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  • in reply to: Hello to My CC Family #93083

    I thought you were going cruising today yet I can you see you lurking here!!


    in reply to: AHCC powder during chemotherapy? #93107

    Hi Alicia,

    Welcome to the site. I did a quick search around the web for AHCC and could only really come up with this from a reputable website –

    And as far as a reputable source goes, MSKCC is pretty good! I only did some quick googling on AHCC as I had never come across it before, but I did see a ton of website, newspapers and people etc making claims about it’s benefits etc. I am not saying they are wrong, but there was a lack of what I would class as credible info available to read on it and that gets my alarm bells ringing if you know what I mean. Please be aware that there are a ton of claims made about a ton of things online and should your mum wish to try a supplement of any type please consult with the doctors and medical team before doing so.

    I hope that the MSKCC piece is of interest to you and I hope that your mums chemo goes well also. Please keep on coming back here and let us know how everything goes.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Gem/Cis – Weighing Options #93090

    Hi Meg,

    Can’t help you with any personal experiences as my dad never had chemo, but have you checked out the Chemo board that we have here on the site? I know over there that you will find a load of posts from the members of either theirs or their loved ones experiences of Gem/Cis.

    The decision as to chemo or not is a very tough one and I would argue that there is no right or wrong answer for anyone. Each person should I would argue make the decision that they feel comfortable with. I always said to my dad that I would support him in whatever decision he made about his treatment and that he should do what he wanted to do and not what he felt others may or may not want him to do. But in essence I would say there is no right or wrong decsion here.

    Hopefully the others will be able to chime in with their thoughts as well on this one. Please let us know how things go with your mum Meg and what she decides to do.

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: #runningforphil #93077

    Dear Sharon,

    I too am so very sorry to hear about Phil and please know that my thoughts are with you and your family right now. Like the others, I too am glad that you have decided to stay with us all and I know how hard it must be for you to come here and read the posts and post yourself so thnak you very much.

    And that you as well for all of your efforts with the memorial run, that will be so very much appreciated by a lot of people. Thank you.



    in reply to: Hello to My CC Family #93078

    Have a good time, a vacation sounds real good to me!! Safe travels and we’ll see you when you get home!!


    in reply to: Latest PET scan results. #93038

    Brilliant news Scott, superb!!!

    Keep it coming!!

    All the best,


    in reply to: Just a test. #93061

    Go Rick, as always!! Thanks!!


    in reply to: Keytruda #93050

    Thanks for that and I know that it will be of help to others who go through this right now or in time to come. I hope that these side effects of the Keytruda pass soon for your wife and of course I wish her every success with the treatment. Please let us know how things go.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: My mum #92974

    Dear Rangani,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear mum. Please accept my sincere condolences. I do wish that there was something that I could say right now that would help ease the pain that you feel at this moment.

    We thank you so much for your offer to help others in time who are going through this and I know that they and their loved ones will appreciate your efforts here.

    Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family right now and also that we are here for you too.


    in reply to: Sending a personalized tribute e-Card is easy #92963

    Never mind just your age……. I forgot about them too!

    Thanks for the reminder Marion and I hope people go and use them now!

    No need for stamps either!!!


    Thanks for that Marion. Great way to get around the copyright regs! :)



    in reply to: Daisy’s Mum #92938

    Dear Rebecca,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear mum. Please accept my sincere condolences. I do wish that right now I could help ease the pain that you feel but please know that my thoughts are with you and your family. And please know as well that we are all here for you also.



    in reply to: My Mom #92867

    Dear Steven,

    I too am sorry to hear of the passing of your dear mum. Please accept my sincere condolences. I wish there was something that I could say right now that would help ease the pain that you feel right now.

    Please know that we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.


    in reply to: My mums journey #92780

    Dear Jan,

    I too am sorry to hear of the passing of your dear mum. Please accept my sincere condolences. I too am glad to hear that your mums passing was peaceful and pain free so please take some comfort from that. Please know that we are all here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Sorry! #92833

    Hi Beth,

    Welcome to the site. No problems with the postings, that seems to happen a bit around here when someone goes to post something! It’s happened to me and all the others as well so you are not alone in that one! I deleted them all and left just the one remaining in the intro section for you.

    Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear what you are going through. But I am glad that you’ve joined in with us as you so are in the best place for support and help and you will get a load of both from all of us here. Thanks for sharing everything that is going on with you right now. I know it can get a bit quiet around here during the weekends but I know that the others will be along soon to welcome you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you so post away. And don’t worry if a single post appears a few times again as I will just clean em up! And it is nothing to do with the net or your computer either so don’t worry about that either!

    My best to you,


Viewing 15 posts - 541 through 555 (of 6,160 total)