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  • in reply to: my twin sister and CC mets #33337


    I’m so sorry you had to find us. I know how hard this must be for you…not only a loving sister but a twin as well. I know there is a special bond with twins.

    My Mom was treated at Duke during her illness. Her oncologist was Dr. Mark Moore. She was diagnosed at age 76 at Stage IV with mets to the lungs when the CC was found. She received Chemo (Gemcitibine, oxiliplatin and also Xeloda and Nexavar) at various times during her disease.

    I echo Gavin’s advice to use the search forum for specific questions.

    We are here for you and your family.

    Much love and hugs to you and your sister.


    in reply to: Scan coming up next week… #33978

    Hi Beth!

    Just wanted you to know that I am thinking (and praying) about you and Dave today.

    You will both be tightly tucked in my heart today!


    in reply to: The journey ends #34056


    I’m so sorry you had to find us. I know how hard it is to lose a parent. I lost my Mom April 3, 2009. She was diagnosed in May of 2008. I’m STILL trying to remember what “normal” is(was). Grief, I’m finding is a much longer, more difficult road than I ever imagined it would be. It’s hard but I know I’m slowly finding my way.

    Your Mom must of been so very proud of her girls. You both are a beautiful legacy of what a wonderful woman she must have been. That you both were so caring and loving to her in her journey, speaks volumes of how she raised you.

    I also have to say your signature line is a beautiful thought. I made a copy of it to hang above my desk.

    Please come back often. You can use the search forum and find answers to questions or do an author search and follow anyone’s individual journey.

    We are all here (both patients and caregivers) and ready to help.

    Much love and many hugs….

    in reply to: The journey starts #33058


    One of the things mentioned to my Mom during her treatment was to find the Biotene line of mouthwash and toothpaste. We found it at CVS, RITE AID, Walgreens and Harris Teeter.

    It reallly made a difference!

    Keep on keeping on!


    in reply to: Ronald John Strachan – Goodbye Dad #33616

    Oh Gavin,

    I didn’t want to see this post but I sensed it was coming. My heart goes out in sadness to you and your Mom but I rejoice that your Dad’s passing was peaceful and dignified.

    You are an amazing man and a wonderful legacy left by your Dad on this earth. I know his passing was made much easier knowing he was leaving your Mom in your capable hands.

    I know the emotions you will go through in the coming days will stagger you at times but I promise you’ll find the strength to see you through.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Much love and many, many hugs…


    in reply to: Latest scan results #33506


    Hug Hans, do some cuddling, make some plans to spoil that godson Kjartan Magnus, do some cursing at LEROY in Swedish (Since you are now proficient) and English, then as you said, take a little time to regroup.

    You ARE a fighter and have all of the courage you need for this next battle. This little skirmish is just one more battle you will win.

    We love you and are praying for you.

    Many hugs and much, much love!


    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33526


    What a beautiful post. You’ve helped me so much today with the thought of MY Mom being tucked up in my heart!


    What a loving post! I’m so glad you have other family with you as you travel this journey. You’ll make the right decisions. Your Mom sounds like one strong woman and I love the part about her “having a few more surprises in her!”

    Much love and many hugs to you and your family!



    in reply to: Mom Receiving Hospice Care #33486


    You are in my thoughts everyday and I just wanted to check in and see how things are going.

    Now I’m going to “play the Mom” and tell you that you need to take care of the caregiver (that would be you!) Do your best to try and get some rest whenever possible. Try to do one thing for YOU everyday whether it’s a quick walk or a long bath. You’ll know what’s important that needs to be done and what to leave alone for now. You are being pulled in so many directions so be kind and gentle to yourself.

    You will find the strength you need. You and your Mom and family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    Much love and many hugs…

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33299

    Ahhh Gavin,

    What a wonderful gift you are receiving! You are also giving a wonderful gift…that of being with your Dad and reminding each other of happier days. I know your Dad is so comforted knowing your Mom is going to be in good and loving hands.

    I’m so glad your Dad is having this time. I’ll be smiling at work today thinking of you and your Dad making the “great leap”!

    Hugs to all of you!



    Oh Kris,

    Maybe you’re not having hot flashes from early menopause but POWER SURGES!……lol

    P.S. Have you bought that red coat yet??????


    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33285


    Just came in to check and hopefully see an update on how your Dad is doing. What a wonderful post to read! I’m so happy for all of you! Treasure these moments…they are such a gift!

    I’ll go to sleep smiling for you!


    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33420

    Lisa ….you rock!

    You remind me of my favorite t-shirt that says: FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!

    Much love and many hugs!


    in reply to: Mom had unsuccessful surgery yesterday #33561


    Never give up hope and YES miracles do happen! My CC family has become as dear to me as my own.

    One bit of “housekeeping” you might want to consider is getting your Mom’s medical power of attorney and making sure you are designated on any HIPPA forms. It’s simple to do and will guarantee you will be able to access all of her medical reports. In this day of HIPPA regulations this will make your life easier.

    You and your family are on a journey and information is key. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Remember NO question is too dumb to ask here and we ALWAYS welcome information and just plain ole venting!

    Come often and know that we are always here for you and someone will always know the answer to your questions or where to find them.

    Much love and many hugs…

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33277

    Oh Gavin,

    I’m so sorry to hear your Dad is nearing the end of his journey. You are an amazinng legacy that your Dad leaves behind…a strong, caring compassionate Man. Your Dad’s mind must surely be resting easier knowing he can pass the care of your Mom into your strong and capable hands.

    As for your Dad having times he doesn’t feel like talking, looking back there really seemed to be a time with my Mom that she seemed to be detaching from us and this world and preparing for the next part of her journey. You are doing everything right….sitting with your Dad when he doesn’t need or want to talk and engaging him when he does.

    My heart goes out to you. You have so much on your plate and are doing a magnificent job with the way you are handling things. In the words of “another father”….”This is my son, in whom I am well-pleased…”

    Stay strong and know we are all here for you.

    Many hugs and much, much love,


    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33517

    Oh Sharon,

    My heart goes out to you! I stood in your shoes in April of this year. It’s so hard to know what to do. I’m so glad you were able to talk to your Mom and know exactly what she wants. What a precious gift!

    We were able to have Mom tell us her wishes…(we even found that she had planned her own funeral…having my Dad sing and me give the eulogy). (and believe it or not we were both able to.)

    I know you are overwhelmed right now trying to balance children, husband, inlaws and still be everywhere and everything for everyone. We never get old enought to lose our Moms. All I can tell you is that if you trust yourself you’ll know which way to go. You’ll find a strength in yourself you never knew you had.

    You and your family will be in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

    Much love and many, many hugs,


Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 522 total)