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  • in reply to: just some general questions #30723

    hi everyone……it has been a very busy month….the last time i posted we were told that my wife was not a candidate for a second treatment of the s.i.r.t. procedure…..so they put her on XELODA, which she has been handling very well….during the past 2 weeks the doctors have been in contact with us and they want to do a procedure to block the leakage of radiation… which is why she was not a candidate in the first place…..they say it is quite challenging but are optimistic about it working…my wife is very nervuous and understandably a little down but i try to keep her spirits up and tell her it just another bump in the road we have to over come and we will…..so tomorrow we are off to have the procedure and a mapping and if all goes well in 2 weeks a second treatment of s.i.r.t……i will keep you informed, any prayers are welcomed ……..as always you are all in our thoughts and prayers….lucille and ron

    has anyone heard how lainy is doing, she is a tough bird, she can be on my side anytime

    in reply to: advice needed from CC patients #30587

    kimmie…..just being there for your mom with support will pick up her spirits….all the rest will fall into place………sending prayers and well wishes…..ron

    in reply to: Introduction and my story #29718

    hi, i hope your bio. proves differant…im sitting here trying to think of what advice i can give you and my brain is just not working….16 months of doctors and treatments and advice and i can think of nothing…its like im numb….all i can do is send you prayers and well wishes…GOOD LUCK……ron

    in reply to: my twin sister and bile duct cancer- advice #29759

    hi,…..today is day 3 for my wife taking xeloda, although it is still early she seems to be handling it ok…next a date with the radiation doctor on thursday….i think they want to do cyber knife….. i have alot of questions for him…the first one being what will external radiation do that internal radiation could not do…..she has already had the sirs-spheres treatment…which they say has kept her condition stable, for which im thankful for…so i will keep my questions ready and sit and listen ..then we will make a decision….best wishes and prayers to all …..ron

    in reply to: Elevated LFT & Malaise #30050

    dlm, …thank you so much for your response, im feeling a little bit more encouraged by the positive results your husband is having… i hope my wife has the same outcome…..sending well wishes and prayers out to you both for continued positive outcomes thank you ….Marion thank you also for your well wishes……ron

    in reply to: Elevated LFT & Malaise #30054

    hi, first let me apologize for not being on the web site… first it was computer problems and the rest of the time it was taking care of my wife…between procedures and test i do not know where the time went…back and forth from doctors and hospitals, its been a real grind on her but she is holding up very well, thank god…..she was due to have the second procedure of SIR-SPERES radiation but after the mapping they decided that she was not a candidate because of leakage of radiation…funny how she was a candidate for the left side of the liver but not the right…needless to say we were disappointed…so after conferring with all the doctors they have come up chemo pills and maybe external radiation….they put her on XELODA, two pills twice a day for one week and then one week off….has anyone had this type of chemo, i would appreciate anyones imput on this type of treatment, and how well it worked….as always i wish everyone well…..ron

    in reply to: Scan Results #29697

    hi everyone,
    have not been able to get on line, was having computer problems but that is fixed now….just wanted to drop a line to wish everyone well ….ron

    in reply to: Remaining hopeful during difficult times #29268

    dear danielle,

    i cannot tell you how heavy my heart feels for your husband and you, after reading your post i felt like there has to be something, anything, that we could do to help. i hate this feeling of being helpless(we all do) it makes me want to scream, but all we can do is sit back and listen to what the medical world is telling us. you are a strong women and your husband knows that you are doing your very best for him, keep positive and going forward. this is a hell of a road we travel there are many ups and downs so im praying that this is just a set back and that just around the corner there is good news for you and your husband. so i send nothing but good wishes and lots of prayers out to you and your husband………..ron


    hi everyone,
    was at the oncologist office for a follow up visit last night and he said there was a new form of radiation therapy called PROTON THERAPY thats being offered at some hospitals across the U.S. Has anyone ever heard of it? He said i should reseach it, which i will do . Just thought i would post this in case you would like to reseach it for yourself, will keep you posted ……ron

    in reply to: bad news as always #29322


    we all know the ups and downs of this monster, the feeling of being helpless…we cant grab it and choke the life out of it, we cant punch it in its ugly face or even yell at it . all we can really do is gain as much knowledge as we can and get the best medical assistance we can. im sorry dad is having a hard time but you must stay positive and keep fighting and trying for his sake, i know that it is hard. sometimes i wonder how much can we put our loved ones through and how much can they withstand, and it will drive you friggin nuts. this is the most differcult thing that we as caregivers have to do…be well and we will pray for you and dad……..ron

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28958

    best of luck Jim…..ron

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #29115

    its good news to hear about your dad…happy to hear that he is able to do the things that he enjoys and that he is feeling better. Keep the great news coming and give your dad and mom our best wishes….ron

    in reply to: To those that have left us #29078

    i dont know of any words that would comfort you. but keep your memories of mom, her life and how she lived it and cry when you need to, crying is part of being human. try and take comfort knowing that she is with you always, she will live in your heart and mind forever and she knows your love for her…..ron

    in reply to: Chemo delays..am I a chemo washout? #29086

    hi kris,
    each time before my wife had chemo the doctor would take blood work and depending on the results he would proceed or not. sometimes it is neccessary to change the schedule to let the body build it self back up.
    because while they are killing bad cells they are also killing off good ones, her schedule was 2 weeks on and one week off, one day for chemo and one day for hydration..short breaks in treatment should not effect the effectiveness of the chemo……..ron

    he also believes the slower the treatment the less toxic it will be on the patient

    in reply to: new member #28687

    i dont want to say WELCOME ELEANOR for reasons im sure you understand, but you have found our family. a very strong family that will listen, advise and help in any way we can…..stay strong, stay positive,and fight……ron

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