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  • in reply to: My beautiful daughter #53116

    Pam-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, I am 2 years cancer free!! There is HOPE. Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle. I share my story to honor my donors and give HOPE. I should not be here, but thanks to God , 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman I am alive, so I try to pay it forward.
    One of my first thoughts after my diagnose, was I was glad my mom didn’t have to go thru this. (She had passed away the year before.) My mom would have been my rock, but I just could not imagine how hard that would be for her. Lauren is very lucky to have you.
    Please post more of your story. There is so much information and compassion on this site, you are not alone and your story helps all of us.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Support Groups #53102

    Pepehorse-Support groups were really not an option for me, when I was diagnosed. I always wished they were.I was never a “cancer patient” or was I a “liver transplant patient”. My coordinator discourgaed the liver support group, because I really didn’t have liver failure ( also the stigma that goes along with liver transplant) and didn’t feel I would fit in. My oncologist and cancer treatment weren’t my main issues or doctor. I know this all sounds strange but I never belonged to one certain group, the only place I fit was here, and even here my treatment wasn’t the norm. I know my cousin who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time, had a supprt group for her, her family and one for her spouse, she was very busy (and winning her fight)!!! I know how much sharing stories good and bad can help.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Dad’s CC #53089

    Pepehorse-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. You are at the right place for lots of care and support, this site is so full of love and great advice/info.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Under treatment with Therasphere #53079

    Walkingthepath-Welcome and sorry you had to find us.
    I am glad Blue Cross isn’t adding to your problems. Blue Cross has payed out over 2.5 million dollars for my CC battle and never gave me any extra stress. Also a CC diagnosis qualifies us for disablity. SSD has a 5 month wait, since you were diagnosed in June you are close and I believe can apply now. It was 2 phone calls and online app and within a week had a YES answer. I know SSD isn’t a financial answer but if needed at least it is there.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Nervous about port #52975

    Randi-A port is the easiest part of your journey!! It takes just an hour or so with sedation. I remember going out to dinner when my procedure was over.
    Ports make your life easier, they can do all your blood draws usually. I had to have mine removed due to other complications (I had gone septic so all foriegn objects were removed), I was so upset. Chemo was so much easier. My veins are pretty well ruined thanks to chemo, so when I do blood draws now, anything less than 3 sticks is a good draw!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Hey, I probably have CC. Great to have this board. #52814

    Mustangmort, Good luck with oncologist Wednesday.
    A transplant is only possible if it has not metasized, so it being contained in bile duct is one of the main criteria for transplant. Transplant is a “cure”, it really decreases our reoccurence rate etc.. not a last ditch attempt, so you might want to discuss with oncologist about options for transplant or resection. Our cancer is pretty chemo resistant.
    Keep posting and lots of luck!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Mom with CC #52431

    Jennifer, Glad your mom has you in her corner!! I also had an amazing daughter helping me thru this, she even took a semester off college to stay home and take care of me.
    Kim is an inspirational women, I loved chatting with her on the phone and FB.
    I always say that if my regular doctor had not been on vacation, my story would not have had a happy ending. It was just by the grace of God that I was put in Dr. Chapman’s hands. I had my diagnosos and treatment plan with in 5 mins of ERCP discovery, Dr. Guisppe Aliperty knew exactly what he saw, knew it would be a false negative and a transplant was my only hope.
    Another intersting person to contact is Wayne Parson (He is on FB). Wayne is an attorney in Hawaii who’s wife was diagnosed with CC and has such an intersting story and so much CC info to share. Valerie, his wife did not make it, but he and I both think Dr. Chapman walks on water!!
    Please feel free to contact me on FB (Catherine Sims Dunnagan, my story and another Dr. Chapman success story is posted on my page) or email me. I would love to talk to your mom.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Hey, I probably have CC. Great to have this board. #52812

    Welcome mustangmort, and sorry you had to find us! I am a CC survivor, 2 years cancer free!!! I am alive because of a liver transplant (really 2). I was lucky to be diagnosed by one of the top CC doctors, Dr. William Chapman (google him quite impressive) at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. I have an amazing story to share, you can read it at the telegraph.com under christmas miracle or my FB page at Catherine Sims Dunnagan. My FB page has mine and another CC transplant survivor story posted on it. Lots of HOPE in these stories.
    Transplant is your best option if you can qualify for the trial (main criteria is not to have spread). My CC was inoperable and was told 6-8 months to live with out transplant. There are few centers that believe this is an option. The Mayo and Barnes are 2 of the main with this clinical trial and more are starting to come on board. I would discuss this with a doctor who believes this is an option, and let him rule it out if not an option. I have been told many times that Dr. Chapman will take phone calls. He is more than just an amazing doctor, he has a heart and soul. (Many other postings on this site about him). Barnes-Jewish is listed as Cholangiocarcinoma treatment center. Pleas feel free to call me (618-567-3247) or email me if I can help.
    I am alive because of God, two strangers, and Dr. Chapman! (That is exactly how Dr. Chapman would list it also!)
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Met with CC / LT survivor #52692

