mine is something around 450. They checked us for Hemocromitosis ( spelling? ) but nothing came back. Clean bill of health for me.

    My question is can blood from someone like me help you?


    in reply to: Anyone had liver embolization prior to surgery? #18914

    Thank you Colleen.

    I started reading up on Dr. Geshwin based on your results. I hope we can get something close to the same reduction as your husband.


    in reply to: Anyone had liver embolization prior to surgery? #18912

    Thank you Sophie,

    I’m glad things went well for you.

    Just looking down the road at some options if there are any. My dad has been on Gemzar and Xeloda and his CA19 number went down from 1443 to 883 in about 2 weeks. Not sure what to think about that. During all this he had an infection due to a plugged stent. He has stopped the chemo and is on antibiotics now until the fever goes away. I hope he gets that cleared up so he can get back on track with the Chemo before his cancer no longer responds to it.

    We have a meeting with John Hopkins next week to see Dr. Geshwin. Has anyone had any experience with him? I think they are going to offer him something like the TACE program.

    My dad is not really a computer person. I would like to find him someone that he could call and talk to about positive treatments and this disease in general over the phone.
    The reason I wanted to bring this up is this:
    If you ask a doctor, son, daughter or a fellow cancer patient their opinion, you may get 3 different answers made for different reasons. I.E. clincal data, emotion, experience, all of which are important and are needed to answer your questions.
    If there is anyone out there that would be interested in this, please email me your phone number and a good time to call and I will pass your information on to my dad.
    I would like our website to offer a phone support for the non-computer people. There is something to be said for that one-on-one conversation.

    Thank you


    in reply to: Chemotherapy #19782

    Hello Tanoland

    My dad is on the second week of Gemzar and Xeloda. He has not lost his hair but is tired and feels a burning feeling on his skin. All in all not too bad so far.
    His CA-19 has went from 1400 to 883 in 2 weeks. Not sure if we can jump up and down yet.
    Maybe Jeff will chime in here but if the tumor marker drops, does that mean its working? Also my dad has lost 10 lbs in 1 week during this chemo.


    in reply to: I am so happy…. #19530

    Hi Kris

    That is great news !!!!!!!!!!!


    in reply to: sirspheres and therashperes are working for me! #19095

    Great news Becky!!!


    in reply to: sirspheres and therashperes are working for me! #19093

    Hi Becky

    sirspheres and therashperes. What is the difference?



    in reply to: Anyone had liver embolization prior to surgery? #18910

    Thank You


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