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  • gavin

    Very sad news indeed.


    Dallas Stars mourn the passing of Dave Strader




    in reply to: Just for fun, one really weird side effect #95721

    Hi Molly,

    Ha! Never heard of that one before!! You know what you have to do here now? Start entering competitive puzzling or doing crosswords for prizes!! Think of the $$$’s you could win!!


    On a serious note, maybe the onc is onto something here with things, puzzles, crosswords etc and how you are able to see them differently now. Seems like you enjoy doing puzzles so keep on doing them and beating them. You go on and beat the CC and now the puzzles as well! Hope the chemo goes well for you and please make sure to keep us updated on it. And for sure if I get stuck with puzzles or something similar I know now where to come for help! 🙂





    in reply to: An important note about passwords! Good news!! #95712

    Yay!! Just remember all not to use “password” as your password!



    in reply to: Our New Discussion Board is HERE #95711

    Thanks Rick! New board looks great and it must have taken a TON of work to get here! Looking forward to the new features as well!


    Thanks to all,



    in reply to: 72-year-old Mom with CCA #91015

    Hi Brenda,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I’m sorry also to hear about your mum, but you have come to the best place for support and help and will get a load of each from everyone here. We’re a friendly bunch as you can see and please do not feel rushed or anything to post stuff. Post as much or as little as you want to or are comfortable with about stuff. As far as you being properly registered and all that, yep, you are ready to go! Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Floating abdominal nodule? #95475

    Hi Catherine,

    Thanks for the update and sorry to hear your news about your mum and the PET results, GRR to that. Lots of GRRR’s today it seems.Sounds like you have the plan in place for the chemo and you know that I will be keeping my fingers crossed for a successful outcome to it. And yes for sure, no way will she want to miss seeing your daughter get her PHD, a great day all round that will be for you all!

    So the goal is another 4 years according to the surgeon, I would add a minimum of another 4 years!! Time for your mum to go kick some CC butt, again!!



    in reply to: Tired and disapointed #91981

    Hi Brigitte,

    Huge GRRRRRRR to all of this! Have they called you back today yet? I certainly hope so! Sorry to hear as well that you are not feeling good and add on all of the extra stress from not getting your phone consult, not at all what you need right now. Hoping that you get your phone call and also that you start to feel better very very soon as well!

    Hugs for you,


    in reply to: Xeloda #92520

    Hi Hopeseeker,

    Glad to be of help as always. When your MIL is on the diruetics, is she going to the toilet a lot? Just wondering as trying to understand if they are working as they should. My mum is on them just now for her heart issues as they think she has a lot of fluid that is affecting her heart and breathing etc, even worse than usual! She had swollen feet and ankles and that has gone down with the tablets but for a few hours after taking them she is in the toilet ever 15 minutes or so.

    I would def speak with the doc/onc about the diuretics and see what they say about it all. And glad to hear that she does not have ab swelling.

    No wonder your MIL is a little discouraged right now and that I would say is to be expected and who can blame her either really. None of this is easy to deal with for all concerned and I know how grateful that she will be to have you there with her as she goes through it all. Don’t give up hope and know as well that you are doing a great job for your MIL.



    in reply to: First time posting #94794

    Dear Hopeful,

    I too am sorry to hear that things have reached this stage with your husband. I hope that you both can make the most of this time and try and enjoy every moment if you can. Please know that we are all here for you as well.




    Longtime hockey broadcaster Strader honored in Glens Falls

    in reply to: Chemotherapy and Fingerprint Loss #92511

    Thanks for that Tilly.

    in reply to: Xeloda #92523

    Hi Hopeseeker,

    Got some links for you here and I hope they will be of use to you and your MIL.

    From the boards on the site –

    Yes the swelling and the bloating could well be ascites and they are very common with this cancer, mt dad had them as well. There are loads of postings on the site about them from many people. Diuretics could be tried and they can also be drained as well. Some links here –

    Hope some of these are helpful to you and let me know if I can help more as well.

    My best to you and your MIL,


    in reply to: My Introduction #80506

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for that, what brilliant news! And yes, it is far too long as you say, and if Lainy was here right now I am pretty sure she would shout at you and give you a telling off! What great news though and thanks loads for sharing that with us all.

    My best to you,



    Thanks for that Mary, great info there. As if it wasn’t hard enough already as you say for getting a diagnosis of CC right from the start!



    in reply to: Xeloda #92526

    Hi Hopeseeker,

    have you had a look around the chemo board for peoples experiences and stuff? I know that there will be some stuff on there and also the search forum function at the top of the page will throw up any relevant discussions as well. Can’t help with any personal experiences as my dad never had it but hoping other can chime in here.

    My best wishes to you and your MIL as well,


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