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  • in reply to: Hospice Here We Come #45060

    My Dearest Lainy,

    I have been thinking of you and Teddy all day. I can only imagine how hard this is going to be for you but I think Hospice is really the best place for Teddy now. It will enable you to spend the rest of your precious time together as a couple. You have been an inspiration to us all, and I pray my Mom finds the strength that you have when my Dad reaches the end of his journey. I can also imagine my Dad fussing about the TV too, when I read your quote it made me think of my parents.

    You truly are both such special people and even though we have never met I want you to know how much your advice and kind words have meant to me the last few months.

    My thoughts, prayers and love are with you, Teddy (our Miracle Man) and your wonderful family.

    Look after yourself too.

    Much love

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Dad… #44809

    Hi Auntie Jen!!

    I have just read your news and the tears are streaming down my face! How wonderful.

    I’m hoping your Dads surgery goes well today and I’m so glad that they have found out the cause of your Dads pain and have been able to control it, I will be thinking of you all. What a lovely suprise and pick me up a new Grandson will be for your Dad. Children are definatley the best medicine.

    Sending lots of love to you and your family,

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: Sad sad sad day… #44986

    Dear DD,

    I am so sorry to here that your Mom has passed away.

    Sending lots of love and hugs

    Thinking of you

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Sad sad sad day… #44985

    Dear DD,

    I am so sorry to here that your Mom has passed away.

    Sending lots of love and hugs

    Thinking of you

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Confused by CT report #44964


    I’m no expert but it sounds pretty good to me!!

    Good luck for the 21st.

    Best wishes to you and your sister.


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42119

    Dearest Margaret,

    Sending lots and lots of prayers your way.

    Thinking of you and Tom.

    Keep strong and keep kickin that cancer!

    Much love

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Its a no #44852

    Dear Margaret and Michelle,

    Thank you for your kind words. We had a day of tears yesterday, think we all needed to let it out of our system. It had been a long few days. You are right we need to take it day by day. Dad seems to have accepted it now but I’m feeling lost as my time has been taken up emailing and organising various second opinions. It now seems so final.

    Dad is in good spirits today, enjoyed his tomatoes on toast and icecream whilst I was there, and was very chatty. I think we have all realised time is precious and there is no point wasting time being sad. It is his birthday next week, and we also have Christmas to hopefully look forward to together.

    Thinking of you all and once again thank you for your kindness

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Mams gone #44944

    Dearest Molly,

    I am so so sorry to hear that your Mom has passed away.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Best wishes

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Dad… #44794

    Dear Jen,

    My heart is breaking for you reading your post. Please try and keep positive, your Dad is in the right place now to get to the bottom to what is causing the pain. I really don’t think the Doctors would be mentioning your Dad coming home if they didn’t think it was possible.

    Will be thinking and praying for you and your family today.

    Stay strong.

    Love and hugs

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: My Mom #44907

    Dear Irishgirl,

    With the time difference our overseas friends won’t often be on the site at the same time. I’m sure when they read your post the answers will come flooding in. You could also repost under the Pain managment section of the forum.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44678

    Hi Chelle,

    Hope you get some answers soon. I know my Dads scans etc kept getting cancelled. We went to Leeds Monday and he was seen by the consultant, had a CT scan and was given the results in the same day. We were so impressed, unfortunatley it wasn’t good news but the care we were given was superb.

    It is very very common to itch with jaundice, though for some strange reason my Dad has never suffered with the intense itching. If you type itching in the cc search engine you should find out more about it and how to help it.

    Sending best wishes to you and your Mom


    in reply to: My Mom #44905

    Hi Irishgirl,

    Firstly welcome to our cc family. You have come to the right place for help and advice. Whilst I can’t give you any answers I’m sure someone else will be along soon. From what I have read this disease progresses differently from patient to patient. My Dad was diagnosed April, his only treatment being a stent. In september we were told he had 3-4 months. Luckily he is in no pain, the only symptom he has ever had is his jaundice. He is slowing down now though, eating little and often. It is heartbreaking seeing one of the most important people in your life go through this. I can honestly say though that the people on this site have helped me so much the past several months.

    Thinking of you and hoping your Moms pain will be under control soon


    in reply to: Results come back clear #44899

    Hi Molly,

    How is your Mom doing?, in your last post you said her bilirubin wasn’t coming down as it should and she was back in hospital. I hope this is under control now.

    Are the doctors saying the type of cancer isn’t bile duct cancer but another sort. I know you mentioned it had spread to the stomach lining in a previous post. How had they come to that conclusion?

    My Dad had a biopsy to test for cc not a brushing.

    I really hope that it isn’t cc and good news is coming your way, but I would be asking for second opinions just incase it is.

    Thinking of you


    in reply to: mom is losing weight #44785

    Hi AndreaH,

    Perhaps your Mom could have the Ensure or Fortijuice drinks, you can have them in milshake or juice form. My Dad has had these a few time after his stent procedures and he has them now. He said they have given him more energy too.

    Smoothies and soups seem a good idea too.

    Fingers crossed you find something she likes.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: recently diagnosed mother #43521

    Hi Andreah

    Has your Mom tried the fortijuice/Ensure drinks? They may help you Mom with her weight loss. My Dad was given these after his stent operations and he is on them now as the jaundice has started to effect the amount he wants to eat.

    Is she drinking? If so how about making smoothies.


    Unfortunatley Dads second opinion has come to nothing but considering he has been jaundiced since February, he has done extremely well, and continues to amaze us all. Your Mom sounds a fighter like my Dad. He takes ciprofoxin (sp) to keep any infections under control, cod liver oil, and lemon juice in hot water every morning and night. Luckily he is in no pain, just tires more easy and has to eat little and often. Is your Mom jaundiced or just too weak to have chemo?

    Good luck and best wishes to you both


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