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  • in reply to: My husband has cc #76895

    Hi-I am a CC survivor due to two liver transplants. I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. Everyone on the CC site knows I think he walks on water, and am very biased, but once again he just changed the diagnose of a women given no HOPE and he was able to do a resection on her!! (She since in the last few months has ran several 5k’s). Dr. Chapman is one of the top docs and also the most kind caring, and humble doctor. He has changed at least 3 CC members diagnose.
    Jim-glad to see someone else putting Dr. Chapman’s name out there!!
    Please let me know what if I can help.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: My husband has cc #76894

    Hi-I am a CC survivor due to two liver transplants. I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. Everyone on the CC site knows I think he walks on water, and am very biased, but once again he just changed the diagnose of a women given no HOPE and he was able to do a resection on her!! (She since in the last few months has ran several 5k’s). Dr. Chapman is one of the top docs and also the most kind caring, and humble doctor. He has changed at least 3 CC members diagnose.
    Jim-glad to see someone else putting Dr. Chapman’s name out there!!
    Please let me know what if I can help.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: On the whole, I’ve had better weeks #76368

    Lisa,Lets change if to “when” I hop a plane!!! Positive Energy and prayers!!! When you come to St. Louis you have a ride from the airport and whatever you need!!!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: On the whole, I’ve had better weeks #76354

    Lisa, and to copy others, “welcome and sorry you had to find us”. I am a CC survivor, I am almost 41/2 years cancer free. I have an amazing story to share and keep it posted at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link. There is HOPE.
    I also like most showed no symptoms, and only went to doctor because my neighbor made a comment about all my bruises and sores on my legs. I had been so itchy, but it was summer and we own a lawn care business and thought it was allergies!!! I also like you, ended up with a doctor who did my first ERCP procedure and with in 5 minutes had a diagnose and game plan, my only HOPE was a transplant and once again one of the 2 place that had this trial was 20 minutes from my home, Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. under Dr. William Chapman care. Thank God for neighbors and college roommates for saving our life!!
    The most pro-active thing you can do is have the best most aggressive doctor, who knows all the CC treatment options. Make sure transplant is discussed and considered and option or not, by a doctor who believes it is. Many doctors have reservations about it. Do not accept a diagnose you are not comfortable with, get second and third opinions if necessary. I personally know my hero, Dr. Chapman has changed several people’s diagnose for the better. Our cancer is very rare and needs the best doctors. This site is a blessing and well of information for getting through this “nightmare”!!!
    Call (618-567-3247) or email if I can help.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: It’s my 29th birthday!! (Oct 7th) #76286

    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy
    PS-Next year I will be 60, married 30 years and 5 years cancer FREE there is HOPE!!!

    in reply to: New to Group #76274

    Mark, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. You are right about our site, it is a very depressing site but we have a very depressing rare cancer with very little information out there, so thanks to this site there is HOPE, and many life experiences that have led people to new doctors or better questions to old doctors who are still learning about our cancer.
    I was diagnosed July 31, 2008 and found this site and also found it very upsetting and stayed away, but one reason was I had a doctor who had “you will survive attitude” and didn’t need the support, guidance, and information you will find here. I am proud to say I am 41/2 years cancer free, I was stage 4 and inoperable and my only HOPE was a transplant. I have an amazing story to share and keep it posted at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link. I came back to this site after my journey settled down to show there is HOPE. In the 5 years I have followed this site, things have changed so much, more trials, more, public awareness and more long term survival stories from people living with CC. Krisooj has changed her diagnose so many ups and downs, and just posted great news. Randi Bee, Percy, Patty from Illinios, Lisa Craine, Derrin Hampton, and Tiffany who went from no surgery to just having a transplant…..!! There is good news and many many unique success stories.
    There is so much HOPE and info on this site!!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: New to the Group #76111

    Matt, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, 4 years cancer free. I was lucky to have been able to qualify for a liver transplant. I have an a amazing story to share and I keep it posted at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link. There is HOPE
    This is a very rare and misdiagnosed cancer, so you need the most knowledgeable and aggressive doctors. My miracle worker/hero was Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO.
    Like Lisa said feel free to call (618-567-3247l or email any time.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: My transplant story #46025

