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  • in reply to: Farmer Down, but not OUT!!! #68608

    Tammy, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, 3 years and 6 months cancer free. There is HOPE! I have an amazing story to share, please read it at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com.
    I know how everything feels out of control right now, but you will gain a little control and “one day at a time” will be your mantra!! You are right to head to the Mayo Clinic they are very educated in our cancer.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: What do you think about this meaningful survival article? #68583

    Great article!! I always felt being an oncologist took a very special person.
    Lots of prayers for our CC family-Cathy

    in reply to: In the middle of this nightmare and seeking info……. #68520

    Kathy, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. (love your name LOL!!) I am glad you have joined us, there is more info and life expierences than any doctor or hospital. I am a CC survivor and am pushing 4 years cancer free!! I have an amazing story to share, please read it at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com, there is HOPE!!
    I did all the chemo’s you mentioned, I did the 5FU for 24 hours a day for 6 weeks!!! The side effects were are all “manageable” with meds and rest. I suggest you keep ant-nasuea meds in system at all time.
    There is HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Cancer is coming in the liver #68260

    Tom-sorry about your news, unfortunately we have high reoccurence rate with CC. I can not comment personally as mine has not reoccured, but I am sure more will post with stories of HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Lauren’s MRI results. #68240

    CONGRATS!! Nothing like a vaction in Mexico to celebrate this news!!! God always has a plan!!
    Lots of prayers for more celebrations-Cathy

    in reply to: Family members with CC #67590

    I know I was the first in my family to have CC but I always think it is interesting that on my mom’s side of the family there is several aunt, uncles and first cousin all with different cancers but all in the abdomen area, such as pancreatic, bladder, stomach….??? My dad’s side of the family history is non-exstinant-but he was Jewish!!?? So many pieces to the puzzle, but no clear link!!
    Lots of prayers and miracles for our CC family-Cathy

    in reply to: New Member #67373

    Welcome and to repeat what all have said “sorry you had to find us”! I am a CC survivor, I have been cancer free for over 3 years there is HOPE. I have an amazing story to share so please read it at http://www.catherinedunngan.com under the telegraph link.
    I was very lucky to have been diagnosed by one of the top hospital and doctor so I never needed a second opinion but I know a second opinion saved my mom’s life when she was diagnosed with cancer.
    Please keep posting and crying on our shoulders because being a friend who gets it and cares, is the one thing we can do here, it gives our stories and journey a purpose.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: So frustrated #66949

    The legal prescription drug is called megasce. My doctors prescribed it for me. Intersting story, I met a women who had a brother who was battling esphogas cancer and couldn’t eat, soo she asked what she refered to as “questionable people” if they could get her brother marijuana and it worked miracles!! He ate whole a pizza and felt great!! I did tell her about megasce, she was very nervous about doing illegal activities, but she would do any thing for her brother!! The interesting part of the story is this conversation took place in a TJMAXX dressing room!! You have to spread HOPE, where ever you are!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Considering seeking a third opinion #67011

    Darla-I am so sorry about your news from Barnes, as you know Dr. Chapman is my hero, it breaks my heart that he can’t help you. I believe he is as good as it gets, but I also know that our cancer is rare and new options are happenning more often, I think Dr. Kato is another brain to be picked!!!
    Lots of prayers and mracles-Cathy

    in reply to: New Member- hoping for some hope, support and advice. #66743

    Amy-I am sorry about your mom’s surgery. I am one of the few who was fortunate enough to have a transplant. Please don’t fret over leaving Sloan-Kettering. Your mom’s same ordeal has been posted on here recently by some others who got to the surgery only to find tumors/lympnode involvement that didn’t show on scans, it is pretty common. My doctor was so adimant about getting me to the table and when l woke up I might not have a new liver! I found out later that is what happen to the patient before me. Great scans a few weeks before but totally different when openned up when she had surgery.
    There is HOPE!! Keep being a great daughter and finding the best care and information, you are the one’s who get us through this. I am always embarrassed when people tell me how strong and brave I am/was, but all I did was be sick, it was my family and friends who did all the love, care and patience to get me here to prove there is HOPE.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Update from new patient visit at U of M #66660

    Darla-I am sorry about your news but I can back back up Dr. Zalupski’s comment “prayers and miracles are the cure”, I am proof!! I always post that I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, and Dr. Chapman and I always remind everyone that Dr. Chapman would list it the same way!!! My story has so many miracles!!
    Praying for miracles shrinkage and surgery (resection or transplant we aren’t greedy!!)-Cathy

    in reply to: Is surgery an option? #34971

    LeeAnn-Sorry about the lymph node involvement. I was always told that if there was lymph node involment I would not be able to be transplanted. Surgery, if I understood correctly would cause it to seed or spread quickly. I am not sure about all I was told there was so much FYI, so I agree about the second opinion. I always believe a second opinion is a win-win, it only confirms what you already know or opens another door of HOPE!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Brushing shows abnormal cells…??? #66228

    Dear Luv, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I agree with Lainy you need a second opinion. Our disease is very hard to diagnose, so it having it diagnosed by someone who is very familiar with it so important. I am a CC survivor and was so blessed and lucky to be diagnosed at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. I presented very little symptons (just itchy) and after one ERCP had my diagnose. I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman. I would suggest contacting him, they are very good about phone consults and have them start looking at your scans. Please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph, it is full of inspiration and HOPE. Please feel free contact me if you would like to talk.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: new cancer patient #65767

    Holly-Welcome and sorry you had to find us! I am a CC survivor 3 years cancer free!!! I am alive due to 2 transplants (yes 2, not a typo!!), please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com, it is full of HOPE!!
    My miracle worker was Dr. William Chapman (google him it is very impressive) at Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis MO. Dr. Chapman is one of the most amazing doctors, so full of heart and tops in CC treatment. One of the main criteria for a transplant is that there is no lympnode involvement and it hasn’t spread. Transplant is still not on all doctors list of treatments but it is one the cure for CC, so please make sure it is ruled out by a doctor who believes it is an option, many doctors don’t. Please call (618-567-3247) or email jrdunnagan@gmail.com if I can help. Holly, on July 31, 2008 I was told I had 6-8 months to live and I was only 52 years old, thanks to God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman I will be celebrating my 58th birthday in a couple of weeks, 5 more birthdays since that day!!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: 2 years 10 months cancer free! #66125

    Dianne-Congrats!!! Clueless to AFP??!!
    Lots of of prayers for a lifetime of good scans!!!-Cathy

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