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  • in reply to: Returning to the forum with good news and bad news #55111

    Dear Jean-I am also a CC survivor. I am 2 years cancer free and cured! My HOPE was a transplant, my miracle worker was Dr.William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. Dr. Chapman, like Dr. Gore is a leader in CC, unlike most doctors he will take your phone call. I have had several people contact me in the last year about him, some have had great out comes and others haved there opinion validated. The common thing is they all are amazed at his “heart” and the fact that he will take a phone call!! I have his number on speed dial so if I can help, please email me.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Update on my story…… #54896

    WOW what a month for you Bryon. I was very nervous about your lack of post here lately, I always think the worst when someone stops posting. I am glad you are recovering.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving, you deserve a great one!!
    Lots and lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Pallative care vs Hospice #54860

    Kathy-I am sorry about your dad and all the family drama. My sisters (there are 4 of us) had a little drama with mom’s funeral and resolved it by having 2 services. My mom like your dad spent her last 14 years in the midwest but spent her other 66 in California. We did promise mom she would be buried with our dad but hadn’t planned a “service” out there for her. My sister was insisting on a full funeral out there and we all agreed as long as she paid for it, needless to say we had a small service at the graveside. Money talks!! Your dad’s wish should be observed, but his main wish I am sure is for his children to be together. I suggest your sister have a memorial in NYC for his life there, at her expense.
    Lots and lots of prayers for your dad and family-Cathy

    in reply to: my mom #54681

    Michelle-WOW what an amazing video and all showing how she was so full of love and laughter. What a legacy she leaves behind. Her video makes me want to make sure there are more smiles in my life. I never met her but the video of her makes you want to be a better person.
    My heart breaks for you-keep making her proud, you are amazing. (Lainy is right you look like Giada!!)
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: intrahepatic cc #50741

    Jason- YEA!!!!!!! I am so glad for your mom. 7-10 days means a hospital Thanksgiving, boo!
    I am so glad Dr. Chapman was there for you. Pay it forward and keep putting his name out there so more people have HOPE.
    I will be near the hospital saturday at the “Hill” so if you need lunch or a visit call (618-567-3247)
    Lots and lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: The chemo is not curative but for quality of life… #54573

    Elys-What an amazing grandaughter. Lainy always knows how to make your day better, she offers great advice. I know a lot of people use Caringbridge to keep family informed and document the journey. My daughter was always after me to write things after doctor visits, hospitals, chemo…. etc, and I never really journaled it. I do regret that now, because I have assorted notes, appointment cards doctor visit notes… in a folder, that always bring out a,WOW or remember that day! I found a follow up appontment card after my first doctor visit for itchy-kinda strange because I was in the hospital being told I had terminal cancer!! I keep it on my fridge as a reminder how life changes so quickly! I am pretty sure when you are done with Caringbridge it can be put in book form!
    Lots of prayers for you and your family-Cathy

    in reply to: Obituaries #54565

    Hi-mn love love the open bar theme!! When my mom passed away, we had two funerals one here in the midwest and one in California where she was from. The obituary here are free, so imagine our suprise when we were putting her’s in the San Jose Mercury and the clerk said it would be over a thousand dollars (and more if we wanted a pic)!! Needless to say her California funeral was by word of mouth!
    Lots of prayers for you during this time-Cathy

    in reply to: Prayer Pants #54355

    Captain-Loved your pants!! Loved your blogs, you work way to hard!! You need to “play the cancer card” and make someone else rake and mow!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Radiation is kind of kicking my butt #54376

    Susie-Climb in your recliner and rest. My biggest radiation side effect was tired, the farther into the treatments the worse it got but it was all manageable. I took zofran, compazine, and adivan all day so I always had one in my system. I also took nexium twice daily (for some reason this worked better than OTC and covered under insurance!). Have you tried just “grazing” I just nibbled my way through the day.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: My mom #54497

    I am so sorry about your mom. Lots of prayers for you and your family. When my mom passed my sisters and I all kept a piece of her clothing so we could always smell and feel her presence. It has been 4 years and I still bring it out, when I need a hug or a smile. Cherish your memories.

    in reply to: Platelet count too low for chemo #54473

    Pam-I love reading your journey. I had low white counts during my chemo treatments and had to skip one. I was in a clinical trial so I couldn’t even make it up. I just sat and cried when they told me, you just don’t want to miss anything. It just can be so mentally devasting. I am a firm believer in “until you walk a mile in my shoes”, so just keep posting and this family will keep telling you all your expierences are “normal”. I can’t post enough “CC survivor” and can’t wait for Lauren to post the same!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Are you keeping up with our blog? Loose Leaf Notebook #54236

    WOW-that is great! Make sure you hit like on FB icon! The word “Cholangio” needs to be posted every where!!
    Thanks for all the generosity!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42347

    Margaret-Trust me, missing your port happens. I had the same expierence, it was done by one of my favorite nurses. I had to point out that I didn’t think my port was that low, it was so painful I knew something was wrong. Amy was my nurse many times on the transplant floor (I was there 9 times before transplant)and had acessed my port so many times. Poor Amy, she will never live it down, nurses offered to put a bulls eye on area for her!!
    That is why this site is so good, there is nothing we can’t share or expierence that someone can’t relate to!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Hi, new here #54187

    Erin-Welcome and sorry you had to find us.I am sorry about your dad, I was 52 when diagnosed. I am a CC survivor. There is HOPE.
    I did chemo and radiation and had very little side effects. Nausea, which can be controlled by meds and very tired, which meant more recliner time! I would encourage your dad to take everything they have to offer, since he is physically storng. This is a very difficult cancer to beat or stabilize.
    Your dad is very blessed to have a great family to love and focus on.
    Please keep posting, this site is full of love, info and HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Thank you for this website. #54167

    Pam-you make me miss my mom. My mother had passed away a year before I was diagnosed. I have always thougth of it as a blessing, because I couldn’t imagine her having to deal with, I don’t know who’s heart would have been more broken . I do know she (even at 81) would have been my biggest cheerleader. I read your posts here and at caring bridge and know how lucky you and Lauren are to have each other.
    I also know how hard this site is when you are fighting. I know though how much support, expierence and information by those who have and are dealing with it helps, so thank God for all of us. I post on here so people know there is HOPE. I am a CC survivor and people need to know that we do exist. Thanks Jim and all others who remind us everyday, “cancer free” is an option with a CC diagnose.
    Please encourage Lauren to read my story, and Jim’s story for HOPE.
    Lots of prayers for your family-Cathy

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