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  • in reply to: elevated bilirubin, normal enzymes , no itching! #38681

    Just my experience, but I had gem/cis chemo regime and it was VERY easy. I did get some growth while on it, but not much. After a year on chemo, my 3 tumors have decreased to 2 tumors, but those tumors have grown.

    I had no sickness on that regime, just tiredness and it takes several hours to get the complete infusion.

    Hope that helps with your decision.

    Best of luck,


    in reply to: repairing hole in bile duct #36625

    Let us know how it goes. I am interested in that they are willing to try something different. It is good when doctors think outside the box.

    Take care of yourself.

    in reply to: Anesthesia after chemotherapy #38555

    Dont know about anestesia, but I do know that I had to quit chemo for a couple of weeks before my surgery because of low white blood counts and clotting issues. I know that an ercp is different, but they could nick you and infection is always an issue.

    Best of luck.

    in reply to: My chemo experience Gezmar/Cisplatin #38208

    I am glad they took care of the stent so quickly. Chemo is such a personal decision and we support your decision. Take care of yourself.


    in reply to: ERCP time #38514

    I would definately try to find somewhere closer. Stents often get clogged and it would be a pain to have to go to MAyo everything, plus there could be a time when it is an emergency and it would be good to have a working relationship with a nearer doctor….just my opinion.


    in reply to: Costs of medical travel #38510

    There is an organization called Angel Wings or something like that which organizes travel for cancer patients. They match up patients with corporations, private individuals who have space on their private jets.


    in reply to: Successful Surgery #38498

    Great news. I love it when people who are told no to surgery have surgery after chemo. It gives so much hope.

    Wishing your brother a great recovery and cancer freeness for good.


    in reply to: Another complication….never saw this one coming. #38506

    Hope Dave feels better soon. The treatment for the ulcer might be 8 weeks, but from my experience, he will start feeling better in much less time than that.

    So glad he is still cancer free.


    in reply to: Aunt Sophie #38474

    I was thinking about Sophie yesterday in the shower and was going to email you and see how she was doing. I just felt like something was happening there.

    I know it is hard that she now needs live in help, but please think of this as a positive. Everyone has these same feelings towards hospice and then when they arrive, people dont know how they lived without them. This is going to be the same way. This is a positive for everyone but most importantly for Sophie. She wants to stay at home and as long as that is possible, that is the way it should be. Hospitals are no place for comfort and peace.

    I wish the fluid build up would just stop. That seems to be the thing that causes the most discomfort. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it stop. Sophie is such a fighter. And I cant believe she has been doing this drain thing for so long. Where does that spirit and strength come from? It must be her love of family. She is a wonder and inspiration.

    Give her my warmest greetings and tell her that I am and have been thinking about her and will be thinking the warmest thoughts for her.

    Thanks Hollue for keeping us up to date. BTW, you sound a little stressed. You are doing all that you can and your aunt knows that. Dont forget to think of and take care of yourself during this time. Sophie wouldnt want you to run yourself down.


    in reply to: Third time lucky– right?? (bile drain) #38377

    Dont change your wardrobe plans yet. There are these HUGE clear plastic sheet bandages things. They used those with me and it held in all the wet goop. Ask your doctor about them and see if you can order them from a pharmacy. There is also this film, liquid thing that helps with irritation from the bandage so that your skin isnt so bad after all the changing that will need to be done.

    If these dont work, not to worry, black is always stylish and sexy.


    in reply to: Friend of Kristin #38433

    Welcome Mary,
    Kristin is fantastic and it is great to meet one of her friends. Having the support of friends and family is so important for us all and she is lucky you are there and wanting to be part of us here.



    Stable is great news…as is the falling numbers. That is all encouraging. Hopefully next time, they will see some shrinkage.


    in reply to: Third time lucky– right?? (bile drain) #38373

    HANG IN THERE. When poop hits the fan, it spreads everywhere. External drains are never easy, and yours have been particularly difficult. The truth is, the drains most likely have nothing to do with the actual state of your cancer. They are just major inconveniences and ones that must be worked out. The difficulties you are having are making you tired, frustrated, and not feeling well. You are having a difficult time, and it is emotionally draining on you and that is the reason you are losing your optimisim not anything in relation to how your cancer is actually doing.

    One thing at a time. First, talk to your doctor about how to make the drain better. I think I went through 3 different types of tubes before they found one that “Sort of” worked. Once the bile gets flowing, you will feel better and that will help you mentally and emotionally. Until then, we are here to hold you up until you can do it yourself.


    in reply to: my identical twin sister is in heaven now #38389

    I am very sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your sisters family in my thoughts.


    in reply to: Third time lucky– right?? (bile drain) #38365

    I will bring homemade cookies to the pity party because if I was near you I would give you a big hug and then go on a good rant about how I hate external drains. I think you would have to tape my mouth closed if you wanted to add anything to the complaining about them.

    Mine leaked and moved and caused pain. Be careful about not letting the bile soaked bandage stay too long on your skin because it can cause irritation (OUCH!).

    How good is your insurance? If it is good, I think I would consider it an emergency. Who wants an infection or to be uncomfortable? You have a life to live! If it is just inconvenient that is one thing, but given you had an infection before, I would stick to caution.

    Hugs my friend.

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