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  • in reply to: My wee dad #88047

    Hi Carol,

    Denial is unfortunately something that can come with a cancer diagnosis as Marion has said to you and it can be hard to deal with for many. But from what you have said it sounds like you have handled things very well and I know it is so tough for you and your parents.

    I know that the Marie Curie team will be of benefit to your mum and your dad now that they are involved even though it may be hard for them to accept their services. But they so know what they are doing with all of this and how to handle everything as well. I do feel as well that they will help a bit in taking some of the pressure off of your mum who I am sure could do with that.

    You’re doing everything that you can for your parents Carol during what is a very stressful time for you all.



    in reply to: New to this group – stage III/IVa ICC #71250

    Hi Elaine,

    Good luck with everything! Got everything crossed for you and loads of positive thoughts heading your way as well!



    in reply to: Intro – ERCP @ Duke tomorrow #88231

    Hi Carol,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you’ve joined as you are in the bets place for support and help and i know you will get loads of each from everyone here. Glad to hear that you have an app with Duke and I so hope that you will get some good news there about this. Being proactive with this cancer is essential and if we can help then we will so please just ask and we’ll do what we can.

    Please let us know how everything goes for you, we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: It’s the one year mark !!!!!!! #88497

    Hi Brenda,

    Brilliant news, superb! Well chuffed for you and your husband! As Lainy says, it doesn’t get better than this and it is time to celebrate I would say!!

    My best to you and your husband,



    Hi Elizabeth,

    Glad to hear that my posts on PDT helped fill in the blanks and hope that the webinar did as well! Is this the study that you applied for at Weill?

    Brought that up here just in case it is useful for anyone else reading this post. Please let us know how everything goes and hope that Peter is able to get on the trial if that is what he wants to do.

    My best to you and Peter,


    in reply to: My wee dad #88042

    Hi Carol,

    Hope that you, your dad, mum and the kids are having a good day today. Does your dad have any meds for the sickness? I know you say he was feeling sick but if he gets sick there are tons of meds out there that the GP will be able to prescribe that can help with nausea.

    I know that with your husband away for the week this will be a harder week for you Carol but you know that we are here for you too.



    in reply to: My Mum Mags #86938

    Hi Kevin,

    Great to hear from you and thanks for letting us know how your mum is doing. Glad to hear that you were able to get her to the day care center to see how she liked it or not and at least she did not hate it outright! And as you say, maybe the seated yoga will swing it for her and encourage her to go back and try it again!

    I agree with lainy about the pain thing and getting that sorted in advance should the need arise for that to start. But I can understand your mums reluctance to consult with the specialist just now and gentle easing from yourself may help with that issue.

    I will keep my fingers crossed for your mum and the FOLFOX and so hope that that goes well. Loads of positive thoughts heading south to you!

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Diagnosed on 26-3-15: What to do? #88482

    Hi Garrett,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I’m sorry to hear everything that is going on for you right now and it sure is a lot isn’t it. But I am glad that you have joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help and will get lots of that from everyone here.

    Glad to hear that you have found a way to get around the Dutch insurance system and I so hope that your treatments go very well for you. Please let us know how everything goes, we are here for you. Please try not to focus on time frames and I so love your attitude towards this, 11 months i not acceptable indeed as you say!

    My best wishes to you Garrett,


    in reply to: update on tom #88265

    Great news Moontje, thanks for sharing that with us all!

    My best to you and Tom,



    Thanks for that Marion.

    in reply to: Father’s Day (US) please join in wherever you reside #88449

    Yay!! Blowing a gale here as well today, and yesterday, and the day before that too! Will trade some of our rain, well lots of it actually for some of your sun!

    Hope we get mots more pics up on the Fathers Day thread!

    in reply to: How to gain weight quickly before surgery #88311

    Hi Katia,

    Welcome to the site and great to see you over here! Real glad that your dad was able to see the surgeon in Belgium and that he is happy with and confident with that surgeon as well.

    As to the eating, I agree with Lainy in that eating smaller amounts more often is good and also there is the option of nutritional drinks as well for extra calories. Here is a link that will be of interest to you about drinks, powers and all of that and these will be of help to your dad here –

    Glad to hear that your dad is eating a bit more than a few days ago and I hope that his appetite continues to improve. Got to rush right now but looking forward to hearing from you more and glad that you have made it on to the boards, tons of support here there is!

    My best to you and your dad,


    in reply to: Father’s Day (US) please join in wherever you reside #88445

    That PIC of you an T is up now momma, I can see it. Love it!!

    in reply to: My wee dad #88040

    Hi Carol,

    Sorry I missed your post last night. Real sorry to hear everything that is happening right now and I can so relate to all of what you say from my experiences with my dad. Please know that I am thinking of you as you go through this and you know you can email me anytime if you like as well.

    Glad to hear that you have the referral in for the Marie Curie team as they will help ease some of the pressure that your mum is going through right now. I so agree that right now your mum and dad need that type of help and there is nothing wrong in asking for help. This is such a tough time for all of you and many of us here will know that.

    My dad used Lactulose for his constipation and that worked okay for him, have you tried that? You are doing such a great job here with all of this Carol, please do not ever doubt yourself. And there is nothing wrong at all with having a vent about stuff, we all need to do that sometimes and have done so here many, many times so you keep doing that as much as you want to! We so understand.

    Hope that you and the kids get up to see your dad this weekend as I know that will bring a smile to his face.



    in reply to: I’m still fighting … #88405

    Hi Sandie,

    Great to see you here again and it sounds like things are going well, 3 1/2 years is excellent! And carrying on life with a giggle and a smile, well I so like the sound of that a lot!!



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