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  • in reply to: Hi I am Terry recently diagnosed with CC #23300

    Welcome Raye

    I just want to say amazing. The biggest show of love a daughter can give. I am extremely proud of your daughter and so happy all is going so good for you. It must have been one tough choice to go the route you did. My daughter wanted to do the same thing for me ,but with my considerable amount of mets, it would be taking to much of a risk for her my opinion. She is a little mad because I said absolutely not. I explained if it had just been a single tumor it would be a different story. So, If I’m not mistaken you basically killed off the tumor with radiation and use the good part of your liver and some of your daughters? I started ay Mayo almost ten years ago with resection. Mayo has definitely magnified their approach, which is so promising for so many. I’m glad you were one of the many. I’m sure others would love to here more of your success story; I know I would. It is so inspirational to read this post. Thank You for sharing with us. I have had radiation to the liver myself but they could not do it all without a donor, plus now with so much mets going on. All I can do is keep putting out fires sorta to speak ,until it gives up or I wear out. I truely believe in using the radiation route as much as possible, but after a while I’ll have to stop that as well. I believe in “You Never Know?” and Hope is always in the air. Your Post just proved to me once again that it’s so true.

    God Bless,

    in reply to: Looking towards the future #23519

    I just make plans and go! But I always make it perfectly clear ,if something pops up health wise, and If it has to be dealt with immediately, that’s what will be done and I’ll reschedule just as soon as the way is clear. I also plan and go on unnounced adventures as well. Like Carol posted the other day, I feel so good being and doing with the family. There is no better medicine against this disease, than postive flow of energy called love; for and from your family. I’m going to the post office Tuesday and apply for my passport. Like I’ve always tell my 80 year mother in law ” You just never know?” And the point is you don’t disease or not.

    Bless All,

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23448

    Joyce, I’m so very sorry to hear your Butch has passed on. It makes me feel so happy, that your Butch was able to pass on so peacefully. Also being able to mouth “I love you” before departing was such a moment to cherish forever.

    God Bless You,


    Rank— May your dad rest in Peace and God give you and your family the strenght to deal with this time of grief.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Charlie’s latest CT #23503

    Carol and Charlie, Glad to hear the overall stable condition. Charlie you deserve a break and getting tired easily, I understand what you mean. It’s so weird, I’ll be watching TV,Reading or sitting in front of the computer and next thing I wake up and I have

    this across the computer screen. If I’m sitting or reclined sure enough ZZZZZZ. Just got out of hospital today. Been fightining fluid in the cavity of my right lung for about 4 months, finally got painful enough and enough pressure so I could not walk. Amazing!!! 1 1/2 liter of fluid drained (parathseisi) sp. I would recommend any one having alot of pain and taking diuretics/lasix. to take a second look and consider or insist as I did ,getting it drained. I can’t believe the amount of relief. Why they wait so dog gone long beats the hecht out of me. Learn somenew every day. Getting fed pain pills on one end and then having a condition that can be causing pain on the other. I’m going to impress upon my Onco the amount of relief during my next visit.
    Quanity or quality it a hard question to answer. You picked the right one Charlie. well, I’m off and running. Feel to good to be sitting at this computor any longer today.

    in reply to: Bile Duct Surgery #15035

    Lisasa— No ,other than some clinical trials, I can’t say I have heard of gemcitibine as a treatment by it’s self. That’s not saying it doesn’t happen. Logically I can see no reason why not, if it is doing you some good. I would ask your Oncologist. I know some Onocolgist like to approach treatments conservatively or start out slow then add too or change regimen if found not effective. Again just ask your Oncologist ansd see what he has to say. I’m sure he /she can and will be more than happy to explain. Do you have any other medical condition that could be bothersome with to much chemo?

    Give the onco a call or ask the nurses if they can double check the treatment orders just to make sure there isn’t anything else you are suppose to be getting.

    Bless Ya!

    in reply to: how important is exercise and staying active #23343


    I echo Ron 100%. With the exception of a particular regimen of chemo that I took, Staying busy is the name of the game or you just loose muscle tone and drop in to a depressed mood that will hamper your battle. Maybe I can’t do a full days work or I have to take a few more breaks at the many home projects on the honey do list, but I keep going and get it done. Just be cautious if having some side effects. Taking care of and having your loving Granddaughter to keep you company is great medicine in my book. Just know your limits and get some rest when she goes down for her naps. I think it’s awsome. I was doing the same thing for a while. I had to give it up when I got mets to the bones ,as I was unable to pick them up or rough house. They adapted pretty good though ,they know they can’t run on jump on PaPa anymore because of my bad ribs. When they visit , they give me gentle hugs and say you okay today Pappa and pat me on the back? Makes me laugh and a little sad at the same time.

    Bless Ya!,

    in reply to: Gemcitabine + Xeloda #23357


    It sounds logical to me as well, as long as whatever regimen is working and /or maintianing staus quo. Also ,the most important is keeping a self inventory on your blood work and weight. If those platelets,WBC’s and RBC’, neutrophilss are dropping in to unchartered territory, I personally would call a time out. As once they get sucked down to a certain level you may not be able to recover fully. My next round of blood work without chemo for appeoximately 4 months, will be the 20th of this month. It will be interesting to see what my kevels are. Listen to your body not you muscles. Your muscle tissue will carry you quite a distance in my opinion. I’ ve been reviewing my past treatments and coming up with a few what if’s. Which I’ll share as I keep trucking on.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Dad’s story – 83 years young and this happens #23350

    Barb—- This cancer in general is slow growing, but depending on individual genes and body make up, it can become unpredictable and become very agressive. To make it simple, some times cc is slow and sometime it is fast,but more often slower. When they do a pathology report they can usually tell by the amount of keratin found. From what I’ve been told yhe higher the keratin found during biopsy the slower it’s grow. Mine was show as extremmely high amounts of keratin in my biopsy. That could be why I anm 9 1/2 going on to ten years. This is just my personal conclusion. I could be out there in left field. However the more chemo treatments I have taken , it seems to me anyway the growth rate has increased. Again thas my personal observation and conclusion.

