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  • in reply to: NCRI cancer conference UK – Summary #90462
    in reply to: foodborne disease outbreaks #90460

    Saw on CNBC this week that a certain chain of fast food restuarants in the US has had to shut quite a few stores due to possible e-coli outbreak affecting some of it’s customers. They said that this infection outbreak was due to the new trend in the US of restaurant/fast food wanting to serve more organic fresh produce etc and the food chain needed to provide these items.

    Chains that have went down the fresh organic route seem to have been doing better financially but I wonder if this is just a new trend/fad? I won’t mention the chain on here but I guess it has been all over the news over on your side of the pond.

    I get all my food meat local, my butcher, fishmonger, grocer etc and even get my eggs and butter from my fishmonger. My prunes however have to come from California, and they taste real good. Far superior to the ones from Chile!

    5 million people in Scotland and about a quarter of a billion in America though so guess it is easier for us over here to grow more of our own perhaps and control the food chain? Maybe I should go into the export business but our national dish is banned in America I think!


    Hi Annie,

    Have to chip in with lainy and Marion here and agree that it is way too hard to put an estimate or a guess of how long someone has had CC for before symptoms start showing themselves up etc. Plus you have to take into account that many of the symptoms could be a whole range of other things apart from CC. The jaundice though is a major symptom and one that would tell someone or a gp that something is seriously wrong and needs immediate investigation and indeed that was my dads first signs at all of CC. He was diagnosed in July 08 and died in December 09. The “silent” disease indeed, unfortunately.



    in reply to: New Member #90350

    Well done Marion, top of the class for you! Where would we be without google? Lost I would argue! Well I know I would be and guessing that you would be as well!



    in reply to: New Member #90346

    Hi Jack,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear what you are going through with everything. But I am glad that you have joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help and will get loads of each from everyone here. Please feel free to talk, share and ask as many questions as you want and we will do what we can to help.

    You do sound very positive indeed and very active as well. All of that running and running 2 internet businesses as well, that will keep you very busy and occupied to say the least. So you are a Gooner then?? I’m guessing that all of our American friends here won’t have a clue what a Gooner is so maybe we should leave them all guessing and in the dark on that one then!! Ha!!!

    Loving your attitude and being too busy to worry about the negatives, love it! Just in case you are wondering where your other post went, I deleted the duplicate of this one. Looking forward to hearing much more from you and hope that you keep on coming back here.

    My best wishes to you,



    Thanks for all of that as well Marion.



    in reply to: Auction for the Cure Sponsorships Due Friday 10/29 #90264

    Loads of great items up for auction and loads of Christmas ones as well I think!

    Ooops, someone mentioned Christmas?? I’ll get my coat……

    in reply to: NCI-Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice (NCI-MATCH) Trial #89493

    Thanks for that Marion.


    Great work Lisa, thanks loads!! And loving the pics as well!!




    Go Melinda!!! :)

    in reply to: Hola from Mexico #90288

    Great stuff Catherine! Thanks for the pic as well, love seeing the pics of everyone! Hope you both have a great time, that sun sure looks good to me, as does your mum!



    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89279

    Sorry to hear about this Ali. When my dad was going through this in hospice and he had the vomiting real bad they put him on a syringe driver to help get his meds as that way he does not have to take them orally so they are more effective as he was bringing them up with vomiting..

    I know this must be so hard for you being so far away from him as well. I can onlyt echo what Marion said to you about treating the vomiting etc as aggresively as possible and this and keeping him as comforetable as possible is of the utmost importance. Thinking of you.




    Thanks Marion.

    in reply to: Too weak to continue chemo #89775

    Dear Annie,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear Dad. Please accept my sincere condolences. I know that you did everything that you possibly could for your dad and having been through this with my Dad and also losing him to this cancer as well I so know how you feel. But please do not beat yourself up about decisions made in the past etc as I know that your Dad would not want you to do that to yourself, and it also will not change things.

    Right now you feel pain and again I went through that as well, we all do but in time you will be able to look back and smile at the so fond memories that you will have of your dad. It will take time but trust me, you will get there.

    Please know that we are all here for you Annie and my thoughts right now are with you and your family.



    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89274

    Hi Ali,

    Real sorry to hear this latest news from you. Like Marion said to you, unfortunately this is all too common with this cancer and you will learn more later. My dad had this as well. Please let us know how things go and wishing you all my best wishes.



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