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  • in reply to: It was over so fast #21469

    mybdm…… My prayer of support goes out to you and your Family. May God bless and give you the strength. May your Husband rest in peace. Your so right… God does know what he is doing, I’m so glad I read this today. We will all understand one day.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Miracle Man #21462

    Hi Lainy….. Sounds like a lot of fun coming to Scottsdale! Well, if this procedure doesn’t do all that is expected, you have the cyber knife as back up. Wish you and Teddy the mostest! Is that a word? Ha! Enjoy the Labor Day weekend party!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Need Informations about medical centers #21399

    Dear Monileoni, Sorry to hear about your Dad. He sounds motivated to fight this disease which is good. If you point to the link cholangiocarcinoma above, a list of Major US Cancer Centers with contact information is provided. There are a few and I might suggest that you make copies of scans and history of treatments, plus surgery and choose three or four and send for consultation with Surgeons and if surgery is still not an option, ask them to Refer to their Oncology Departments. Monileoni, It is up to you but I think you would be saving alot of time by forwarding medical records first.
    I do agree with Sophie of above Cancer Centers, would be a good start. If you can afford it, you can make enough copies and send to all places at the same time would be great. Just need some one to coordinate appropriately.
    Wish your Dad the best possible outcome!

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: EFT Going For It ! #21388

    Violarob in Texas….. The answer to your question, is I don’t have a web log/ Blog. I’ve volunteered to be in an EFT Study to see how benefiical it may be for others who have CC. Primarily to see if it will help lesson or relieve the emotional and physical pain that comes with this diagnosis. I will blog some of my experiences of how it helps me personally, as I go through the study, here on this web site.
    Tonight’s session was about my suppressed anger of the senseless deaths of people cause by others and how it not only affects loved ones,but friends and coworkers alike and even the general public. This incident occurred 25 years ago. Although I have talked about it many times before with friends, I wasn’t willing to let go of this tragedy because of my post involvement. After tonights session, I understand the reality of the situation and how it happened then and why it will continue to happen in todays world as well. After Tapping while making strong statements for about 45 minutes, I can say I released some heavy emotional baggage that was blocking some flow of my body’s energy. Will that emotion stay away ? Time will tell. During the week, I found myself out in my garage about 3AM, using EFT for pain in my ribs. I asked my wife the next morning if she heard some loud talking last night, just to make sure I did not disturb anyone. Fact , after four lengthy and determined sequences, my pain subsided and back to sleep I went. It did not stay away, as it returned the next day but not any where near as bad as last night. I’ve also been using the technique this week to lesson my anxiety, and find myself busily doing something else. That’s it for this week.

    Good Morning, As suggested by the practitioner, I jotted down more thoughts about my session last night and realized the core issue of my anger is deeper than what we discussed. I feel this anger because my faith is being challenged, a conflict between reality and God”s will. As the incident of 25 years ago, the same issue exsist today; needless end of life through war, terrorism, and guess what? disease (CC). I will continue to process this issue, until I gain further understanding and relief. Quite amazing to me personally. I have a choice to make within my own mind, to resolve this conflict and then let the rest of this emotion go to rest.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Preparing for Surgery #21435

    Irene… Wish you totally the best ! I did nothing really special other than call and talk with all my relatives and friends and absorbed all their good wishes. It really helped prepare me mentally for the challenge. I did get the electronic yahtzee game and and a deck of cards. Passes time away before you know it. I made sure I had extra pillows and just general stuff at home for when I got out of the Hospital. Make sure there is a fresh set of batteries in the remote control. Plan ahead for an alternate place to get comfortable, because most of the time I preferred the recliner over the bed. I did take the initiative to redo my will, which alot of peole foget about. Make sure the air conditioner is serviced ,I can’t stand being to hot in the house. I wish I had gone to a medical supply store and got a few of those heat up in the microwave non-rinse required shampoo caps. Man! those are nice and warm and relaxing. Stock up on all the things you know you don’t won’t to run out of, before someone can bring to you. I won’t elaborate on that one ha! You’ll do just fine Irene just keep on smiling and take all the big hugs and kisses you want now, as you’ll be a little sore for a few weeks. Other wise I watched the tube and ate like a piggy, all my favorite (healthy?) snacks.
    God Bless ,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Lost the battle #21419

    Kara….. My deepest sympathy. Wish You and all the family God’s Touch of love and support.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Hi-De-Hi Campers ! #21113

    Mark, Great, you have great spirit and motivation. I certainly recall Lorna’s posts about you. She sounds like one strong young lady. I wish You ,Lorna and the little one, only the best! Do you ever play around the Ipswich/Felixstowe area? My wife’s relatives live around there. I hope to visit in the spring, time will tell. Mark give EFT a search. It is pretty prominant in England as well. Being a drummer you know how emotions affect people for sure.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New CT scan for John #21405

    Charlene….. Many prayers of support coming your way, as this emotional journey continues. John has been has been a master of strength in fighting this disease. I’m truley sadden that he is getting weaker.

