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  • in reply to: New to this group – stage III/IVa ICC #71230

    Love it Lainy, knew you’d come up with something!! :)

    in reply to: New to this group – stage III/IVa ICC #71225

    Glad to hear that you are back on the positive train Elaine! That sounds like a line from a poem!

    And cookies cure all ill’s don’t they?

    A poem with train, Elaine and cookies in it…… no doubt Lainy could come up with something involving all of that!


    in reply to: New to this group – stage III/IVa ICC #71222

    Thanks for that Elaine and great news re stable size of tumour! I do hope that you will get good news nest week about the surgery, my fingers are crossed for you with that one! Please let us know what they tell you, we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: 60 minutes – fighting brain cancer with polio virus #87445

    Thanks for that Marion, very interesting and let’s hope this works for other cancers too.

    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86778

    I like the word berserk too Lainy and it best sums things up sometimes. Sometimes we all need to go berserk to get things done and moving!

    Patients here can get admitted direct to hospital if they go to A&E and the A&E team think they need treatment urgently etc. When my ulcer burst on holiday I went to A&E and was admitted there and then without them contacting my gp. Mum’s been taken into hosp many times via A&E with everything she has had too.

    I guess in Donnies case the A&E team don’t think a CT is urgent in their eyes hence they want to get him referred for a CT by the GP or someone else. Major GRRR all round to this situation!

    Stay strong Donnie and Lorraine, we’we with you on this!


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86776

    Edinburgh will have an A&E Lainy and if any patient turns up there needing urgent treatment then they would have to treat them just like they would any patient, but they may not be keen on admitting someone for a CT. They might want to know why that patient did not just go to their local A&E in Glasgow if they felt they needed urgent treatment.

    It is an option Lorraine but I feel it is risky as they could turn Donnie away giving the reasons I mentioned above. But good thinking Lainy, I love that!!

    Frustration all round though with this situation to say the least and the berserk card may need to come out!


    in reply to: My Introduction #80325

    Great that you 2 were able to meet up!! Hope that all goes well at MD Anderson Sherri, fingers are crossed for you!

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86774

    Forgot to say as well, if it does come down to it and you think Donnie needs to be seen asap then I would bite the bullet and go to A&E and demand something happen now.

    The berserk card may have to be played I think Lorraine!


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86773

    Hi Lorraine,

    More GRRRR and gnashing of teeth!! Getting referred to A&E, never heard of that one before! A&E is walk in as you know Lorraine so no wonder you are so angry, I am too! I agree that Donnie shoud be referred by his GP for the CT as an out patient as you say, that was the way it was always done by my dads team when he got his CT’s.

    Did you go back to the GP today with this new info from the hosp re the referral and if so what did the GP say? A&E anywhere near the weekend is a nightmare as you probably know, Dundee much the same as Glasgow on that front so I feel your pain with that one.

    You must be getting more and more stressed out about everything, no wonder!

    Take a big hug from me and keep us updated on everything.


    in reply to: Introduction #87357

    Brilliant news Sherri!! I so hope that you get some good news at MD! Please let us know what they say about everything. Sounds like you have your boxing gloves on again and talking the fighting talk as well, good!!!

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86771

    Sorry to hear this news Lorraine, major GRRRRR to Donnie’s GP and his surgery! Did you hear back from a gp at the surgery today and if so what did they say? I know that Edinburgh will not be able to do anything about this at all unless they get the referral from Donnie’s gp referring Donnie through to them, but I guess that you already knew that.

    If it was me and you have not heard from them today, I would go down to the gp’s office tomorrow in person first thing and demand that something is done now! Sometimes we have to go berserk to get things done, especially when things were promised to us and have not been done when they were meant to be done. Well maybe not go berserk but kick up a major major fuss, you know what I mean.

    Go to them in person, stress the urgency of the situation and demand that the gp office deal with this tomorrow as the delay in the referral is their problem and not yours! I know that this is such a stressful time for you and Donnie and this nonsense is the last thing that you need right now. But stay strong, don’t take no for answer and go kick some butts!

    My best to you and Donnie,


    in reply to: Klatskin Tumor #87068

    Greta news Fred, thanks for sharing that! I hope that your sons surgery goes well and my fingers are crossed for him! Loads of positove thoughts coming over your way and please let us know how it goes.

    My best wishes to you and your son,


    in reply to: My Introduction #80319

    Great news Matt, yay indeed and thanks for sharing that with us all! And love the pic of you and the family as well!

    My best to you and your family,


    in reply to: Post-ERCP Pancreatitis #87392

    Great link Marion, thanks for that.

    in reply to: 4.5 years! #86664

    Congrats on the birth of your Grandson!!! Time to celebrate I would say!!

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