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  • in reply to: Aunt Sophie #22383

    Hi Hollie, Your Aunt Sophie’s tiredness certainly can be related to the chemo and pill she is taking. I can’t remember the pill she is taking but either xeloda or tarceva. After taking these pills which is part of her chemo regimen and the infusion itself for a period of time, the strenght of the regimen accumulates. In-turn affecting her blood counts. She should be having her blood checked weekly to prevent from having to much chemo treatments to fast and to ensure her red and white blood cells don’t fall to low and cause anemia. The doctor I’m sure will check for this tomorrow. There are medications that can be given if counts are to low,but normally rest and taking a break from chemo will allow them to build back up on their own. Sometimes the doctor may even cut back on the dosage of her treatments to lesson the tiredness effects. Another thing could be dehydration, by not drinking enough fluids. They can rehydrate her intraveinously if that is the case. Hollie ,please let Sophie know we are all looking forward to a positive report from her visit with the doctor tomorrow and will be thinking of her.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21337

    Frogspawn… Sorry for your losses. I would also like to thank you for adding your valuable perspective on the subject matter of should I or should I not. I kind feel like I’ve tried both after 9 1/2 years, an dstill trying to figure out which way to go ,as so many option and interventions do exsist. A real good friend of mine just passed away from cancer in England last week. Her Cancer was so far advanced that she lived only four days in the hospital. It goes to show you how long someone can go on living by not knowing or having a positive mind ,maybe an equal of not knowing they even have cancer.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I am recently diagnosed #22354

    Wabals, It appears you have had a bumpy but so far successful journey. God has certainly been with you. God is always with us.

    Bless You Guys!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #21152

    Dear Mark, My sincere condolences. May your Mom rest in peace and God give you the strenght during this time of lost.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: How is Jeff doing? #22387

    Hi Charlene and John, Hope all is going as well as can be expected? I am doing fine. Went to my Onco this morning and got my morphine dosage increased as the dose I was on for over a year now has kinda worn off. We discussed some more radiation treatments, but I’m holding off until October 25th. We also discussed trying some Tarceva. Again, I want my own immune system to get some type of recovery from all the chemo I’ve done in the last three or so years. It’s been about 2 months now and my appetite has been really good, but for some reason occasional difficulty with digesting, not to bad though. My weight has basically maintained. I do have one soft tissue tumor that gives me trouble by compressing my spinal roots and my rib pain flares now and then. My wife says at night time, I will once in a while have a big body jerk, so I have to try my hardest to stay in a certain position while sleeping. Other wise it doesn’t bother me. When I have my followup scan in October, we will devise a plan of attack. Maybe chemo, radiation, or telescopic surgery. Maybe I’ll feel good enough to hold off for that novel treatment, that seems to keep evading us. I will not go through major surgeries anymore. I’m still staying fairly active, actually started on another house project this pass week. Although my pace is slower and I need help with heavy stuff, I’m still getting the job done. I went sea-dooing 2 weeks ago. It wasn’t planned. I just took stuff out of my pockets and went for it! Had my wife sitting behind me and she was squeezing my ribs so bad and screaming, my adrenaline just poured. Upon returning from the middle of the lake, I decided to end the ride in a thrill, a “loop de doo” and dumped us both. Ha! Loved it! I didn’t hear any more screaming Ha!Ha! Man did I pay for doing it though, pain for three days straight. By golly it was worth every moment! I continue to do my EFT on a daily basis and attitude wise, it really is helping me. Yes, I get down in the blues but when I apply EFT, I get that surge of energy to motivate. Well, that’s How I’m doing at the moment.
    You know, it is amazing how people on this website become your extended family and share each others trials and tribulations. More so than some of your immediate family in my case. It’s sad but true. But I understand their lives are happy and flourishing and busy with go , go, go,. I can’t begrudge them of living life to the fullest. I ‘ve tried keeping up a few times, but the stamina just isn’t always there. Each day is new and different and I have to adapt to the challenge and live it, or go crazy. Beings I’m already crazy, I adapt easily.
    Charlene, “DITO” with your thoughts and feelings. It’s so awsome to have such great cyber relations, especially when there is no doubt the thoughts and feelings are truly flowing from the heart. It defines a new meaning of the saying,”common bond”. Charlene, When or if you feel you need, my offer stands with talking with John.

