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  • in reply to: PET scan denails? #46520

    nur1954, I can’t believe they wouldn’t cover things because CC is rare!!!! That’s absurd! But i’m glad that you have the right to appeal. Seems we’ll be doing that a lot!

    marions – yes, the insurance company pays for CTs and MRIs post diagnosis…or at least they did last year. Hopeuflly that hasn’t changed but now we can’t be assured of anything with these jerky companies.

    in reply to: yesssss good news #42493


    in reply to: PET scan denails? #46517

    Thanks Lainy. It makes me so mad that they would deny this certain type of scan. Clearly the $4000 out of pocket is absurd and nobody can afford that on top of all the regular insurance payments! If his ONC can’t get it approved, we’ll have to ask him about other centers around here that may offer it at a discounted rate like they have in your area. But still…$1600 is a lot of money for something that the insurance SHOULD cover.

    in reply to: Uncle just diagnosed in New York #46481

    I’m sorry to hear about your Uncle’s CC diagnosis. Radiation was not an option for my dad either, but I don’t recall why. There’s tons of different Chemo treatments available. I’m in CT so i’m not aware of much in the way of hospitals/cancer centers in NY, but i know that Yale New Haven has a great staff. Not sure if that’s too far to travel, but might be worth looking into.

    in reply to: TOM’S PET SCAN #46446


    Thinking happy PET scan thoughts and prayers for you and Tom!!!


    in reply to: Dad with CC lost his battle #46340

    I am so sorry for your loss, Askthiru. My thoughts and prayers go out to you an your family.

    in reply to: Mom lost her battle… #46367

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

    in reply to: Devoncat no more #46217

    Im so sorry. Many prayers to Hans and the rest of the family.

    in reply to: 1st PET scan after 3 rounds of chemo #46077

    That is fantastic news! Hoping all future news for you and your family is along the same happy path :)

    in reply to: Fluid retention — my dad #46173

    Lainy — That is a good suggestion. I think i still have my old mini-tape recorder from college that I could have them use. Sometimes i know they don’t want to share with me all of what the drs say (you know how protective parents can be), but maybe i can convince them to at least share that q&a info with me. :)

    in reply to: Fluid retention — my dad #46171

    Thanks ziggydog and Gavin for your answers.

    ziggydog – i dont this my dads fluid buildup happens so often that he needs a drain “installed” yet, but it may be something we have to look into in the future. good to know its another idea to through out there. I’ll definitely have them ask the drs about if there’s cancer in the fluid. I didn’t even think of that!

    Gavin – i only get bits and pieces from my mom about what the drs say at his appointments because i work during the day about 1.5 hours from where he goes – so i rarely get to tag along and ask the questions. I’m going to pass on those questions to my mother and hopefully they’ve already answered them and it just wasn’t passed onto me.
    And yes, i believe my dad is still on diuretics from the beginning of his diagnosis in the spring, but i’ll have to confirm with him.

    Thanks again to you both for the responses :)

    in reply to: Teddy’s Celebration of Life Friday #45588


    My heart is with you today. I know the service will be so beautiful.


    in reply to: Teddy is at PEACE #45229

    Oh Lainy, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say.

    Wish i could hug you right now!


    in reply to: Support for Family Members #44976

    Thanks so much for your support for all of us, Ashley. I’m very sorry about your mom. I feel very much for you, as I’m in my mid-20s and my father has CC. So far, we still have a journey ahead of us, but I completely understand how rough it is to go through the loss or potential loss of a parent at our young age.


    in reply to: Sad sad sad day… #44990

    Im so very sorry for the loss of your Mom. I bet she was so proud to have a wonderful, caring daughter like you. My thoughts are with you and your family.


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