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  • jathy1125

    Jyoti-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am not sure ifyou have read my post but I am a CC survivor, 3 years cancer free. I was stage 4 and diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. I was very lucky to skip all the bad or uneducated doctor nonsense and be put in the immediate care of one oth the top doctors, Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. My only hope was a transplant and was told many times that chemo/radiation was part of the trial but they expected very little if any change in my tumor, they just didn’t want it to spread. Our cancer is very chemo resistant.Please read my story on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan), I also keep another CC success story by Dr. Chapman on that page. I am proof there is HOPE. Please contact me if I can help.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: What now? #63108

    Jim-I once again will mention that the reason I qualified for transplant was because of the location of my tumor being in operable. I can only suggest again to call Dr. Chapman, he will take your call and he does “miracles”!! Barnes hospital also was just ranked #6 and ranked #3 for cancer treatment.
    Please contact me if I can help. I am proof there is HOPE!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Questions about antidepressants #62957

    Pam-I have taken Lexipro twice, same dose (10 mg)but major different reaction. The first time was recommended by my oncologist as a preventive. I had no side effects and never felt altered by it. The second time was after my second transplant and what a difference. My family and friends call that period “my lexipro time”. I could sit in my chair (I couldn’t walk) and stare at the wall for hours. Caitlin and Jeff became very frustrated and angry, because I was so “nothing”, they threatenned to put me in a nursing home and I casually replied “Ok, do what you think is neccessary!”. Cates and Jeff knew at that point we needed immediate medical help. My transplant doctors felt that this wasn’t there area of specialty and sent me to a psychiatrist and he immediately weined me off it. I will always remember 2 weeks off being weaned off it (vert slowly), getting out of my chair and saying “I am back”!
    Pam , the strange part was I never knew I was gone. I never felt the symptons. I don’t know why the 2 times were sooo different.
    My best advice is talk and talk more to your doctor, these are very dangerous drugs to regulate, they can have great outcomes but dosages are very tricky to get right.
    Lots of prayers for you to keep the strength you show to Lauren-Cathy

    in reply to: Top 17 Hospitals in the States in 2012-2013 #63054

    YEA- Barnes #6.!!!
    Lots of prtayers-Cathy

    in reply to: There is a cure #63009

    When ever there is a transplant post I always need to chime in, even if I have nothing new to add, but just say again and again it WORKS!!!! I just did my 3 years on May 24,2012 and July 5, 2012!! I think Wayne and I would have to flip a coin to decide who is Dr. Chapmans biggest fan!!!
    Wayne, thank you for putting his name out there again. I am also very excited that on July 25, 2012 I have been invited to a lecture and reception for Dr. Chapman, maybe I will see you there!!??.
    Lots of prayers for all my CC family-Cathy

    in reply to: New to the Boards #62874

    Misty-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, 3 years cancer free because of a transplant. I have an amazing story to share and over come some unbelievable obstacles to be here, so there is HOPE. Please read my story on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan).
    My first concern is that they are doing a needle biopsy, that is a big no with our cancer, they should be doing a brushing. I would make sure that they weren’t just using a general term. The best thing you can do for your father-in-law is make sure you have a knowledgable doctor, our cancer is so rare that it is very important. Since you are in Texas, MDAnderson has a great reputation for treating CC.
    Come back often and ask any thing, because no one has as much knowledge and life expierence as this CC family.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: intrahepatic cc #50753

    Jason-Thank you thank you, not for my compliment but by paying it forward and acknowledging Dr. Chapman, he is a special man with so much heart and soul. Thank you for the compliment also because I worry that by sharing my story people think I am bragging. I tell my story to give HOPE and thank God, 2 strangers and Dr. Chapman for giving me life.
    Lots of prayers for my CC family-Cathy

    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62812

    Pam -I did Xeloda for 6 months (8 pills twice a day) and had no side effects. Pam, my family also discouraged this site when we were fighting, but people just don’t understand how even the bad news makes you feel so not alone. I have posted many times the one thing cancer taught me was “until you walk a mile in there shoes”!!
    Lots of prayers for Lauren-Cathy

    in reply to: Hello #62778

    Jim-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor and 3 years cancer free due to a liver transplant!!! I have the most amazing story to share, please read it on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan). I also keep 2 other transplant stories posted there. There is HOPE!!
    I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, and Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis MO. My story is so full of miracles and one of my first was bieng put in Dr. Chapmans care immediately. My diagnose was a complete suprise, I had an ERCP and awoke to be told I had Cholangio, 6-8 months to live and my only HOPE was a transplant!!! The interesting part of my story is I am a California girl, born in San Francisco, raised in Sunnyvale (Our home was $18,000 and no Silicone Valley LOL!!) and lived 5 years in Monterey above Cannery Row!! I had been so whiney about living in the midwest lately, and did God shut me up, Barnes is 25 mins from our home!!
    Dr.William Chapman is one of the top doctors for CC he helped develop the transplant trial. When I was diagnosed Barnes and Mayo were the two place offering this trial!!
    I suggest you call Dr. Chapman (314-362-5376) he will take your call and talk to you personally before he even sees scans or reports. I can not say enough good about this man he is so much more than a doctor he has a soul. Another interesting thing happenned while I was posting to you, my computer when dead and when I came back to site I noticed a post by treejay on June 30, 2012 thanking Dr. Chapman for saving his moms life, he found Dr. Chapman through our site and traveled hundreds of miles for his mom to be treated by him.
    Please call (618-567-3247) or email me for any info or help I can give.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: How long is the battle? #62534

    I was cancer free 9 months after diagnose, I was lucky enough to qualify for a transplant, but… due to complications from radiation I ended up having 2 transplants. I was diagnosed on July 31, 2008 and spring 2011 I could do all of Walmart by myself!!!! LOL!! It was along 3 years, but I am here to give HOPE and prove there are miracles.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Not the news we were hoping for. #62506

    Pam-like all the other post I too am just schocked and devasted for you, like all the other post lets give it to God and pray, pray pray. Try to take comfort in the fact you are in the hands of great medical care that want to fight as much as Lauren!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Leg and feet swelling #62452

    Eileen-I used TPN for 6 months and never had those symptons. Leg, arm, feet swelling is usually a sign of lymphedima (not sure if I spelled that correctly), which I had and had to be wrapped in compression bandages for weeks. You should contact your doctor because he could be cutting off circulation.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Email from dr. Javle. #62432

    Kris/Tiffany-Kind of confused why are you giving up anything, don’t you think chemo is an excuse for all bad habits!! (except smoking!!) My memorable line from my radiation oncologist was “Cathy we do not like skinny people here!!”, it was the first time I ever ate with out guilt!!!
    Lots of prayers for both of you-Cathy

    in reply to: Email from dr. Javle. #62424

    WONDERFUL!!! What a great man and good doctor, taking time late in the evening to talk to you!! Can’t wait to swap transplant stories (they do work)!!! LOL!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: FINALLY!!! #62275

    YEA-Lainy that was my first thoughts “Fireworks”, Kris will make sure there will be fireworks to celebrate “GOOD NEWS”!!!
    Lots of prayers for you Kris-Cathy

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