    Bless You Both!
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Thanks! You both will continue to be in my prayers along with to many to list, they all know who they are.

    in reply to: Further treatment after surgery #22370

    Haiminh…. From years of research, I’ve concluded one thing is that this cancer is systemic. Despite clean margins as I was told upon completion of my surgery, the CC did return, as so with many others. Clear margins simple means success for that particular tumor removal and does not mean that something that can’t be seen is still present. Chemo after surgery would in my opinion, if it is going to help, a few rounds can give you a peace of mind. Like you said, at least you to it one step further to make sure you in the furture you wish you did. Ask your Oncologist, is or is it not a systemic disease and if there is some chance chemo just might knock out any free radicals floating around awaiting to find another nesting spot? Go from there my friend. We all have opinions and we all have to make those gut wrenching choices.

    God’s Speed,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Bone Mets – Pain Management #20259

    Whom it may cooncern: It appears that the Zometa treatment did not really do much of anthing for me, not saying it wouldn’t help you. It just created to much fluid build up for me because of all the mets I have. So I had to back off from that Treatment. Someone with less mets maybe could benefit from Zometa. You never know until you try.

    God’s Speed,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I am recently diagnosed #22350

    Suzanne….Keep your chin up and don’t take no for an answer. There is just to many treatments and doctors out there. Hopefully Dr. Kauh has just what you need. Lean on us all. We are here to support you suzanne , all the way!

    God’s Love and Strenght,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Causes of flatulence/gastritis #20729

    Rather let it out and bear the shame ,than keep it in and bear the pain. Oh! I should have put this on the Thought for Today forum. Ha!

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: hopeless 5fu? #22310

    Hi Lilly… Me give up? Not a chance. Just taking a few months break and then will approach something else I’m sure. There are some new experimental protocols popping up as we post. Being indiviuals is what makes us so unique and in this game can make a huge difference.

    Prayers and Support,

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introduction #22361

    Hi Jenn… I think I already posted about your trial and look forward to seeing a positive results for you. I know you can think of more funfilled organizations to be a member of, but I welcome you as well and want you to know there is so much experience and support among members of this site, it’s great.

    Wishing and Praying Only the Best,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Kris (devoncat) ??? #22284

    Thumbs up Kris. Glad you enjoyed your wine over dinner. Now get hopping and do a little traveling.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: AZD6244 #21448

    Jenn, certainly wish you the best and will look forward to your updates of this trial, as will other members of cholangiocarcinoma Organization.

    Power and God’s Strenght,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: AZD6244 #21447

    Hi Dmann2 and Jenn, I have researched this treatment through Massey’s cancer Center. From what I understand ,it is a phase II trial being conducted under the NCI protocol 7909 and Primary Investigator: Lee,Ruey Min. Are we talking about the same location or are you guys trying this some where else? If it has NCI protocol, I imagine it can be tried at several locations. Members would love to know location, as It shows trial is still open. We certainly would like to hear your experiences as well. Wish you both only the best with your outcomes of treatments.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: hopeless 5fu? #22308

    Hi Lilly… I have tried 5-fu and leucovarin. It was the last combination I tried , I personally had no results other than harshness and side effects. I actually stopped the treatment as I felt it was causing me more pain and dicomfort than it was doing me any good. Maybe I was to quick to respond that way ,but my own body disagreed with it and that was it. Different chemos work differently on different people , I still believe that and still remain hopeful that someone will benefit from these chemo regimens. If fact some people do ,but not tward this particular disease. I’m sorry that your Dad and family have to endure this relentless disease and wish only the best for you all.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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