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  • in reply to: Chemo Break – Recuperation #83881

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the explanation of what happened with the stenting procedure. I’m glad that the doctor who did the work spent all of that time with you explaining what happened and what they could and couldn’t do, and sorry to hear that they are not able to get better drainage.

    That sounds like a good idea the not giving Pete too much fat in his diet just now. What my dads GI guy said was to eat foods that are easily broken down as that would help with digestion and everything.

    I hear what you are saying about respecting Pete’s wishes on hospice and everything to do with that, but you are so right about what you say about overriding these should the situation arise tha you can’t give him the care that he needs later on. It’s not easy being a carer isn’t it. I was my dads carer during his fight with CC and am still my mums carer now, and I can tell you that you are doing a great job here and also doing everything that you can for Pete.

    Please know that we’re all here for you too. Shout, scream and vent away if it helps, we’ve been there and know what you’re going through right now.

    My best to you and Pete,


    in reply to: Should we stick with stable? #84574

    Hi Catherine,

    What great news about your mum, stable, love it! Thanks for sharing that with us all. How does your mum feel about further treatments and fighting this if need be? I always said to my dad that I would support him in what ever decision that he wanted to take that he felt was best for him. If he wanted to fight it as hard as he could I would be there for him and equally, if he wanted to not fight I would support him also. See what the next scan and blood results say, also what the onc says and then take things from there I would say.

    My fingers are crossed for the best possible results for your mum and please let us know how things go.



    in reply to: Chemo Break – Recuperation #83878

    Dear Jan,

    I am sorry to hear this update on how Pete is doing. My dad went through pretty much the same that you describe about Pete’ s condition and I so know how hard this is to deal with. I agree with Lainy that it is very strange indeed what they say about no antibiotics at this point for Pete and I would certainly be questiong that one. My dad went through hospice care and I have nothing but good things to say about the care that he got from them, nothin was too much trouble for them.

    It sounds to me like the metal stent that Pete has is not working as it should hence the jaundice. It could well be clogged and this can perhaps be cleaned, maybe that is something that you could discuss with the docs? Certainly if it can be unclogged then Pete should feel a lot better.

    I can understand the fear that Pete has in calling in hospice and all of that, but perhaps you could explain to him that hospice’s main goal is to keep him as comfortable as possible and that they are very good at that. Pain management is very important and again, hospice are very good at that too.

    Please know that we are all here for you so keep coming back and let us know how everything goes. You are not alone here, we are here with you.



    in reply to: Update on Ben #53546

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the update on Ben. Hope Alaska was good and grrrr to abcesses, big grrrr in fact! Hope that the med team get to the bottom of this and get it dealt with asap. Let us know how Ben gets on with this and yes, another bump in the road but I know that you guys will be able to deal with this!

    My best to you and Ben,


    in reply to: CT Scan/chemo/shrinkage #84569

    Congrats on the good news with the chemo! It sounds like it is working well for you and my fingers are crossed for this to continue for you. Hopefully this shrinkage will continue and that will open up the possibility of further treatments being an option further down the line for you. This has happened before for some of our members and there is no reason that it can’t happen for you too.

    Congrats once again and please keep us informed of how things go.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Car Wash Honoring Christopher Wilke, to Benefit CCF #84570

    Thanks for the link to this event Andrea, I hope that it goes well and is a great success!

    in reply to: Update #84564

    Thanks for the update Sandie, and yep, love what you say about not giving up on life and enjoying what you have. Laughter and having fun is so important and one of the best medicine’s is it not.

    Hoping to read more good news from you in the future and also that you are continuing to enjoy life. And hope as well that you continue to recover from your chemo.



    in reply to: 3rd Annual Memorial Silent Auction Benefit #84561

    Hi Barbara,

    Sounds like it has been a very busy summer for you to say the least! I hope that the 3rd benefit goes very well indeed and my thanks to you for organising this! I am really looking forward to hearing how it goes, thank you for everything that you do!



    in reply to: Clear scan/still crazy after all these years! #84554

    Hi Nancy,

    What great news! Thanks for the update on how everything is going for you and clear scans, love hearing that! Hope that your maintenance chemo goes well and that the next scan shows the same clear results as the last one! And for sure, here’s to the next 5 years and more!



    in reply to: Cure magazine / CC patient #84516

    Thanks for that Marion and you too Connie for taking part in the interview! Sooo looking forward to hearing all about this!

    in reply to: Proton Beam Therapy #84547

    No personal experiences to share with you but here’s a link that may be of interest to you.

    I too hope that your dad is a candidate for this treatment and I know that he is in very good hands with Dr Javle. Please let us know how everything goes with this.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,


    in reply to: Palliative Surgery for Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma #84545

    Thanks for the link Marion. I put it on the FB page as well so the folks over there could take a look.



    in reply to: Our journey has just began #84535

    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I’m sorry to hear about your dad as well. But glad that you’ve joined us as you are in the best place for support and help and you’ll get loads of each from all of us. I was my dads carer when he was diagnosed with CC back in 2008 and so know what you are going through right now.

    That’s great that you are seeking a second opinion from MD Anderson and your dad will be in good hands there. Please let us know what they say about everything but you could also consider further opinions as well. Make a list of the questions that you want to ask in advance and make sure that you write down the answers that you get as well. It’s easy to forget what is discussed at these meetings.

    And I hope that you will keep coming back here as well. You are not alone in this, we are here with you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,


    in reply to: My sweet Brother #84528

    Dear Sandy,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your brother Mark. Please accept my deepest sympathies. I know how devastated you all will be and I so wish that there were words that I could say that would help right now. We are all here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Article: How to respond to people’s comments #84531

    Thanks for that Randi.

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