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  • darla


    I agree with you that everyone grieves in their own way and time and only you can know what that is. I feel your pain and know what you are going through and unfortunately no one can do it for you. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain and confusion you are now going through, but only you know what is right for you.

    Try to take some comfort in knowing that your mom is no longer in pain or suffering and has gone on to a better place. It is hardest on those of us left behind. Keep her forever in your thoughts and memories and talk to her all you want. I’m sure she hears you even now. :) Also keep coming here and talking things out or even just to vent when you need to.

    Thinking of you.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Six weeks since I lost my sweet husband #68249

    Dear Laurie,

    I so understand your feelings. It is so hard to understand and try to go on and live a “normal” life. People think we are fine and don’t get it that our lives have changed forever. You will eventually find a new normal. It won’t be what it was, but it will be OK. We never forget, but we do learn to go on and live our lives, one day at a time. I too try to be thankful for all the wonderful years we had together. Something many never have a chance to experience. When I feel down, I try to think of all the good times and memories and there were so many. More would have been better, but atleast I have that. I really don’t think others are capable of really knowing what it is like and how we feel. Unless it happens to them they can’t. Here we do. Especially since we are all dealing with the effects of the same disease. We know & understand better than anyone else, so please keep coming back. We are all here to listen, help and support each other.

    Thinking Of You.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Still hard to believe #68169

    Dear Jen,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Please do not feel you could have or should have done something differently. With this disease there is no right or wrong. It is what it is and is different for everyone. All we can do is the best we can do at the time. My husband passed away much as your dad. In less than 2 months time, start to finish. I try to take comfort in knowing that atleast he did not suffer for very long from this disease and hope you can too. His was interhepatic and it all went very quickly. In his case the death certificate did state Cholangiocarcinoma, but at this point I wouldn’t worry about that.

    Glad you found us and hope you come back often. We are all here to listen, help and support each other. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: feel like im going crazy #68008


    What a great story. Thanks for sharing. I too am a believer and often get signs from Jim. Always good to hear that others have had these experiences too. They truely are all around us if we are sensitive enough to notice and yes it is comforting and helps keep us going. If that’s crazy, so be it. It works for me. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Happy New Year #68023

    Happy New Year to you also Lisa.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: My husband Jack passed on Nov. 30 #67994

    Dear Bluebird,

    I too am sorry to hear of Jack’s passing. Yes, he is no longer suffering or in pain. Keep him forever in your heart and memories of better times.

    Glad you and your son were able to go away for the holidays. Yes, coming home is always hard, but atleast you had a distraction for a while and that too will be a good memory in the future.

    Take care.
    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: feel like im going crazy #68004

    Dear Lynn,

    I so know and understand what you are feeling and going through. Unfortunately it is a process that all of us who have lost someone we loved has or are still going through.

    I totally agree with all that Karen posted above. She said it well. Right now I am sure it is hard for you to imagine that the pain will ever lessen, but it is true that in time the good memories that we are so lucky to have will help to easy some of the pain. And yes, although none of this is easy, it does make us stronger.

    We are all here to help & support you so please keep posting your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes just being able to share honestly with others who truely understand does help.

    With Lots of Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New Dont understand at times! #67537

    Dear Martina,

    I, like so many others on here totally understand what you are saying and feeling. And yes, it is normal. Everyone deals with these situations in their own way and time. After over 4 years, I still have my bad days. Especially at times like this, the holidays. I don’t think it ever really ends, we just learn to live with these feelings and go on the best we can.

    Jim & I met when I was 15 and were together pretty much 24/7 for most of our 45 years together. Now having to learn to live and go on doing the same things we did together for so long alone takes time. Some days I think I do very well and others are not so good, but I just do the best I can day by day, taking one day at a time. Hoping that you too will be able to do this more & more as time goes by.

    Keep coming here as we are all ready and willing to listen. Sometimes, just getting those feelings out and sharing them helps. Take care and know I am thinking of you and truely understand.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: 3-year scan results!! #67832


    That is great news. Keep it coming! :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Wanted to share #67713

    Just beautiful Lynn.
    Thinking of you.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: georges journey has ended #67462

    Dear Lynn,

    I too am sorry to hear of George’s passing. Take comfort in knowing that atleast he is no longer suffering or in pain. Know that he will always be with you in your heart and memories. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers at this sad and trying time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New Dont understand at times! #67531

    Dear Martina,

    I would like to offer my sincere condolensces on the loss of your dad to CC. My story is much like yours except that it was my husband. He died a little over 4 years ago after only 7 weeks. Much like your dad. He seemed generally in good health and had been to his doctor recently. This disease just seems to sneak up on you silently. Jim was only 62.

    At times I feel like you do that it all went too quickly and we needed more time. Now I can say I am glad he atleast did not suffer for a long time. We were also at his side when he passed.

    We all do the best we can do with what we are given. Try to remember the good times and keep your dad with you forever in your heart and those memories. He is at peace and no longer suffering.

    Take care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: 3 Years Ago Today #67511

    Well said Gavin and a nice tribute to your dad. It made me smile. Thinking of you , your mum and also your dad who I am sure is smiling from beyond. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Lost my dear husband #66887

    Dear Laurie,

    I am so sorry to hear that Dan has passed on. There are no words that can comfort you right now. Try to take comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering or in pain and that he will be with you forever in your heart and memories. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad and trying time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Angel With a Broken Wing #67068

    Awesome! And so very true. Thanks for sharing. :)

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