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  • in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21688

    Hello everybody,
    I do find it difficult to accept help from people – I am so grateful to have it now that I am accepting it, andfind that my friends and family have been wonderful to me. My sister-in-law came over today and helped me go through some of Butch’s things – it was very difficult, but easier because she was here. Tomorrow my Brother is coming down form his home – about an hour away – in the afternoon, so – with church in the morning and him in the afternoon, I hope it will be better than last week.

    Work did get better as the week went on. My friend said I seemed a thousand percent better at the end of the week than the beginning, so – I guess I am doing allright.

    I guess my theory is that keeping busy keeps me from thinking as much. I still get blue, but it comes and goes. I talk to Butch, as you all talk to your husbands, and I talk to God – sometimes I am mixed up about exactly who I am talking to up there ! Oh yes – I talk to my dog Flash all the time too – he is a great conversationalist!

    Warm thoughts to all of you – may your day tomorrow be better this week also.


    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21685

    Hi Everybody,
    This week has been better at work – I am in the process of fitting back in – and learning new systems. I have had meetings all three days this week so far – working dinners, so didn’t get home until 8:00! My poor dog does NOT like that, but – it has kept me busy. I miss Butch so much, but – I wouldn’t have wanted him to suffer, and he did go so peacefully that I keep thinking that was such a blessing. Keeping busy is the best way for me right now, but – I can’t get overtired – we have discussed this before, and know where that leads!

    I haven’t started that good book yet – would like to read when the snow starts to fly, though! Also haven’t finished this Christmas table topper I have been embroidering for a LONG time – almost finished, just don’t have the what-ever to go back to it. I worked on it while I was with Butch at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for those 7 weeks – it brings back too many memories.

    Good night all – get a good night’s sleep, and have a good day tomorow

    Love – joyce

    in reply to: Miracle Man (Teddy) Update #23868

    Keep the good news rolling in – we love to hear it.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21683

    I agree – Sunday is going to require some planning – I did go out to eat tonight with the people from work on the commitee I am on – it went pretty well, except that they were talking about the games tonight, and it made me think of Butch (he loved sports) – almost started crying – held it in until I got home, then cried all over my dog – I feel better now.

    Love -joyce

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23485

    Hi Sue,
    Sorry about your “down” day – hope today was better. Saturday was my bad day – it rained all day, and there were grey skies – inside and out! I guess we habve to have these days, but, boy – it is tough when it hits, isn’t it? I have to do some talking to myself, and Butch, and God to get through. Tonight I didn’t ger home until 8:00, so I am headed straight to bed – woke up at 4:30 this morning – that is just indecent!

    To all of you –



    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21678

    Thanks everyone – I am off to bed and tomorrow back to work – we shall see, but I am hoping you are right – it will get easier. Today was a better day – the kids raked my leaves, I enjoyed church (just can’t bring myself to go out to breakfast afterwards – went grocery shopping instead!). It was a beautiful day – plenty of sunshine, and what a difference that makes. I remind myself of a yo-yo – up, down, up, down!

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21675

    Uh-oh – I wrote on the other posting! It was VERY difficult – everyone coming up to me and offering condolences – makes me feel sorry for myself! Also – my old job is gone – got to start again, and I am not used to having to wait for someone to train me – we got all new software while I was gone, all new phone system, all new alarm system, etc.! I just need to stick with it – too many changes in my life right now – it is very hard. This probably contributed to my depression yesteray – fears about learing and fitting in to the “new” responsibilites, etc. They have ASSURED me many times that we will all work together, but – I am scared, you know?

    I am going to keep at it, and hope that in a couple of weeks I am reporting that it is going well.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23479

