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  • in reply to: Hi!! I’m new to this site. #23612

    Hi Michelle, Sorry to hear your having to fight this relentless disease. I’ve had my share of chemo and currently taking a break from it. Well, was until It was decided for me to do radiation. Then I had to go have fluid drained off my right lung. Now feeling pretty good and continuing my break until at the 1st of November. I don’t really think there is any remedie for chemo fatigue Michelle. The only thing I found helpful was to keep my mind and body as busy as possible with out over doing it. Some days I wanted to just lay in bed and do nothing ,but soon founf out that was a not so good habit; Even though I really wanted to. Routine of some type is the best I can suggest. Exercise keeps your body functioning better than sitting or laying around like we often feel like doing. Just going for a walk daily and taking in nature’s beauty refreshes your mind and keeps those body muscles tone, which helps fight the fatigue. I make up a list of things to do every day and check them off as I go. Doing this makes me feel like I ‘m accomplishing something. Well, actually I am but the list keeps me honest with myself about getting up and staying motivated. I still take my nap most of the time. Some times I forget or it gets to late. For the most part it works. I then stay fairly busy on the site and doing research about CC, as I ‘m still a firm believer that hope is in the air. Even if this monster takes me down in the long run, I’m going to have some say in the matter. My wife helps as well by giving me a Honey Do List. Projects in and around the house that I take my time and complete slowly but surely. As difficult as it is punch that positive button (like that Staples Office Supply Store Commercial) and make things move and happen. So what type of chemo regimen are you on right now? Some can be tiring than others for sure. I imagine with 2 girls at home ,they keep pretty busy hey? You still need your time and don’t feel guilty about taking it either. How has your blood work been setting as far as red cells? Another thing is has any discussion about cutting back on dosage of chemo regimen? That can help some times as well. That’s about all I can think of michelle, othe rthan I think it’s called Procrit which has it ‘s own set of possible effects. Maybe discuss with your Oncologist and see if that’s something you maybe can try. Straight cold showers I have done before as well, but not that often as it’s torture when you first turn on the shower. I know I’m a little crazy , always have been according to my wife.
    Don’t know if this is of any help but there is not much to combat this fatigue other than mind over matter and I also use (EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique. Time for bed (on time). Look forward to your posts Michelle.

    God Bless,

    in reply to: TEDDY’S HOME #23398

    Wow! That sounded like quite a fun project! and the food part do I have to say anymore? Yes, Yummy! I bet the minature village will look just as smart with just as much meaning. They say good things come in little packages. Yes I’m getting back on line a little more. Felt great this week, knock on wood, it’ll stay that way for a while. I do have to cut back on computer time a little bit though, as it has been causing some discomfort. Have fun shopping for the village today.


    in reply to: EFT Session 6 #23304

    Violarob in Texas…………. I hear what your saying my friend. Thanks for the encouragement and I just might try it. You never know? How has things been going for you just lately? Still maintaining that positive status with Tarceva? Certainly hope so.

    Let the Sun Shine!

    in reply to: TEDDY’S HOME #23396

    Lainy, Ha! Mr. T is something else. Love his natural sense of humor. It’s so real. So he is going to build small villages hey? Is it like a Christmas season scene with all the things you would see during Christmas? Do they include Mr. Scrooge or the Grinch? Ha! I love little wood projects. I too use to build big decorational things like complete decorated trees, wreaths, and mangers. I built a small manger last year, to hold the complete Nativity scene with a little light inside shinning over the whole scene.
    Glad your at home and doing well! Is it the cyberknife next ?


    in reply to: Family not sure what to do #23549

    Joyce ….. My sincere sympathy to you an dyour Family. May Your Aunt rest in peace.


    in reply to: PLEASE any suggestions for gas #23287

    Hi Kris , I’m happy your enjoying your visit at home. Just wanted to add to your list of remedies for gas. I have discovered a baked potatoe with peeling, around brunch time eliminates my burping or gas completely. I use the microwave. No seasonings or butter. Just a plain ole fluffy potatoe. fills the empty void in the stomach and the starch absorbs the excess acid that causes the gas. Also, a couple pieces of plain with bread with a little water. Works for me.

