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  • in reply to: Catheter installed but bilirubin keeps rising #53670

    Dear Walking the Path,

    Every time my Dad had a stent change I know it took a few weeks for the bile level to decrease, sometimes it went higher and sometimes it stayed static then dropped. We were told inflammation of the ducts could cause this and once the inflammation had gone down the bile would flow. My Dad was told to drink, drink and drink some more! to flush it out of his system.

    Best wishes being sent your way


    in reply to: Living with jaundice #53659

    Dear Worried Daughter,

    My Dads tumor blocked his stent, it got to a point where it was impossible for the Doctor to fit a stent as it was too tricky to get to. They fitted my Dad with an external drain which helped drain the bile.

    We did get second opinions, and whilst they couldn’t offer any further help it did put our minds at rest that we had tried every option and hadn’t given up.

    My best wishes to you and your family


    in reply to: My story, in case it helps… #39854


    I’m so pleased you are doing so well, good luck with your stent replacement. Is it being done at the QE Birmingham?

    Best wishes


    in reply to: My dad #52834

    Hi Amanda,

    I’d too like to welcome you to our cc family. I came here last April after my Dad was diagnosed, and like Gavin said it was the best thing I ever did too.

    My Dad had a metal stent and was deemed inoperable, chemo was an option but his bile level never reached a safe level for it to be given. My advice would be to have second and even third opinions just so you know you have ticked every box. Please share any worries or questions with us, as it really does help to hear from people who really do know what you are going through.

    My thoughts are with you and your family

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Lisa #52912

    Heaven has gained yet another beautiful Angel. Lisa was truly an inspirational lady who fought cc with such courage and dignity. I read her blog and was truly touched by the way she wrote about her journey. My thoughts are with Lisa’s family and friends at this heartbreaking time.

    in reply to: Doug Jensen #52930

    Dearest Nancy & Family,

    I’m so sorry to hear of your sad loss, but glad that Doug passed peacefully and painfree with loved ones by his side at home. That itself is a blessing and will be a comfort in the days to come.

    Sending love and hugs

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Stent limitations? #45131

    Dear Rich,

    My Dad had metal stents, he had 3 in total as his cc was an extrahepatic tumor which was in the middle of the Y. They extended 2 of the stents and when this stopped working they fitted him with an external drain which helped to collect the bile.

    From experience it depends on the tumor location as to where the stents can be fitted. With my Dad in the end the stent couldn’t be extended any higher as it was impossible to get to, on Dads scans you could see it looked like a tree with branches, some of the branches seemed to wrap around and a clear path was difficult to see for the stent. Blood vessels and arteries are near too which cause even more problems when fitting stents. Also metal ones cannot be removed once in place.

    I also second what Lainy said, have you had any other opinions of treatment available? My Dad was offered chemo but his bile level never came down to a safe enough level.

    Dads jaundice never really left him even when his first stent was fitted and his level dropped.

    Hope you get some answers tomorrow.

    in reply to: Clear scan #51383

    Hi Kate,

    That is wonderful news, thanks for keeping us updated as it’s lovely to hear such great news.

    I hope your parents have a wonderful trip. It sounds like they will have an amazing time.

    Love to all

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Recurrence rate #51331


    So glad to hear your Dads scan results were all clear.

    Love to you all


    in reply to: My Brother Passed Away This Morning #52305

    Dear Dave,

    Please accept my deepest sympathy. Thinking of you and your family at this heartbreaking time.


    in reply to: Another Beautiful Angel #52219

    Dear AshleyC,

    Please accept my deepest sympathy on the passing of your precious Mom. I know so well the pain of this moment, but what a blessing that you could be with her right to the end. I still remember the look of peace on my Dads face when he passed away, and I still find comfort in this, 6 months later. You have been a wonderful daughter and support to your Mom, and I’m sure she will always be by your side, proudly watching over you and your daughter. Please take time now to take care of yourself.

    Love to you all


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42250


    Sending love and prayers to you and Tom. He’s a fighter, you both are. That question about DNR was one of the hardest questions I had to answer for my Dad so my heart feels for you.


    Andrea x

    in reply to: Dad has found peace… #51269

    Dear Jen,

    I’m so glad the funeral went well, I have been thinking of you.

    What you are feeling is totally normal, I too was kept busy with different arrangements and then it hit me like a tonne of bricks. It still does now and it’s been 4 months. Only today I was in tears, it’s little things that will set me off, such as seeing the “Dads Garden” sign that I brought him for Fathers day years ago or for a split second waking up and thinking he’s still here.

    Mom sends her love to you and your Mom, she always asks about the people on the site. Please take care of yourself Jen and remember we are all here for you.

    Love and hugs

    Andrea x

    in reply to: It’s been 2 years today #51282

    Like Lainy said your Dad will be so proud of you. I know one of the last things Dad told Mom and I was to “keep smiling”. On bad days I try to remember this, though it’s hard. Our Dads would want us to live our lives to the full, life is too short.

    Sending love and hugs your way.

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Dad has found peace… #51262

    Dear Jen,

    Thinking of you and all your family at this heartbreaking time. You all did your Dad proud and showed amazing strength and courage throughout this difficult journey. I’m sure your Dad is looking down on you all with such love and pride.

    You cannot see or touch me,
    But I’m standing next to you,
    Your tears can only hurt me,
    Your sadness makes me blue,
    Be brave and show a smiling face,
    Let not your grief show through,
    I love you from a different place,
    Yet I’m standing next to you.

    Our Dads will always be by our side Jen.

    Love and hugs

    Andrea xx

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