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  • in reply to: Not a good scan #29312

    Hang in there Jamie and come back often. We are ALL on this journey with you!


    in reply to: Not a good scan #29310


    DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! New techniques and medicines are coming out every day. (Nexavar was just out last June).

    Read my signature line that my son said when he heard the prognosis about his grandmother. I think it’s an excellent way to live.

    No one but God has any idea of how long we each have on this earth. *Realistically*….your doctor could get hit by a beer truck this afternoon!

    Let NO ONE take away your hope and your wishes!

    Now let me get down off my soap box…..*grin*

    Much love and hugs,

    in reply to: Remaining hopeful during difficult times #29255


    My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Read my signature line and then continue to live it!

    Much love, hugs and prayers.

    in reply to: prayers for kim #29237

    You, your sister and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers today and tonight.

    Keep the faith and let us know how things go.

    Many hugs and much love,

    in reply to: Please Pray for Joe #29213

    I can attest that screaming when alone in the car is extremely therapeutic. FYI….make sure the windows are up!

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. You will find this will be one of your best support groups! Please keep us posted.


    in reply to: Good thoughts please #29194


    Much love and hugs and good wishes to you. I absolutely love your stubborness and determined will. We are all here for you.

    As always, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.



    in reply to: Elderly Patient with CC #29160


    One of the medications my Mom was given by her oncologist was a liquid drug called Megace. It’s an appetite enhancer and it worked beautifully. She maintained her weight throughout her entire illness. You might ask your Mom’s doctor about it.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: Question about ascites?? #29155

    One of the most amazing drugs my Mom used was an appetite enhancer called Megace prescribed by her oncologist. We used to tease her that she was eating nonstop! She was able to maintain her weight throughout the progression of the disease. The medicine was in a liquid form and she drank 20 ml from one of the very small caps that looked like the ones that sometimes come on cough syrups. It was pleasant tasting and she tolerated it very well.

    Hope this is helpful.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: Hello #28938

    Hi Baby,

    My Mom (77) was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in May 2008. She died on April 3, 2009. At diagnosis she was Stage IV with mets to the lungs.

    Towards the end of her disease, ( in March ) she was sleeping more. Watch your Mom for facial gestures and watch her hands. Frowning, or clenched hands may indicate pain. Mom was slightly agitated every now and then but sometimes something as simple as slightly changing her position or raising her up and moving her pillow would help.

    My Mom was still working full time when diagnosed after a bout of pleurisy and a CT to rule out a blood clot. She had never ever been sick and I don’t think she really knew how to describe pain since she had never really experienced any. She too would admit to being uncomfortable.

    I know how hard your road is from experience. You can search my posts to get an idea of how things were for us near the end of her disease. But understand this monster of a disease is different for everyone. You will find there is a time when the patient seems to almost be in two places. Here in this world and the next. It’s not a road I would have chosen but to be with my Mom throughout this process was a gift. I know I will see her again and I know she is in heaven.

    Take care of the caregiver. (That is YOU!!) Come here often. You will find some of the most compassionate, knowledgeable people here on this site. I think this site probably saved my sanity more than once!

    You and your Mom and family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I will promise you that you will find a depth of strength you never knew you were capable of in dealing with this monster. Take care and know we are with you on this journey.

    Much love and hugs,


    in reply to: gemzar and cisplatin together #29039

    My Mom (77) was on both when she was diagnosed at stage IV with mets to the lungs. She went every two weeks for chemo and did I think 6 rounds. Later the doctors added Nexavar and Xeloda.

    I firmly believe it gave her much more time. She was diagnosed in May 2008 and died April 3, 2009. Her prognosis with stage IV mets would usually be 6 to 8 months. She was able to dance at her Granddaughters’ wedding in December and see the birth of her second great grandchild in October.

    She tolerated both extremely well with only some “cold neuropathy” that lasted two days after the chemo. (This annoyed her since she wasn’t able to have her milkshake on those days!) She had no nausea or any other side effects from the drugs.

    I hope your brother does well and want to warmly welcome both of you to the site. You can also use the search engine on the site to query other posts.

    I’m sorry you had to find us but you will find amazing information and the most caring and compasssionate people in the world on this site.


    in reply to: Message to you from Jeff #28883

    A true gentleman. A class act. One can say no more…….

    in reply to: Chemoemoblization cocktail #28118


    I haven’t been able to bring myself to post much on the boards since Mom died April 3. Today is especially hard since it is my first Mother’s day without her, but I just had to let you know you are doing the right thing.

    I know how hard it is to watch a parent suffer and have to make hard decisions.

    I think the hardest part of love is respecting the other person’s wishes. It will be the hardest thing you do but it only makes it obvious to everyone reading your posts that you are doing it from the deepest love in your heart.

    You are, have been, and will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Much love,

    in reply to: New to board #28723


    I just lost my Mom on April 3, 2009 to CC but she was treated at Duke. Her oncologist was Dr. Michael Morse. When Mom was diagnosed back in May 2008, she was Stage IV with mets to the lungs. Chemo was her only option.

    Since there is no “official” chemo for CC, we were concerned when they wanted her to be on Nexavar and Xeloda as well as Oxyliplatin and Gemcitibine. I was very pleased to hear the following from her doctors…

    “I prescibe what my patient needs and then let the insurance company sort it out. If they don’t pay then the drug companies have means to cover the drugs and failing that there is always the Duke endowment, but my patient always comes first”

    All of Mom’s meds were covered by one or the other. I truly believe her treatments allowed her much more time than we thought she might have. She was able to dance at her only granddaughter’s wedding in December and see the birth of her second great grandchild in October.

    I haven’t posted much since losing her and today is especially hard as it is the first Mother’s day without her, but I just wanted to try and help put your mind at ease.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Much love,

    in reply to: itching #28229


    SARNA is a lotion that worked well for my mom. It’s available over the counter. We got it at Walgreens . You can also use the search forum tab at the top and enter itching.

    in reply to: Not a good update #27898

    I would like all of you to know that Helen Louise Whitfield Davis (77) took her last sweet breath and passed from the arms of her loving family into the arms of her Lord Jesus at 1:43 am on Friday, April 3, 2009.

    Harvey, her husband and her two daughters, Pam and Kristi were with her when she died. It was so beautiful and peaceful with no pain. Mom simply breathed one time and was gone the next moment. Mom and Daddy would have been married 58 years on April 27, 2009.

    I’ll write more later.

    Thank you all for being with me every step of this journey.

    Smiling through my tears…

Viewing 15 posts - 406 through 420 (of 522 total)