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  • in reply to: Mom’s diagnosis #88720

    Hi Jenny,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry also to hear about your mum and what she is going through right now. But glad that you joined in with us all as you are in the best place for support and help from everyone here. And real glad too to hear you say that you have been doing your reading here on the site since your mums diagnosis and are looking for further opinions about everything, that is the best plan.

    I know you said that your mums diagnosis was inoperable but other facilities may be able to offer surgery of some type and that is why it is vital to seek those opinions from facilities and doctors etc that are very experienced in dealing with this cancer. I wish your mum every success in seeking these opinions and please keep us updated on how this goes. Please know as well that we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,


    in reply to: PTC/biliary catheter placement #88673

    Thanks for that Lee. I hope it all goes well for your husband tomorrow, got everything crossed for him. Please let us know how things go and loads of positive thoughts are coming your way.

    My best wishes to you both,


    in reply to: Mark Parsons Rest in Peace #88728

    Dear Jeanne’marie,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your beloved Mark. Please accept my sincere condolences. I so wish I could say something that would help ease the pain that you feel right now and please know that my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Managing Stress #88647

    Aah whisky! Haven’t had one for about 4 months Kris. Going through a fitness, exercise and healthy eating phase here so no time for a wee dram or two! So yes, I guess whisky is not the answer and maybe I should try yoga then!

    My dad used to get reikki sessions when he went to day care and he raved about that for relaxation. He never thought that it would work for him but he was sooo wrong on that one!

    Agree with you about the having to learn to say no sometimes Kris. I need to learn that more I think myself sometimes. Will try and put that into action more if I can!

    Away to do some sit-up’s and get the exercise bands out as well. Bought them a few weeks ago and they are good, far better than what I thought they would be.


    in reply to: PTC/biliary catheter placement #88670


    My fingers are crossed for your husband that this works for him. Positive thoughts for reduction in bili numbers coming your way!

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: Can I say CURED?? Yes I can!!! #88517

    Can’t believe I missed this post earlier Cathy! Brilliant news!! Well chuffed for you!!!



    in reply to: New Diagnosis: Faith Hope and Love for Mom #88542

    Thanks for that Jason. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for your mum for more good news and please let us know how things go for her.

    Barging through the door, love it!!!

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Mom newly diagnosed with Stage IVa CC #88657

    Hi to you as well Stacey!

    Why don’t you start your own thread in this part of the site as that way I so know that you will get a lot more responses to you? Please tell us about your brother in law and looking forward to hearing from you as well!

    My best to you and your BIL,


    in reply to: Mom newly diagnosed with Stage IVa CC #88656

    Hi DLCLO,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry also to hear about your mum. But glad that you’ve joined inw ith us here as you are def in the best place for support and help and will get a load of both from everyone here.

    Thanks for sharing about your mum and please let us know how things go with the meeting with the onc today. Yes learn as much as you can about CC as this will so help you in being informed and in a better position to help your mum with everything to do with all of this. And if we can help with stuff we will, ask and we will do what we can to help.

    Have you checked out the great chemo board that we have here on the site? There is a ton of info posted on that part of the site regarding chemo, experiences etc and you will learn a lot there. It can be found here –

    I hope that you will keep coming back here. You are not alone in this now, we are here with you.

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: My wee dad #88052

    Hi Carol,

    Thanks for that and grrr for waiting for the referal to happen, can it be speeded up somehow? That’s great that you were able to get your dad out into the garden to enjoy some of that sun that we are having this week. It is here on the east coast as well and as you know, us Scot’s need to take full advantage of the sun when it finally comes out! And I bet your dad enjoyed getting out for a bit as well.

    I so know where you are coming from with this as I managed to get my mum out in the garden for 30 mins or so today. She has not been outside in months and the last time was to go to hosp for an x-ray. It was a huge effort for her to get outside the door, only about 10 yards in total and even with the oxygen she had to stop about 5 times. But like your dad she enjoyed the sun and it makes a huge change to one’s mood does it not to have other things to look at apart from the same walls.

    So hoping that we can both get more of these good days so that my mum and your dad can get outside for a bit. And yep, agree with Darla in the hating of this disease!



    in reply to: Dad diagnosed about a month ago #88575

    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry also to hear about your dad. But glad that you’ve joined in with us as you’ve come to the best place for support and help and will get loads of both from all of us. Thanks for letting us know what your dad is going through and I am glad to hear that he was able to have surgery as so many people after diagnosis are not able to do so.

    My fingers are crossed too for the chemo and radiation treatment that your dad started and I so hope that goes well for him. Please let us know as well how that goes for him and know you are not alone in this, we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,


    in reply to: How to gain weight quickly before surgery #88315

    Hi Katia,

    That is a great idea about your writing a blog in French and I am sure that it would be of great use and interest to many people! My French is pretty much non existent and consists basically of oui, non and jemme appele all learnt when I went to Paris when I was 12! Can count to 10 or something like that too but that ain’t gonna a get me far. And before Lainy or someone else pipes in and comes out with some smart remark……. that’s 10 in French! :)

    If you do decide to write a blog Katia please could you put a link to it here in the blog part of our website so that people here could read it as well, that’s if that is okay with you?

    Thanks Katia.



    in reply to: Vision changes with gem/cis #88590

    Hi there,

    Glad to hear that you have an app with your eye doctor to discuss this issue and I would also mention it to your onc as well. It could be related to the chemo but also to your watching videos and reading etc but I would say best to mention it to your onc as well. Here is a link that may be of interest to you as well –

    You could do a search of the site as well to see if others have posted on this issue and off the top of my head I am sure that I can recall some posts about this before. Hope all goes well with the eye doctor and please let us know how that goes.

    My best to you,



    Thanks for that Elizabeth. And if Peter does get to have the PDT remember all about the side effects of skin and eyes to light sensitivity, I really can not stress enough the importance of that and covering up against the sun for a few months! But I am sure all of that will be explained to you both in detail before the treatment starts. Keep us updated on everything Elizabeth.

    My best to you both,



    Thanks for the extra info Marion, will put a link to this over on the FB page alongside the other info as well.



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