    Hello Everyone,
    I meant to write yesterday, but yesterday was a “down” day – it was very depresses. I went to work on Friday, but yesterday it rained all day, and I didn’t even get everthing on my list done – just couldn’t. This morning I am going to church, and this afternoon some boys from the youth groups are coming over to rake my leaves – Butch asked them to, before he left us! I have hurt my shoulder, so can’t this year.
    I was amazed to read about all the electrical things going wrond, lights on and off, etc. That is EXACTLY what has happened to me!! In fact, about a week before Butch passed on, he told me that if there was a way to get word back to me that he “got home safe”, he would do it – didn’t know if he could, he said – everybody trys it and you don’t here about many successes, but he would try – didn’t know what he would do, either – lights on and off, ect. – depended on what was available. I reminded him of that promise – once on the last day. Well, the night he passed, the jockey outside where our lawn light is went out for the night shortly after he died. It is on a timer from 7 till 11:00 PM – it goes on and off at that time every other night. That night, my cousin looked out at 9:15 and it was on – she sid “I always think that jockey light is someone turning in to your driveway, so we KNOW itwas on. He passes around 9:20 and we called hospice. When she looked out because she though hospice had pulled in, it was around 10 – jocky was out and didn’t come back on that night. It was fine the next night, and every night since. Many other strange things have happened, and things like the garage door openers are still acting up. Butch didn’t wear his watch for quite awhile before he passed on, but when I cleaned out his dresser, I looked at the watch – it is stopped at 9:20! I think we can all safely say that our loved ones let us know that they “got home sfely”, and are watching over us.
    I forget to tell you about Flashy. That night, both Flash and I were sitting on Butch’s bed – Flash with his head on Butch’s stomach. When the spirit left Butch’s body, Flash jumped up, howled and yelled and ran barking for the sliding glass doors – he wanted OUT, scratching on the doors, etc. Since that day, he has never looked for Butch – he is sd and he KNOWS hew is gone.
    I was tending to feel that divorce was better than separation by death – I have been thru both – my prior marriage ended in divorce – but they are both truly awful – death is just final. Also, at the end of the marriage that ended in divorce, I was emotionally distanced from him, and that helped a bit – I just miss Butch so much – this sadness is much deeper.
    I know what you mean about the kitchen chair – I have moved over to his chair – that seems to help a bit – at least I am not looking at his empty chair! I am so glad I have you three to communicate with – you are all brave, wonderful souls, and we will continue along this journey together. I gain a lot of insight when I read these postings, we – the 4 of us – are a composite of bereaved spouses everywhere, and what we are going through has been gone through by millions upon millions of people since time began. I tell myself this when I get desparately sad – that we will get through this just like they all did. It helps me to put it in perspective. It IS amazing to me how similar events are amongst us.
    I know what you all mean about talking to people – some people get that “deer in the headlights” look if we head for that subject. I know a couple of people who have lost their husbands (and wives, actually), and they seem to be able to deal with this just fine – know what to say, what not to say. etc. You DO Just learn who you can say things to, and who you can’t.

    I hope everyone has a good day – we should look forward to a time when the good days outnumber the bad days.


    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21672

    Darla, Sue and Pauline,
    Thank you for the sendoff – I will follow your good advice. I am terrified and glad to be going at the same time. I sort of want to stay her and be miserable by myself, but I sort of don’t, too! I KNOW the best thing for me is to dig in there and continue on. I look at this as a new beginning. My poor doggie, though – he is not used to being alone – Butch was here for him. My neighbor will look in n him though, and take him for a walk. Gol bless her.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21668

    Dear Sue, Pauline, and Darla,
    I reread all the posts we all have written over the last couple of weeks. It is amazing how similar our lives – and feelings – are right now, isn’t it? Sue, when you were talking about being so calm and tearless, it makes me remember my worrying because I didn’t show more emotion – I didn’t want people to think I didn’t care, but – same feelings you had – I saw Butch suffer through the end times, and just knew that he was better off. Once the numbness wore off, the tears came, but they are for us – we who are left behind. I still haven’t cried all that much, but the sadness is there – deep inside – and I know you all know that it is a terrible feeling. I think it is almost trite to say, but it is the finality of death that is so hard to cope with. Any questions left unasked will go unanswered forever – well, until we meet again. Anyhow, I don’t see myself meeting Butch at the gates of heaven someday, and saying – “by the way, how much oil DID that corolla use, on average”? That question sent me on a crying binge, as I realized the finality of all this.
    On the other hand, I have taken your advice and am talking to him daily. I take great comfort in knowing that he is looking after me from afar, and remembering the wonderful years we had together. I do still feel close to him, and try to think of him being in the next room, which I often feel he is! As I move through today, I will be thinking of all of you and hope that this will be a good day for all of us. I pray that God helps us to have our happy memories of our pasts, while granting us the ability to face whatever the future brings us.
    As for work – I have used all my leave time being home this 7 months. I am so grateful for them allowing me to use it, but I am out of time, and they can’t hold my job much longer, so I must return. It would probably be better if I could return part-time, but it was better to use that time to be with Butch – we spent almost every waking second together these last months – many of them he spent in various hospitals. That was important, and I have worked at my job for 31 years, so these coworkers are my friends. The hardest day will be Friday – greeting people I didn’t see at the funeral (most of them WERE there), many more firsts. I still think it will be good for me to have the structure, though – I have always loved my job, and I sure need the money.