    TanyaLee-Welcome and sorry you had to find us!! Also thank you for adding another name to those getting a transplant, we are a very blessed group. I am sure our latest transplant success story Tiffany will be welcoming you soon. It is hard to post that transplant is our one chance to be cured of CC, but to post that is so unfair to those not meeting the critera, but I would not be here if couldn’t have a transplant. I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, and Dr. William Chapman.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy
    (I sent you and email)

    in reply to: Phone Consults with MD ANDERSON (or other cancer hospitals) #75925

    Pattimelt-I have private insurance and had to pay for all my meds (XELODA, PROGRAF…..) and then wait to be reimbursed!! BC/BS would take 45-90 days to reimburse, I would get checks for thousands of dollars. The amount they could owe me was so staggering when I would call desperate for money the call center person was appalled and upset and couldn’t believe I was owed that kind of money!! I ended up having to take a “less coverage” policy so my prescriptions would be covered at 100% when my deductables were reached and the pharmacy would have to wait for payment not me. The whole insurance thing is a nightmare but I do add BC/BS to my list of “thank you God” because they gave me no grief and have paid out over 2.5 million dollars in my care and being a transplant recipient they will continue But the key sentence is “I am alive to complain” LOL!!!
    Lots of prayers for all my CC family-Cathy

    in reply to: Phone Consults with MD ANDERSON (or other cancer hospitals) #75922

    This is an interesting discussion. I don’t think any doctor should give a diagnose or a plan over the phone. I thought it was a positive thing when everyone would tell me how phone friendly my hero Dr. Chapman was. Then after this thread I thought mmmm! I am back to thinking that a phone “consult” is the right thing. I know Dr. Chapman’s latest “change there diagnose” story was started with a phone consult. No decisions were made until they physically visited and his own test and scans were done.
    I find it very interesting that DR. Javle would put you through the expense and emotional roller coaster of this with out starting a conversation first.
    I have “walked a mile in your shoes” so I too would leave no stone unturned no matter how inconvient or expensive!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE for HOPE at MD Anderson-Cathy

    in reply to: Just found out. #75388

    Dakotabean-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor of almost 5 years, my CC was inopearable and told I had 6-8 months to live, my only HOPE was a transplant. I had 2, I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, and Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. I have an amazing story to share and keep it posted at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com
    Most people on this site know I am over the moon about Dr. Chapman but he is the most kind, talented and versed man in our cancer. When ever I think I can’t be more in awe of him he does something else. I just was so blessed to meet the most remarkable women and her family who found Dr. Chapman through mine and Wayne Parson’s post. She was from the east coast, diagnosed at a major cancer center and told no options, one phone call to Dr. Chapman and her diagnosed changed. She came for a consulation and more test and 38 days later she went home with no tumor and HOPE!! My best advice is make sure your doctor is at the top of his game, thinks transplant and resections are options and get second, third opinions till you are comfortable with your decisions.
    There is wonderful site called caring bridge that most people use to keep people up to date and informed, leaving you to just focus on winning the fight. You are obviously very active in your community and using caring bridge will help people help. I also believe the more that new the more prayers for me and the more kindness and love for my family.
    Please call me (618-567-3247) or email me (jrdunnagan@gmail.com)if I can help at al or just want to talk.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Depression After Surgery…And Do People Really Care?? #75165

    Tiffany-We need to talk, call!!! I see a counselor and waited way to long to go. The first thing she told me after I rambled on for an hour was you have PTS!!
    Tiffany how can you and me have any negative feelings when not only are we cancer free but we are alive because someone isn’t, and how can everyone have loved me when I was sick and now that I am better everybody has moved on, or not around??? Any of this sound or feel familiar??!!
    I know for me it has helped getting help but the biggest help has been paying it forward with Daisy/Rosetta family!!
    Just remember you are not crazy and what you are feeling and thinking is all part of healing, tell your transplant coordinator and find a counselor it is a big help.
    Call me later, I get it, been there and still dealing with it!!!

    in reply to: Surgery didn’t happen #74894

    Heather, sorry about the surgery. Try to focus on knowing Dr. Javle is at the top of the CC game and is apparently not a quitter, and a very kind and patient doctor. He has been there for so many of our CC family. Your family all needs to have a mini conference before doctor visit and get all your questions and concerns on paper so you don’t miss any questions and all the information Dr. Javle can share with you.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE for Gordon-Cathy

    in reply to: Shrinkage #72911

    Congrats Andrea!!!
    Lots of prayers for HOPE and shrinkage!!!!!

    in reply to: Scan results…some help and suggestions please. #74593

    Hi Christi-Sorry to have met under such difficult circumstances. I am a CC survivor ( you can read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com) and my miracles happened at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO.under the care of Dr. William Chapman. I noticed you are from western Kentucky so this is not to far. Even if your mom is not a surgical candidate Siteman Cancer Center is one of the tops and has a vast knowledge of CC. Please contact me if I can help.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

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