    God Bless You both,
    Jeff G. P.S. 15 Minute Zometa infusion and Oyster shell Calcium Plus D 500mg BID. If need help with bone pain.

    in reply to: EFT Going For It ! #21384

    …… 127 is where I stopped because I was getting writer’s cramps Ha!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: FREE subscription to cancer mag #21074

    Hi Larry S, Thanks for the link. Every bit of information could prove to be beneficial, you never know.
    Bles ya1
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: my mom slipped away #21318

    Dear Patty, My sincere condolences. I too am glad she had a peaceful end of life experience; a blessing from God.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Surgery 5/21 with good news! #21371

    Hi Jean, So happy to hear of your good results. Fantastic actually! Live life to the fullest is a well decided journey.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    Hai Minh, You are saying that the pathology reports of the rescected liver and lymph nodes where negative? Did’t they do a tissue biopsy before surgery? How did they determine it was Cholangiocarcinoma? I’m sorry for the question just a little puzzeled. In any case glad to here your Mom is doing much better.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Ozone Therapy #21201

    vk933….. This treatment has been mentioned before but I don’t think anyone has tried it before, from my recalection. I Think there is a treatment center in I believe Mexico and Southern California That have Ozone therpy chambers. Also. a while back I researched and found on-line that you can purchase your own portable Ozone chambers thatyou blow up like a air mattress. That’s about as far as I got with it. I’t part of a comphrehensive holistic approach. It would be nice to know if anyone has ever tried and benefitted from it.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: OHMYGOSH! This is brutal. #13879

    Hi Sophie, AS Carol said, you can ask to reduce it. I had to have my dosage cut in half. Also nausea pills, take before you need. Then every 6-8 hours for the first few days. Keeping that nausea under control is a biggy. In doing so you may be able to avoid vomiting, dehydration,constipation, and additional pain and general discomfort. Don’t be afraid to use those anti nausea pills. Now that I said this, you may still have some of those side effects but I think you get what I’m saying. Keep some suppositories on hand in case of constipation and Immoduium for the runs. Just in case. My doctor wants me to go regular. If not by the third day he prescribed me Lactulose syrup 1 tablespoon 2 times a day as needed. He made it clear not to over use and to keep fliuids going in ,as we all hear that constantly. I eat and drink like a little pig whether I feel like it or not.
    Hope the reduction in dosage works better for you.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Report Card(CT Results) #21097

    Hi Betty, I almost missed your post! Really great to hear from you. Your message really made me feel good. Thank You. You know It’s so strange; I was thinking about You and Sam today. I even bounced back and forth lookng at your pictures. All I could think of, is if you have added your art room yet? My Mom used to do paintings until her parkison’s took over. In fact, her last painting we did together. It was a big one. We did it on the wall in her sunroom about 6×8 feet; a scene of sailboats on the lake with evergreen trees and mountains in the background and a beautiful sunny day. we did it in one weekend using arcrylic tubes of paint. She did all the mixing though,as I didn’t have a clue what colors made other colors. Ha! It was a fun weekend for us both. We laughed so much ,because we added a speed boat to the picture and a guy on the sailboat waving his hands and a think note above saying “are you crazy?” Last month when I went to Maine to visit her in the Nursing home, the painting is still there! I got my younger brother to live there and keep the place in good repair. I thought it would get painted over by now. Gosh , I’ve gone off rambling again. I hope you have been keeping well? So, What kind of art work do you do? I met a guy camping years ago, who carved birds out of chunks of wood. He was good at it too. As far as meeting, Like I tell my Mother-in-law who lives in England, “You Never Know?” If your ever driving through Wichita, give me a ring and we’ll have lunch. There is a few Mcdonalds here. Ha! just kidding.
    I better sign of now, I just get carried away some times; ok a lot of times.

    God Bless Ya!

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