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  • in reply to: Come in and laugh at me #22717

    That is hysterical….I would of fallen out of my chair laughing…then proceeded to wet my pants and very likely “fluffed” a few myself. Thanks for the good laugh Kris I am in tears because I now I know I am not alone with this issue…now how do we make it STOP? deb

    in reply to: In sadness #22301

    Dianne, so very sorry for your loss… Your husband was very blessed to have such a loving wife. Wishing you peace . God Bless, deb

    in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22296

    hi Jeff , I am still itchy and puffy but I did ask the Dr at my kids physical to draw some blood and test for br or whatever related to my liver function etc. I won’t know anything until Monday …or now that I think of it probably Tuesday becasue of the holiday..oh yipee I feel like such a pin cushion…I got the new girl, ow! Had to smile the whole time because my 10 y/o son was watching….yikes As for the potty talk hahhahahahah… that is not an issue thankfully….I am just as bad as my kids…they are constantly belching and ‘fluffing’ and having laughing fits.. Hope it does not carry over to school hours. I have one back at school and another waiting to start next week. The other two are out of school. You are so lucky to have a grandson…I can’t wait to have granbabies. p.s. Are you serious that ‘nerves’ can cause the itching spells? I had no idea…I must be loosing it.. I have definately lost my memory lately. Thanks again,deb

    in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22293

    Thank you Belle…I hope so too. Got some benadryl already…hope it is the answer to this darn itch…even my mouth itches now. Hopefully it is all in my head. Gotta get the kiddos to bed… and maybe even me. thanks again , deb

    in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22291

    Hi Lisa and Patti, I thought the same thing because that is how it started with me as well but I had a clean scan not that long ago…? Now I am getting a bit nervous….ugh I will take my benadryl and if I still feel the same I will see our family Dr tomorrow. Right now I think the benadryl with also help with the anxiety this is all creating….figures that my husband is away on business. Times like this I don’t like living out in the middle of nowhere. thank you so much for sharing. God Bless ;) deb

    in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22290

    Hi Jeff, Thank you for being such an amazing source of knowledge! In answer to your questions…Only ‘dive’ I ate at is my own and my kids are still alive and well :) As for allergies, never had them before chemo/radiation but this time last year I was in the ER covered with hives that had kept appearing for 3 days and then started to cough and have difficulty breathing…severe reaction to what I’ll never know. Very scarey stuff. All the allergy tests were negative. I have since stayed away from nuts, strawberries and shell fish . I also got hives during a scan where the contrast contained iodine. Now we premedicate or die according to the ER dr..such a bedside manner ,huh? Certainly got his point across though.Makes you not want to complain because alot of the time no one really knows what is going on or maybe I am a big chicken and would rather stay in denial. As for having a temp…I have had a low grade temp for the last few days but I was exposed to a sick child. I have been pretty lucky though because I have not gotten the flu or cold in a very long time. Why would it be high ammonia levels? I don’t do alot of research and I really have not heard much about ascites. I am actually bringing my kids in for their physicals tomorrow, I wonder if our family Dr can help or should I call my oncologist? I bet it is stress related to the start of school..just kiddin’. No other plumbing problems..thank God. But geez I itch from head to toe…no hives thankfully. Very puffy eyes..real attractive ;) I think I’ll go take some benadryl just to be safe …. thanks again. God Bless you Jeff! deb

    in reply to: Kris (devoncat) ??? #22279

    here too…i sure hope she is ok…been thinking of kris every time i come here. May Gods Grace be with her. deb

    in reply to: So depressed #22196

    Charlene, I feel so bad for you and pray that you find the strength to handle all that you have going on in your life. Wish I could help more but this may sound odd but have you heard of ‘craigslist’? it may be an option for you to find a free or inexpensive hospital bed for John. Go to and click on your home state and closest city and then type in ‘hospital bed’. I tried for my area and found several for free right away. best of luck and know I am praying for you and your family. hugs, deb

    in reply to: Good thoughts please #21060

    kris, you have every right to be ticked off!!! It is not fair that we get sick! It is not fair to be constantly worrying about each ache or pain ..wondering if this is the ‘one’ that will send us on that awful roller coaster of pain and fear. It is not fair to worry about not having a future…not knowing if you dare to plan for next Christmas. It is not fair to wonder if ‘I/we’ will still be here in 10 years or 10 months!We are all too young. It is not fair especially when the people we love the most and are supposed to love us the most just don’t get it or is it they won’t get it ? that is where the anger comes from for me anyway. They are afraid to share their fear with us I think. I think they want to spare us but dear God by sparing us they leave us so alone don’t they? I know when I worry I would like someone to tell me that they will be there for me and my children and that they will not run away no matter what the news is. We all hear you and we do care. praying for you, deb

    in reply to: OHMYGOSH! This is brutal. #13885

    Hi Sophie, Sorry to hear how lousy you’ve been feeling :( I felt ‘yucky’ too but the anti nausea meds helped and when they did not the doc called in a different script…zofran . The key for me was to rest and like Jeff said pre medicate b4 you feel awful. My oncologist ended up lowering my dose of xeloda and that seemed to do the trick.Also, the radiation played a large part in the nausea for me as well. Rest and know that it does get better. Good luck. Keeping you in my prayers, deb

    in reply to: New CT scan for John #21410

    Charlene, I am so sorry … I wish there was something I could do to help you both. You are an angel on earth for John and God will take care of you both. I pray for peace in your hearts and strength to get you through. Love to you both and know that we all care very deeply. May God be with each of you, deb

    in reply to: My Report Card(CT Results) #21075

    hey jeff, I am so sorry to hear about the increased # of tumors/nodes however judging by your personality it sounds like you are just getting ready to rest up a bit and kick butt!!!!!!!!! Feel good and enjoy a little freedom from the chemo/radiation. who knows your body better than you….have a good night guy :) deb keeping you in my prayers

    in reply to: Good thoughts please #21038

    oh kris, so sorry for what you are going through. I think we all understand the fear that you are experiencing. I am definately going to keep you in my prayers. I am no expert on this like I should be but wouldn’t your blood work of shown elevated #’s if the cc was back? I know when I get a ct scan I always have bloodwork the same day. Maybe a cyst that your gyn didn’t detect? I understand they are very painful. I feel such sympathy for you b/c ‘been there done that’.. have a glass of wine (if ok) and get away from it all. Wishing you peace and good new! deb

    in reply to: EFT Study Conference Call Information #21024

    stacie, thanks so much for taking the time to explain. It sounds very interesting to say the least. I am having computer trouble and was unable to see the website..maybe next time again thanks to you and Rick. :/

    in reply to: EFT Study Conference Call Information #21022

    thanks :)

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