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  • in reply to: GI Cancers Alliance – Survey #60937

    2 years after you Lainy. And ageing fast here what with everything that has been going on these last 10 years or so. Just turned 45 the other week but feel about 65!!

    in reply to: Pain and lack of communication #56126

    Dear Brigitte,

    I am real sorry to hear this news and that you are not getting the help with this pain that you should be right now. I so hope that you can get some help with the pain and what is causing it sorted asap.



    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89828


    I too am sorry to hear this news about your mum and the ablation. I know how frustrated you feel with this news as I came up against this a lot with my dad too. Please do not give up hope though. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and your mum with the Gem/Cis and also for the referral as well. Please let us know how this goes.



    in reply to: GI Cancers Alliance – Survey #60939

    Thanks to you both!!

    Where indeed does the time go Lainy, 8 years. Great stuff!! Here’s to the next 8 years and more!! And that is a decade that you have been here on the boards and 8 years for me too. Time flies as they say!

    Hugs to all,


    in reply to: New Scan Reports #62419

    Hi Julie,

    That is great news about the CC but so good news about the other stuff. Huge GRRRRR to other stuff. Hope that they can get to the root of all of this new stuff and get it sorted asap. I too hope that all goes well on Tuesday at Mayo and will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Loads of positive vibes coming your way as well. Cheerleader outfits all round!!




    Hi Red,

    Glad to be of help. And nah, you ain’t no nut!! You just want to find as much info as you can and I am that way as well and wanted to learn as much as I could when my dad was fighting his CC. As to the links etc that I post, my advice would be to read the abstracts, the sort of summary part as that really contains the important stuff. What the meat as it were of the whole article contains I would argue is for the boffins!! Well the medical community but you know what I mean!

    But as I said, if something really interests you then print it off and see what the doc or the onc says about it. And yep, we sure are all looking for the answer and one day we will get that answer!

    My best to you,


    in reply to: Clinical Trials – know your endpoints #67445

    Yep, agree with you both. The piece from the WSJ was a great one and should someone wish to read it then please just copy and paste this into google “How a Cancer Patient Gives Back to Her Doctor” and it will take you right to the article at the top of the google search page! We can’t unfortunately link to it for copyright reasons. That was a great piece and articles like that where there are a lot of direct comments etc from those involved, patients, the doctors etc I like a lot. But some of the nonsense headlines we see in the papers here eg – “broccoli can cure cancer” I disgard immediately for obvious reasons. The WSJ piece has a lot of quotes from Dr Ghasan too so that gets the thumbs up from me!

    So right Marion about some journalists tending to highlight the spectacular and that is one of the reasons why I also pay no attention what so ever to most finance journalists and what I see in financial media. Actually, many of these types and the claims they make re markets etc are total and utter garbage!

    I’ll get off my soapbox now!

    Hugs to you both,


    in reply to: Clinical Trials – know your endpoints #67447

    Personally I try and avoid what the mainstream media print in stories about cancer treatments as my thinking is always along the lines of how does the journalist know what he/she is really talking about? Do they understand fully the implications of a report or study and as far as these stories go about this cure and that cure that some of the less reputable papers here in the UK print, well I don’t even read them!

    When we do get a good news story though on a treatment or drug etc, I like to go to Cancer Research site here in the UK to get their take on it and they always do a round up each weekend of what was in the media the previous week for cancer related pieces.

    Good link above though, thanks!



    in reply to: Pain associated with Radiation #83724

    Hi Daisy,

    Real sorry to hear about your mum and what she is going through right now with the treatments and the pain. The pain is definitely something that should be addressed and if your mum is having to use energy to fight the pain then that will just add to the fatigue that she is going through right now. The fatigue though with CC is very common and my dad went through that a lot, as have many and their loved ones here as well.

    I don’t have anything specifically related to radiation pain but here are some links on cancer pain that I hope will be of use to you and your mum.

    If I was you then I would go back to your mums doctor or onc and tell them that your mum is not coping well at all with the level of pain and see if they can change her meds or add to them. We also have a pain board here on the site so maybe you will find others experiences with pain in there.

    My best to you and your mum,



    Hi Red,

    Glad that you found the article interesting and of use to you. Most of these pieces only give you the abstract for it and on following the link to the full piece in the above link it also only gives you the abstract as well. I guess that buying the full piece is an option to you but I have no idea how much it would cost. Or would it really be of help to you much. I had as look around on Google for you to see if I could find the full piece for free but I couldn’t find it.

    One thing that I know some of our members have done is to print off the abstract with all the details of it. The info init, name of the piece, publishers and the authors then take that to their doctors, onc’s etc to see if they have access to the full piece as many of them I think will have access to medical reports and stuff. Maybe that would be an option to you? I’m not sure really how else you would be able to read the full piece unless someone else has any other suggestions. Sorry that I couldn’t be of more help to you on this.

    My best to you,


    in reply to: Tumor ablation for liver cancer #84309

    Good to see some more posts and links etc on radiation type treatments here on the boards. I don’t really seem to come across a lot of them with regards to new treatments, study results, articles etc when I am looking each night for info.

    Will try harder to find some more relevant ones.


    in reply to: Embolization therapy for liver cancer #83806

    Great piece Marion, thanks. Here is the hyperlink to it –


    in reply to: Watson – the computer – and your health data #17260

    Thanks for that Marion, very interesting. The machines and computers are taking over everything!



    in reply to: My mother #89583

    Dear Alicia,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear Mum. Please accept my sincerest condolences. Having lost my dad to this cancer as well I so know the pain that you feel right now and know that no words will help right now. Please know that we are all here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Mutation Profiling in Cholangiocarcinoma #17263

    Thanks for that Marion. Here is the link that you posted, hope this one works.

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