    Julieanne- It is very important that your doctor believes in transplant, most doctors are not on board with it. Wayne Parson was told ” it was illegal, because it was a waste of good a liver, to give it to someone with cancer”. This was said at a major cancer center. I am alive because of two. I was diagnosed with inoperable CC. My tumor involved my portal veins and was in the “fingers” of my bile duct. My one saving grace was it hadn’t metasized. I did not qualify for a resection, everything had to go.
    My doctor was William Chapman M.D. at Barnes-Jewish Hospita in St. Louis MO. The Mayo Clinic also has the same protocol. Please have it ruled out by a doctor who believes this is and thinks it should be an option. Wayne Parson has posted that his wife would still be alive if she had been referred to Dr. Chapman (he found him on his own), she qualified.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Met with CC / LT survivor #52689

    Sdaigre-Glad you found a “mentor” !! Transplant is a major HOPE for us.
    I am sharing my story this weekend at health fair for Mid-America Transplant Center, it is very important for me to get the word out about transplants, it is the one way I can thank and honor my donors.
    Keep posting your journey and help this “cure” a first choice and not a controversial trial. Please feel free to contact me if I can help.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Mayo Clinic; Jacksonville vs. Rochester #18971

    I also am not sure about which is better. I am a CC survivor due to two liver transplants, both mine were at Barnes-Jewish Hopspital in St. Louis MO. Dr. William Chapman was my transplant doctor, he helped develop the Mayo protocol.
    I have a feeling that both locations are both equal, so what you must consider is where you live. If you are with in hours of one that is very important. The wait can be months, which is considered good. There is also a good chance you will have a “fake liver call” (I had 2) so you will need to always be close to your hospital. If you do not have to relocate that is a major plus.
    Your place on list depends on MELD score, which gives us extra points for cancer (a silver lining). The longer you are on list the more points your doctor will keep applying for. You are also on the list according to blood type. I was on the Bt list at the top. I got my first call 2 weeks after being listed and actually got my “real” transplant 5 months after being listed. I received my second liver with in 14 hours after being listed because I was put on national list. Another interesting fact is both transplants and one fake call were all holiday weekends.
    Good luck and if I can help or you would like to talk please feel free to call (618-567-3247) or email.
    Lots of prayers- Cathy

    in reply to: Hello all…I’ve been following but now am joining! #52598

    Dear SDAIGRE-Welcome and like all have said sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, thanks to a liver transpalnt. I know you made reference to a Kathy story or post so if it was mine I am sooo glad it gave HOPE or if it wasn’t please read mine at thetelegrah.com under christmas miracle. Also my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan) has another Dr. Chapman CC transplant story.
    I am alive because of Dr. William Chapman, he is so much more than just a great doctor. I have been told when you contact his office he will take or return your call personally. When my hepatic artery burst most of the transplant team voted to call it and he vetoed all of them, he wouldn’t give up. If you look on this post for Wayne Parson postings you will find more testimonial about him as a man and a doctor. I think you owe it to you and your husband to contact him.
    Please feel free to contact me if I can help.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Mom with CC #52429

    Faith-I am a CC survivor and alive because of not one but two liver transplants. A transplant is our best hope. My miracle worker was Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. The one thing me and Dr. Chapman discussed last month, that if you are or are not a candidate for a transplant let it be decided by a doctor who believes in them!!
    Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle. You can also go to my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan) and read my story and another CC survivor story thanks to a transplant and Dr. Chapman. MD Anderson believes in transplants so good luck. You might want to contact Dr. Chapman he is one of the top doctors in CC care.
    There is HOPE!
    Lotsof prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: wish I didn’t need to find this #52419

    Glenda- and like all others welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor. I am alive because of two liver transplants. (Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle) My only sympton was itching and no jaundice, (just a great tan!!). My bioposy also was negative but my doctor knew that is twas wrong and immediately put me in Dr. William Chapman (he takes phone calls) care, at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. I am alive because of these doctors.
    I was diagnosed July 31, 2008 and finally am “normal’. It has been a long 3 years,(the last rites tiwce) but we made it and life is sooo good!
    Make sure transplant is discussed and if it not an option, make sure that it is ruled out by a doctor who believes this is a cure and option. There is HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed with CC – Please Help!! #52406

    Danny-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor. I was stageIV and inoperable, but my saving grace was it had not metasized. I am alive because of Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO.
    Lainy was right on the money saying get another opinion. Our cancer is very rare and real requires a specialist. Dr. Chapman and Barnes falls in that category. You should be able to contact any doctor/hosptial and have all medical test info faxed or sent.
    Please feel free to contact me if I can help. There is HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

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