    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21666

    When I read your posts, it sounds like so many of the thoughts that have been running through my head that it is uncanny. I too have started to walk during the day when I can, and my poor dog is in shock from the exercise. I have not exactrly gotten back to a routine, but I am not quite so aimless as I was. I am trying to meet with friends and family – for lunch, etc., although I am not much company. It does help, doesn’t it? My daughter is beside herself with trying to help me, and I have seen them more in the last 3 weeks than in previous 3 months. In the end, though, I still need to come back here and face the “aloneness” (with Flash). Our lives have changed so drastically. I AM starting to eat better, but it is not exactly home cooking. Did most of the paperwork and notifications – that was REAL tough, as you know.

    I hope tomorrow is an “up” day for you.

    Love -Joyce

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23467

    Same routine for me usually – except tonight – I am reading this at 11:30 – very late. I wake up each morning at 5:00 – take a pill to go back to sleep! I will go for the cyber coffee also – actually, I would like some cyber chai tea. I am luckyto have my dog to cuddle up with at night. I would love to get back into the book I was reading, or – my embroidery, but I just can’t. I have the attention span of a knat. I am going back to work Friday – after a 7 month LOA – I can’t imagine how I am going to do this, but I must try. During the day I usually make myself a list and try to accomplish something on it each day – sometimes I am successful, sometimes not. I also have a list of things I want to do in the upcoming months/years – like take a yoga class, learn to speak Spanish, become a literacy volunteeer, etc. Maybe that will motivate me to do something – so far – it hasn’t worked, but – you never know! As you can see, I am big on lists.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23463

    Oh my gosh, Sue – that is exactly what happened to me a few days ago – I couldn’t smell Butch in that pillow – prior to that each time I picked it up or went near it I could smell him. That was traumatic. When I tell people about this site and the fact that there are 4 of us right now it the same situation, they can’t believe it! I have to tell you all – it helped me to write you this morning. The depression lifted a bit, and today was a better day. Darla – it is too bad that we can’t all meet for breakfast somewhere we have NEVER been before – we could have a wonderful time together – commiserating. We do seem to be sharing feelings at the same time, and that is a gift right now – I hope to all of us.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23460

    Pauline and Darla,
    It helps me so much that you have shared your experiences with us. In the weeks preceeding Butch’s passing, when he was on hospice, I was reading your entries each day, knowing that I would soon be joining you. And now I read sue’s posting and feel such empathy with her also. It does help to be communicating with other people who have travelled the same path that Butch and I did. This whole thing is still sort of surreal. I know what you mean about pictures. I have our wedding picture on the dressor in the bedroon, and I kiss him goodnight each night before I go to sleep. Our poor dog – we have a 5 year old Italian greyhound named “Flash”, and he is so sad. He spent more time with Butch than me, as Butch was retired and home during the day. He was with us on the bed (we had the hospital bed set up in the living room) when Butch passed away. He jumped up, howling, and ran to the door barking – wanted out of the house! He has never looked for him – just knows that he is gone, and mopes around, with sad eyes. He wouldn’t even eat for a few days – he is a little better now. I am so glad I have him – he and I are mourning together. He is getting a LOT of attention from me, I can tell you, and he sticks pretty close to me these days. Dogs seem to have this sense, and they know things that we can’t figure out how they know them, don’t they?
    Going to church did help, once I was there. I have never gone to our church without Butch, so that was traumatic (a big “first”). For now, I have to skip the going out to breakfast which we always did after church. Eventually, I would like to be able to go out to breakfast myself, but am not up to it yet.
    Thank you so much for being here for me. Somehow, it helps to just write this down, and get it out. I have always been an independant person, with a great career that i will be returning to. Imagine – I can’t even go to breakfast alone – Butch would laugh at me.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23457

    It has been 10 days now, and I am having a very hard time. I was able to get through the 1st few days in pretty good shape, and I thought that each day would get a bit better. However, I am now feeling incredible sadness, and depression – I guess I crashed! I have another week before I go back to work, as I have many things to do first, but – this house is AWFUL for me right now. We bought this house together just before we got married, and Buch loved it so. I have always loved it also, but it is so big, and everywhere I look I see him, and it is just so sad. I want to remember the good times, and there were SO many, but right now I am remembering these last few months and all he went through. He was always my emotional strength – I am a worrier by nature, and he was not – he held me up. I am praying God will give me the strength to get through this. How long am I going to feel like this? We had such a happy life together, and it has been so many years since I have coped with grief that it actually frightens me. Can someone tell me how to jumpstart my coping mechanism? At least it is Sunday, and in a few minutes I am going to church – we were not able to go for quite a while, and this is another first – going alone, but – I think I will feel better.

    Joyce C.

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