    Jeff G.
    P.S. Thanks Barb -You have got me started on a new area of research: keratins and cytokeratins and the many different types that have direct and indirect relationship with the body’s chromosomes , genes, cell diffferences, growth ,no growth of different types of cancers. I need to find out what type of keratin was significant on my pathology for starters and take it from there. There is a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo involved, but it mentions the sKin ,hair, epithielium, some internal organs including the pancreas. Keratin is use to help people grow hair. I’m sorry ,Just thrilled I have a new research area to dive into. There has already been discussion on Genes and this is closely linked to it. If science can purposely cause cells to divide and grow externally, then what about stop growing internally. My adventure for this month. May be nothing but who knows. Thanks! Knowledge is power they say.

    in reply to: Mixed news… #23169

    Mary ,I am so glad you got back home and down to columbus and got that stent replaced. Darn it Tom, your just like me, stubborn as a mule. Mary ,I would think something could be done. I was thinking they should be able to come up with something, this day and age. This may sound stupid ,but can’t they do actual bile duct transplants or am I missing something here.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Are we planning another trip ?

    in reply to: My Dad’s story – 83 years young and this happens #23347

    Hi Barb D,

    Sorry to hear about your Dad. You would think at age 83, these disease could have just bypassed him. I hear your stress Barb, but don’t really have much in the way of advice. There really isn’t anything in between for him according to his doctors. Have you thought of getting another opinion? You might read above, a post from DR. Giles about a social worker with family and mother with CC who was stressing out. It’s so difficult to deal with a loved one with this disease. Does your Dad live with your family? I can see the dynamics if so. If he don’t, is there someone willing to spend time with him to keep him safe. The doctors didn’t mention anything about whether surgery was a possibility at his age and health? I’m so sorry Barb times like this it’s hard to decide what to do next. Hopfully his stent placement resolved his juandice problem. If you have some specific questions, feel free to jump in. Or if you just got to let off steam we’ll understand as well. Unfortunately this relentless disease doesn’t give us all that much to consider depending on each ones particular situation. I wish I had a magic wand almost every day. Just feel free to share Barb and just maybe we can suggest something that might help , even if it’s only a little bit. I pray God gives you the strenght to deal with this all. I surely hope others jump in and help a well. Also don’t hesitate to ask for help, it’s usually closer by you than you think.
    God Bless You and Your Dad, and the whole Family as it effects you all.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: OPRAH LETTERS! #23385

    Good going Lainey!!! !!! Maybe we should send them all to Dr. OZ as well. It would be like a double whammy chance for Oprah. Just a thought. He is quite an advocator. Probally has her direct telephone number.

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #22770

    Ron —-Wow the F-111 site was remarkable. I actually was in involved with the recovery operations on the RAF Lakenheath ones. I transported the pilot and navigator to debrief in 83 crash in the North Sea. I attended the memorial service of the wives, of the one that crashed in the cullin mountains of Scotland. It was so sad, One of the pilots wife was 8 months pregnant with their first child. Thanks for the site link. I better stay on subject now. but will certainly e-mail you direct if I remember any more.
    Bless Ya!

    in reply to: Abdominal Fliud Retention positive for Cancer Cells #17701

    Dear Karen,

    I can imagine the emotional pain you must be in. That’s why your writing Karen. You need to let a little of that pain out. Please continue to do so as we are here to listen and support you to the best of our abilities. You have had a tough ride these last couple of years; Please take care of yourself as well. Share your feelings with others as much as you can. Three years ago I had to arrange for both of my parents to go in to long term nursing care. Not hospice by name, but it sure felt like it. It just happened they both had medical problems at the same time and were no longer able to live at home alone. Dad passed on within 6 months from congested heart failure. Mom is still alive with end stage parkinsons and dementia. It is sad how end of life works. our parents bring us in to the world with happy hearts and then the role changes and we have to help them leave this world as happy as possible, while having a sad heavy heart. It’s a natural cycle that we will never get use to. I pray that your Mom and you get through this trying time with the least amount of pain possible, if there is such a thing.

    God Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: PLEASE any suggestions for gas #23280

    Ron, My brother in law and wife were planning to come for a visit from England. When Trevor explained they have to purchase medical insurance to go on holiday, it blew my mind. He told me you have to. Has it always been that way? Is this something the travel agencies say is required or is it really law. The airlines don’t monitor this when you by a ticket direct do they? Sorry if a little off subject, but if someone in the United Kingdom wanted to travel to another country to get medical help for CC, just don’t sound right. Wow, the 8 years I lived in the UK, neither my wife or I had to pay insurance to get a airline ticket. What else are they going to come up with next? Sorry, I wonder if I buy the tickets and send to them, if they would be required to buy insurance. Sorry for getting off track, but it’s not fair just because you have cc, you shouldn’t have to pay such a rediculous fee for insurance. If you bought a ticket directly with an airline ,do you have to provide an Insurance number now? Wow!
    God Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

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