    Enjoy and have fun. We are thinking of going to my Sister’s for Thanksgiving in Cary, North Carolina. We’ll see how things pan out. Such pretty country.


    in reply to: My Grandmother was diagnosed the 13th #23625

    Hi Tonia…….. I can only echo what everyone else has already mentioned. Advocation, second opinion without a doubt, love and support. But as we all know, that’s up to your Grandmother and how far advanced things are and what she would like to do, as the choice of quality versus quanity comes in to play for many of us.. As far as time, doctors can only suggest. A lot depends on on the patient themselves and how they approach their treatment. There are many of us that have been told to get our affairs in order, but are still talking up a storm years later. There are many different treatments available and procedures that have proven to extend life very much so. Each person is different. As hard as it is, approaching this diagnosis with hope and a open and positive mind plays an important role. Tonia, if there is something your wondering about and can’t find the answer, don’t hesitate to jump in and ask. There is a whole array of first hand knowledge on this site and people willing to share their experiences with you. I wish your Grandma only the best of the best, while she wrangles with this disease.

    God Bless You and Your Grandmother,

    in reply to: Miracle Man does it again! #22945

    Hi lainey and Teddy……. Teee…………………..Time getting closer. Happy to hear all has worked out during this period of drama and unease.

    God Bless,

    in reply to: just need some words of encouragement #23593

    Lissa……………You have my support all the way! A prayer is what you want ,a prayer is what you’ll get! It won’t be an easy task, but I’m sure your husband will accept this life challenge and go for a win.

    Bless You Both!

    in reply to: Always Some Hitch! #22966

    Great lainy and Teddy…… Back home playing golf before you know it.
    Bless Ya Both!

    in reply to: pain in left kidney #23579

    Hi Barb D., Metastasis could be the culprit. Also after a two day ordeal in the hospital, I discovered that fluid retention build-up can cause incredible pain in that area, to the point of not being able to walk without causing pain. Regular x-rays can determinr fluid retention. In my case it was being monitored and treated with lasix for approximately four months. It was thought there was not enough fluid to cause any significant pain. Well, after they drained what did not look like much, 1 1/2 liters, the pain went from 9-10 down to 1-2 in the lower back kidney area. Just to much fluid creating to much pressure on so many nerves. Just one suggestion to keep an eye on or check out. Fluid retention can be caused by the disease.


    in reply to: Mr. J is cancer free!!! #23243

    Candy Z, It is nice to hear the good news about your brother. I hope he continues to heal and feel better. Just a word of caution, is to have follow-up Scans and keep an eye on everything just in case. Some doctors will tell you, your not in the clear until after 2years of no reocurrance. Some say five.
    I hope his cancer free status carry’s on forever!

    Bless You,

    in reply to: Question #22432

    Amy, Sorry to hear the cancer has returned. 2mm spot is very small. They should be able to deal with it hopefully in a positive manner. It is a bummer for your Mom. I know what she is thinking. It’s just not fair and she really hates to think she has to go through surgery again. Mentally, it is so draining and exhausting just thinking about it. Maybe cyberknife or PDT might be options, time will tell. I wish only the best for your Mom and will send plenty of positive thoughts your way.
    Bless You Both,

    in reply to: Ray died peacfully on Sunday #23567

    Dear Sue, My deepest sympathy and prayers of support. I’m so happy he was able to handle his condition with his dignity intact. He will be missed without a doubt, but his loving memories will last forever.

    God Bless,

    in reply to: Always Some Hitch! #22957

    Hi Lainy and Teddy, Thinking and hoping all goes well. I never heard of the ice under the arms, but it chills me just thinking about it. Look forward to your more positive posts.


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