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  • in reply to: Devoncat no more #46252

    As many others have expressed, the right words are so very hard to come by. So to Hans, Kris’ parents and sister I extend my deepest condolences. Kris had a spirit that transcended the anonymity of the internet and allowed so many of us to feel that we truly knew Kris and therefore we too feel the deepness of her loss.


    in reply to: ISO a poem, encouragement, anything! #45717


    Not sure if this will fall in the category of inspiration but I was struck by the thought. Yesterday I attended a memorial service for a friend’s mother in law who passed away at the age of 89. Sybil had led a good life and was generally in good health and really it was age that ultimately caused her passing.

    After the family had spoke about grandma the pastor got up and read a scripture and then went on to share her own thoughts about death and loss and she said something that truly struck home with me and that is that Grief is the last gift our loved ones give to us. It is a period to feel sorrow and loss for their passing and then with time find comfort in our memories. I know I have never considered grief in this context and it really struck a chord. Maybe this idea of grief as a gift will also help your sister.


    in reply to: Chemo Resistant #45789


    Adding my welcome to the site. As Marion mentioned cc is very individual. Many people have discussed that while one a chemo regime worked, it then stopped working after a period of time and their Dr. moves them to a new drug or drug combo. As well by using the search functionlity in the top right corner you will find information on some of the other treatments that have been discussed here; chemo emobolization, radiation, cyberknife just to name a few. I am sure others will chime in with good information.


    in reply to: It’s been just over a year now. #45598


    It’s hard to believe a year has already passed. Anniversary dates can be bitter sweet – remembering both the wonderful memories and the loss of your dear dad at the same time. Prayers of comfort to you and your mom.


    in reply to: Can’t get head round it all #45528


    Take a deep breath and then start at the beginning if possible.

    It sounds like you have some pretty conflicting information on your hands.
    Your mom is likely in shock and not hearing the full details being provided by her doctors. Is anyone else going with her to her appointments? Is it possible for you or another family member to call in to her next appointment so that you can listen to the doctors and ask clarifying questions?

    What options do you have to try and coordinate a second opinion?

    If it has been said once, it’s been said hundreds of times on this site … no one has an expiration date stamped on their foot. I know you’ve posted other information about your mom (but I don’t recall the details, my apologies), but what symptoms does she have that would cause the doctors to give such a grave diagnosis? And more importantly, what are the doctors doing to manage any symptoms she may be having?

    It is hard to care for someone so deeply and not be able to be there to hear first hand what the doctors have to say. I know I found this site invaluable (and still do). Keep on posting your concerns and others will chime in.


    in reply to: Hospice Bad Experience-Update #45374


    I remain dumbfounded by the hospice experience you describe. My dad was in a Hospice of the Valley facility and the care was wonderful. When you say “they were following orders” this leads me to believe it may be a management issue with how the staff in that particular facility are trained.

    You will honor Teddy by assuring that the proper people review his care and listen to your concerns. But like many others have said, let the positive memories be your first thoughts.


    in reply to: Teddy is at PEACE #45216


    Words are insufficient to express the loss you feel. I can only add to the heartfelt condolences and continue to offer prayers of support and strength to you and your family.


    in reply to: HOSPICE Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm #45040


    As you have been his caregiver these last 5 months – you, more than anyone else, know exactly what Teddy needs and when he needs it. I am hopeful that the nurse you spoke with has taken your counsel to heart and will assure that Teddy is receiving the level of care, in the timeframes you know are best.

    I know that with my dad while the staff at the hospice was very good (and always responsive when I asked for something), I was the one who knew exactly when the last round of med was wearing off and he was going to need more. With each shift we would get into a rhythm and then I

    in reply to: Hospice Here We Come #45086


    Today you made one of life’s hardest decisions. Allow yourself some time to adjust to what is yet another twist in the road of what has been a challenging journey and know that you and Teddy are surrounded with the love, support, and prayers of many both near and far.

    Take care,


    in reply to: Teddy Update #44883


    I have often wondered if our cc family has their own little “exclusive” club in heaven? While each and every one of us is special, it is my observation that cc has touched the lives of some really awesome people. I know my dad will enjoy meeting Teddy when he is ready. My dad loved living in Chandler and will like talking to someone that knows his home so well.

    Peace be with you and Teddy,


    in reply to: itching #44429


    You say mom is refusing other treatment .. but none the less you may want to have a chat with her Dr. to determine if she is a candidate for a stent. If she is, you may be able to convince mom the procedure is worth it for relief from this symptom.

    Best of luck,


    in reply to: Mayo Clinic visit…..a big disappointment #44233


    Sorry that your visit to Mayo didn’t have a more positive outcome. But, as you yourself said – knowledge is power. It appears that you have already formulated the next plan and are ready to put it into action.

    I would stress that you have immediate symptoms (pain and discomfort) that you need addressed when talking to the office staff.

    Take care,


    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #42989

    While I am sorry you are facing another surgery, it’s great news that there is a new plan to help you. May your surgeons be blessed with a guiding hand that brings healing.


    in reply to: Teddy Update #43035


    Your posts continue to show an immense amount of grace and strength. While no one wants to think about their own mortality there comes a time when we all ask ourselves “what might I do?” or “how might I find strength?” Though likely very challenging at times for you, your posts contain some very valuable life lessons in them.


    in reply to: not going well #43128


    Your spirit is strong and will guide you as you make this next turn in your journey. Know that there are many, including myself, who have thought about you so frequently these past weeks and with each thought came a prayer for your strength and healing and will continue.


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