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  • in reply to: Latest scan #55629

    Byron-as usual Lainy used all the right keystrokes for how we feel.
    I believe it is the season of the miracles, so one thing I can do for you is PRAY!!!
    Lots and lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Trying different chemos. #55766

    Trevor-I am a CC survivor due to a liver transplant, I am wondering have you had one or are you in the trial for a transplant? If you are in the trial for a transplant, chemo is really just part of the protocol and was told it would have little, if any effect on tumor, they just want to make it doesn’t spread. I was told to not be suprised if it even grew!
    Please post more about your story, this site is so full of “life expierences” and love.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: 2- year anniversary #55723

    Congrats Randi-I am a 2 year survivor and love the company!! We need to keep posting so eventually thepositive will out weigh the negative!!
    Thanks for the HOPE!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: New here #55619

    Tiffany-Welcome and so sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, I have been cancer free since May 24, 2009. I found your blog before this post and it was so dejavu. I also went in for a routine out patient procedure, because I was itchy. I ended up in the hospital for 17 days and left needing a liver transplant!! My CC was inoprable and I had 6-8 months with out one. My story has so many “miracles” that happenned for me to be posting. One big one was being put in Dr. William Chapmans care at Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis MO.
    There is HOPE Tiffany, and this site is full of life expierences to give you that.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Austin Newly diagnosed (stage 4) #55533

    Austin Family, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. Your post expresses what all of us have expierenced, this diagnose comes out of no where. I am a CC survivor, I was given 6-8 months to live, I have been cancer free for 2 years. I was lucky to be diagnosed by someone who knew what they saw and knew my only HOPE was a liver transplant and was immediately put in Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. I have a remarkable story to share, please read it at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle, it is so ful of HOPE. (Also my FB page, Catherine-Sims Dunnagan has 2 Dr. Chapman success stories)
    When I post about Dr. Chapman it is so hard to find the words, he is so much more than a great doctor. Dr. Chapman is one of the top in his field and has been known to say yes where others have said no. Also Barnes is listed as CC center.
    This site will be a lot of help and comfort for you and your family. Please email me or call (618-567-3247) if you would like more info or help.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Is a stent placement the beginning of the end? #55371

    MK-I am a CC survivor and for cancer free for 2 years. I was diagnosed in July 2008 and had my first transplant May 2009, in that time I had 9 ERCP’s. I had wonderful doctors who listenned to my physical symptons, such as itchy feet and knew it was time for a stent change. I had 3 stent changes in a 10 day period one time, they gunk and clog up easily.
    Be safe on your trip and lots of prayers for your mom and you.


    Being a CC survivor due to a transplant I am not sure if that article was a positive thing??
    I guess I will just have to keep proving it is!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: 6 yrs post diagnosis and still hanging tough #52271

    Rob-all my prayers are with you and Sue. You both are such an inspiration and example of “in sickness and health and for better or worse”. Thank you for letting us into your journey.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Is transplantation an option? For whom? #54925

    I am a CC survivor due to a transplant as you all know, so of course I am a major advocate and wish all could be a candidate. I was lucky to be diagnosed by one of the best doctors, Dr. Guiseppe Aliperty and immediately (with in 36 hours) was put in Dr. Chapman’s care, a second opinion was never needed and so many questions weren’t asked because we were given so much info and HOPE, and confidence in this was the only way. I would get on this site and could not relate, because I was getting “cured”, I didn’t think I was as sick as everyone else LOL!!!
    I never even thought about reoccurence and don’t think I asked about it till this year, so I asked my oncologist and she said-“Cathy this is so new we have no long term data and even though we believe it was all removed there could be one micro cancer cell lurking, but we believe this is a cure. We need you to keep living to prove us right!!”
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42833

    Saying prayers for peace for your dad and all of you.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Miles Krowicki #55244

    WOW- what an amazing man. His FB page was so moving, I feel sad for never having crossed pathes.
    Lots of prayers for his family-Cathy

    in reply to: Yay! Lauren gets to have chemo. #55128

    YEA-so excited for Lauren!! I am also excited to hear about your “culinary journery”, you two make a negative situation, so fun!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy :)

    in reply to: New to posting not to lurking #55027

    Sandtbad-Welcome and like all sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor 2 years cancer free, because of a transplant. My tumor was inoperable and resection was not an option. I am alive because of Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, MO. Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle, it is full of HOPE. Please make sure if transplant is not an option, it is ruled out by a doctor who believes it is an option. Transplant is really one of our main means of a cure.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Liver transplant offers new option for rare cancer #55102

    Cindy-I had the most amazing treatment at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis Mo. with Dr. William Chapman. The man is one of the top CC doctors. I have been contacted by several CC patients who have contacted him and are so impressed by his care. I noticed you are in Indiana so I would definetly consider this a second opinion option. People who have contacted him have actually talked to him by phone, instead of the usual protocol of setting up appointments and test first, then meeting the doctor.
    Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle. Please feel free to email me if you would like to talk or get more info. And PLEASE discuss transplant with a doctor who believes it is an option!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Liver transplant offers new option for rare cancer #55100

    Thanks Gavin-for posting more positive transplant info. I am living proof it works, it was my only option and I am now 2 years cancer free.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

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