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  • in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89257

    Sorry to hear this news Ali. Yes it is right that Rob and his brothers travel to see their dad and I hope their travels are safe. Know that this is such a tough time for you all made harder by the distances involved as well. You know we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and all of your family right now.



    in reply to: Intro. My #89376

    Hi Bgomez,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear about your mum, but glad that you joined in with us all as you are in the best place for support and help and will get a load of both from everyone here. Please can you tell us a little more about what has happened so far if you can.

    If we can help we will so please, keep on coming back here and know that we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Can you pray for us ? #89343

    Hi Erashid,

    You got it. Loads of positive thoughts heading your mums way from me and my fingers are crossed for her as well.

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89235

    Indeed Momma!!

    in reply to: From Caracas, Venezuela #89334

    Hi Alejandro,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear what you are going through, but real glad that you have joined in with us here as you are so in the best place for help and support and will get loads of all of that from everyone here. And my thanks to you as well for sharing your story with us all.

    What a great attitude you have! Straight from diagnosis you decided to fight back and fight back hard and that sort of attitude will carry you very far with all of this. You sure have been through so much with all of this and that is great to hear that you were able to have surgery and that it was such a success also. I do of course wish you a very speedy recovery from the surgery and hope as well that the chemo works very well also.

    Do keep coming back here and please know that we are here for you. I look forward to hearing much more from you.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89236

    Thanks for that Ali, I so hope that they find out what is going on with this ASAP! And as to them being on the point of discharging him back to the local hospital again, big GRRR to that!

    And as to trips and food Lainy, Ali is so right, Glasgow is only 80 miles or so from here so I could be there in about 80 minutes or so. 90 if the traffic is bad!!


    in reply to: Liver Transplantation Mayo Clinic #89331

    Thanks for that Marion!

    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89242

    PS – Lainy, I can see you are logged in right now and know it is early over your way…….

    Breakfast time, sorry!! :)

    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89241

    Hi Ali,

    Good for you on getting the Onc;s secretary to kick some butt as it were with the hospital and get things moving. People should not just have to sit back and wait etc and the hosp should most definitely be trying to find out exactly what is going on with things and not just assuming something.

    As an extra, when I had my ulcer I had blood in my stools. Actually it was much worse than that and without getting too graphic here there was a ton of blood coming out of both ends. This came on very very quickly to say the least, a matter or hours but blood in stools etc should always be investigated.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: the parallell is unreal #89328

    Hi Betty,

    Welcome to the site. So sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry also to hear about your nephew. You are right in that 42 is far too young to have to deal with this and everything else that he has to deal with as well. Thank you so much for sharing with us and please know that we are here for you and also that you will get so much support from all of us.

    Yes I can so imagine how many times you have had to bite your lip in your meetings. You can come here as often as you want to and vent, let off steam and say what is on your mind as we so know what you are going through with everything. Thank you so much for what you say about the work that everyone here does and my thanks go back to you as well for the work that you do.

    Please keep coming back here and I look forward to hearing from you more.

    My best wishes to you and your nephew,


    in reply to: New Port for wife #89324

    Hi Karen,

    Many many thanks indeed for posting all of that. I know that not only will it be very helpful to Gonzalez but it will be of great help to so many other people as well.

    Thanks loads.


    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89232

    Hi Alison,

    I agree with Lainy in that it is not possible for us to say anything as to whether this is related to the cancer or not based on what you know just now. It could well indeed be a stomach ulcer and I had one of these a few years ago. Do you know if your partners dad has had any bouts of cramping in the abdomen or in his sides? I had them and they were very sore to say the least and that and the bleeding led me to the hospital where they did the camera down the throat which showed an ulcer.

    Ruined my holiday too as I was in Blackpool and 3 days in the hospital there was most definitely NOT on my agenda! You will learn more when they have a look and please let us know what they find.




    Just a quick reminder everyone that this webinar from Mayo Clinic is coming up on Tuesday –

    What Patients Need to Know About Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma and Liver Transplant.



    in reply to: Update #89181

    Dear Chuck’s daughter,

    I am real sorry to hear the latest news from you about your dad and please tell him that I am thinking of him loads and loads. I have been there with my dad where you are now with your dad and I so know how hard this is for you both. Please know that we are all here for you and always will be and your dad is so very much loved by us all.

    I am very glad to hear that your dad is surrounded by his family and friends right now and I can so picture all of you bringing a smile to his face.

    Thinking of you and your dad right now.



    in reply to: inoperable, but clean scan at 15 months (now 39 months) #86192

    Hi Catherine,

    Great news and thanks loads for sharing this with us all!! And so agree with Lainy on this. I hear what you are saying about feeling bittersweet and all that but I too am sure that Duke would want you to post this great news about your mum. Please do not feel bad about being happy for your mums news today.

    And remember to keep us updated on everything!



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