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  • in reply to: Searching for Information #28486

    Marions, thank you for posting the caregivers bill of rights, like Gavin i have never read it before, its true that since the beginning of all this my life was put on hold. i felt taking time for myself did not exist and that if i did i was doing something wrong. well thank you for showing me how wrong i was, i find comfort in your words even when they are not directed at me and i thank you.
    Gavin, you are right, its not easy taking care of a loved one i think it takes some one speacial, some one who has that little something extra inside them that keeps pushing them forward. you are one of those people, i applaud you for what you are doing for mom and dad they have been blessed with a speacial son. thank you for your advice and best wishes.
    Lainy, your words are always upbeat, when i read them its like a melody goes off in my head and i should be dancing. you are right it is time for ron to take some ron time so tomorrow my son is taking me on a fishing trip just the 2 of us, im looking forward to it . today me and my lovely bride are going to a bbq, some fresh air, a few racks of ribs and probably a lot of brews, sounds like a nice couple days. all i can say to all of you is THANK YOU, enjoy the week-end…..best wishes and prayers …..ron

    in reply to: Searching for Information #28482

    just returned home from the hospital, was a very long day full of tension and high hopes….lucille had her scan done and then we waited to see the doctor who had an emergency and could not see her… so we saw his stand-in… the results from the scan showed no progression of growth or spreading, but did not show any shrinkage from the large tumor… the second tumor a smaller one was no longer visible and according to the doctor is completely gone…to me thats a success… one tumor gone and one at least stablie…. although its not what we hoped for at least its not any worst…..lucille is very disappointed and understandable so, she was praying for more shrinkage, to lead her to resection, everyone was….so she was not being receptive to what the doctor was suggesting… i didnt want to push the issue with her right there even though i know i should have… she has been under alot of stress so i figured i will wait until everything settles down and then we will talk….i hope iam doing the right thing…it goes against my thinking….well anyway the doctor thinks that she should have the procedure over again but she wants no part of it and i dont understand why not… right now we cant seem to be able to get thru to her..she tells me its her body and she will do what she wants and i only hope she comes to her senses and changes her mind…..the past 15 months has taken its toll on me and im beginning to weaken, i feel ashamed of myself for saying that…. let me take this time to thank all of you for listening to me and for all your support and prayers,and for giving me a should to lean on, i could never thank you all enough……….ron

    in reply to: Resection #28891

    this has been one of those weeks where my nerves has gotten the best of me, i could not concentrate on anything and i seem to be walking around in a daze. tomorrow we go for lucilles scan and im frightened, i have been waiting for this moment to come and now im not sure im glad it arrived. sounds crazy i know, but i just dont know if i can take anymore bad news. i know i shouldnt be thinking like this but i cant help it. i am trying to be positive and for most part i am, i guess im just worried . even now im trying to express what i feel and i cant. so the best thing i can do is let you know the outcome tomorrow and thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers…….ron

    in reply to: Sirspheres #28699

    hi barbara,
    my wife had this procedure done and she came through it fine, no problems except feeling a little tired…hers was done on feb 5th, on the 22nd of this month is her scan to see the outcome of the procedure…they didnt say to stay away from each other or other people or children but they dont suggest that you snuggle up to one another either…good luck on your mapping session…….

    glightfoot …was happy to read about your experience with this procedure, i hope my wife has the same outcome as you…good luck and prayers to both of you …..ron

    in reply to: Jeff G Has Gone to A More Peaceful Place #28601

    it is truly sad when you lose a loved one and a friend … only knew Jeff from reading his posts on this web site.. he was helpful and kind.. if we had ever met i would have extended my hand to him in friendship… our prayers go out to his family……ron
    ITS HOW MUCH LIFE YOU PUT IN EACH BREATH…..i think that was Jeffs approach to life

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28469

    hi Gavin,
    im sure most of us here know what you are going through trying to respect your parents wishes. It is hard enough to deal with the first diagnosis let alone a second or third. Maybe if your dads doctors suggest that he seek a second opinion it might carry some weight. As someone dealing with the same monster i cannot stress the importance of another opinion, as for us we had four. i wont lie and say it was easy hearing the same opinions over and over again because it wasnt, it was gut wrenching but also necessary. But after seeing new specialist and doctors differant doors and options for treatment began to emerge, knowledge is a part of defeating this monster. The feelings your mom and dad are having now are very natural,you have some highs and you have your lows, but you must keep POSITIVE and keep going forward. Iwill be praying for you and your family…good luck….ron

    in reply to: CC oncologists at Sloan Kettering?? #28370

    hi Danielle,
    Dr. Myron Schwartz is a liver surgeon, thats his specialty, he has a team of doctors, dr. sung is one of them… heres his info.-
    phone#-1-212-241-2891-or 1-212-241-9049- located 5 east 98 street-12th floor—-i would check out all options and doctors.
    my wife and i met with dr. dematteo at sloan a very good hospital….but everything my wife needed was under one roof at mt. sinai…..good luck ….ron

    in reply to: Where to find milk thistle seeds? #28559

    Sarah….be sure to read the ingredients some milk thistles contain wood alcohol something that you dont want…..ron

    in reply to: CC oncologists at Sloan Kettering?? #28366

    hi Danielle,
    a doctor Max Sung oncology medicine at Mt. Sinai hospital on 5th ave.
    phone #1-212-241-7902….e-mail address max.sung@mssm.edu….good luck …..ron

    in reply to: Supplements? #28658

    Hi Karen,
    hepatic-aid is a nutritional drink for people who cant get enough nutrients in their diet and is also a liver cleanser..it has worked well for my wife but you must talk to the doctor about it before your husband trys it….keeping up you strenght is very important when fighting any illness… ron

    in reply to: Having a good cry today. #28505

    Dear Jill,
    Many prayers and good thoughts going out for your aunt, and prayers for you to keep up your strenght…..Ron and Lucille

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28465

    thank you Marions for all your best wishes Lucille and myself feel very fortunate to have met some truly caring and helpful friends, people we have never met but we feel like we have known all of you all our lives…..Lucille and Ron

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28462

    thanks for your well wishes Lainy, and the same well wishes right back at Teddy and yourself…. i wish you both nothing but the BEST…..Ron

    in reply to: Tomorrow’s The Day #28546

    just hoping the BEST for you Irene….ron

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28457

    hi and our best to everyone,
    well we just got word from the doctors yesterday that my wife Lucille is set up for her scan on May22 to see the results of the s.i.r.t. treatment she had on Feb5. It has been a long and agonizing wait, the anxiety grinds you down and just plain exhausts you.
    She is amazing, after a year of differant tretments and surgery she shows no signs of being effected by this dreaded monster. If you look at her you would not know that she had this disease. She has even gone back to work, she says it keeps her mind busy, and i quess thats a good thing. I take care of everything else, shopping, cooking, cleaning, appointments for doctors and fighting with insurances, a mans work is never done.Just a little humor there, because i am hopeful today, so much more than ive been before. We are going to crush this monster and win this battle and we wish the same for everyone else.
    We would like to thank this web site and the people on it for lending their support and advice, and for allowing us to lean on you.
    We still have 22 days until her scan and i will praying and hoping for a positive report and i will let you know how she does…..Thank you all Ron and Lucille

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