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  • in reply to: UK based with sister in USA #37586

    Welcome Angela!

    I’m sorry you had to find us but I’m glad you did!

    One of the things my Mom took during her fight with CC was a drug called Megace. It is an appetite enhancer and worked wonders for her.

    Hope you’ve gotten to speak with the Oncologist by now! Take care and know we are all here for you!


    in reply to: Sad #37452

    nk ,

    We are always here for you whenever you need us.


    in reply to: Exercise #37570

    Hi Rick!

    My Mom was adament on walking whenever she could during her illness. She said it made her feel proactive and it did indeed help with sleeping.

    Before her diagnosis at 76 she walked every day at work and at home! She did the first 2 miles every morning with the young guys in the office, then 2 more miles at lunch with the women in the office, and then she and my Dad would walk 5 to 6 miles every night at home! She averaged 6 to 10 miles and was almost impossible to keep up with!


    in reply to: So Far So Good! #37582

    Great news Jeff (on all fronts!)

    I’m sending lots of hope and prayers for Marc to have a good scan on the 6th!

    Hang in there!


    in reply to: Sad #37448

    Hi nk,

    I’m so sorry you had to find us but we are so glad you’re here. I lost my Mom to CC one year ago on April 3, 2009. I thought the journey with CC was hard but it’s nothing compared to the journey with grief. The past year has been a series of ups and downs but it is becoming easier.

    My heart goes out to you in the loss of your beloved companion. This site is a wonderful place to help deal with grief. You will be among people that not only care but truly understand what you’re going through.

    We also have a wonderful psychologist – Dr. Giles, that you can ask questions of and read his responses to questions other people have posed. You’ll find him at the top of the page under patient support.

    Please know you are NOT alone. I am sending prayers and lots of hugs your way.


    in reply to: Hi I’m new around here! #37497

    Hi DaMamma!

    I echo all the above welcomes! I want to let you know there is a search engine at the top of the page. You can enter key words or search by poster’s names. This might help you if you’re looking for a specific topic or need some info quickly.

    We’re sorry you had to find us but you will find some of the most caring and compassionate people on the planet on this board. We’re here to help you anyway we can.

    Sisters are so special and I know your sister is glad you are with her on this journey.

    I’m sending prayers and hugs to you both!


    in reply to: My new plan #37487

    This is what I love to hear….our Kris back in fighting mode…ready to take names and kick butt!

    Sounds like a good plan! I’m sending lots of prayers, hugs and a special hug for your wonderful hubby. Keep us posted and stay as sassy as possible with LeRoy!


    in reply to: Mom passed away on April 5th #37415

    Oh Scraggles,

    Your Mom sounds like an amazing woman. She faced life and her death with dignity and on her own terms. From reading your posts about her and her journey with CC she obviously leaves an incredible legacy in you. My heart is breaking for you. I know how hard it is to lose your Mom and it sounds as if you had one of the best.

    I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: more info on Dad #37396


    What wonderful news! I will keep you, your family and your Dad in my thoughts and prayers! Stay strong and please keep us informed!


    in reply to: What to expect? #37324

    Dear Careforher,

    You can use the search engine at the top of the page and search for my posts under the name – Cherbourg.

    I posted frequently about Mom’s illness. I’m in the medical field and diagnosed my Mom’s CC. Mom lived a year after being diagnosed in May and she died April 3, 2009.

    I also posted several times the night she was dying. Hospice was a wonderful help and I can’t say enough about having them as a resource. They were with us during the pallative care phase when Mom was no longer getting chemo and they were there in the days leading up to her death. My Mom’s passing was for the most part fairly easy and pain free thanks to their care.

    It was a year since losing my Mom this month. It’s still hard and a journey I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I can say I do know what you’re going through and I will promise that all of us on the site will be here to walk this journey with you and your family.

    Feel free to ask anything you need to know. We’ll all help with the answers.

    You and your family and Mom will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs to you all,

    in reply to: My Dad has CC #37314


    You are NOT alone! We are all here to walk this journey with you and your family. Come here anytime with your questions…feel free to vent, celebrate, anything you need!

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: Irregular Heartbeat #37254


    My Mom had a few episodes of A-fib and she too was seen by a cardiologist. The doctors were able to control things and she was much more comfortable. It turned out to be more of a bump in the road than a hill. (grin)

    Hang in there! You and Roger are and will be in my thoughts and prayers! Don’t forget to take care of the CAREGIVER as well!


    in reply to: Dad diagnosed #37305

    Hi Bob,

    A warm welcome from North Carolina! Here are a couple of links with questions you might want to ask about cancer:

    These are good sites that may be helpful to you.

    Please come back here often and know you and your family are not alone on this journey. We are all here for you.


    in reply to: I am home! #37280


    What great news! I’m so glad you’re home!

    I’m picturing you lazing in the pool, chowing down on the good stuff, attentive Hans at your beck and call, and the kitties watching from the pool deck.

    We missed you so much but Hans was soooo good at keeping alll of us in the loop!

    Hugs to you both!


    in reply to: more bad news #37214


    Hang in there! (and please remember to take care of the CAREGIVER!) That would be you!

    I know things are hectic for you and Jim right now. Please know that you, Jim and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying for you to have strength, peace of mind and for Jim’s pain to subside. Hospice is a wonderful organization and they offer so many options for pallative care.

    Hugs and prayers,

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 522 total)