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  • in reply to: Short update to anyone who cares #21001

    Belle….. I’m with you all in thought and prayers. Your Mom and Dad had to make a heart wrenching decision. It sounds as though hospice care is doing all they can to make your sister as comfortable as possible. Thank You Belle for sharing and being such a supportive Sister. We are here for you to Belle. We truly understand and can relate to this emotional time.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Fever therapy #20771

    Violarob—- You been following me around hey? Ha! I was going to try Radio frequency ablation a while back, but determine my tumors were to many and one to large. Maybe in the future. Yes I recieve Cancer Compass updates weekly and ocassionally post but not very often. I like reading the informational articles to see if anything novel pops up. Hope all is well in the Lone-Star State! Is it true you Texan’s grill your steaks on the tailgate of your pick up trucks? Ha! Gets hot down there!
    Jeff G.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Discomfort when sitting #14375

    See My other post for my input. He needs something to stop the sporadic spasms of the muscles.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Anyone undergoing FOLFOX 6 plus Avastin chemo? #20987

    Margaret… If your father is actually got bleeding hemorroids then he really should not be doing chemo in my opinion. I’m doing a similiar treatment with the 46 hour cad pump and I’ve got three cycles so far and I will nont be doing another until things calm down with me. This folfox is accumulative with each treatment and matters could get worst. How many treatments has he had? 3-4 is more than enough to tell if it is doing any good or not.
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Sorry had to go take the chicken out of the oven. If your Father is having constipation and trying to hard to go to the bathroom he’ll have a hemorroid situation. He needs to take stool softeners so things go more naturally. In reference to your other post… It sounds like they are given him the right meds to calm things down. Although I don’t know how he is applying or taking. 3 Years ago I went to the ER and they gave me a GI Cocktail which is Maylanta Double Strength, 30ML of 2% lidocaine, and Donnatal all mixed together which I drank. I did not have hemorroid problems I was burning from the inside out and had to put out the fire. I don’t know when you say pain, if it is mucsle or burning. In his case most likely both as this chemo after awhile will cause considerable pain due to the tightening and sporadic spasms. Maybe change pain med to something more stronger like Morphine with hydromorphone back up for break through pain. There is no reason at all to have to put up with pain! Not in this day and age. Bag Balm for rectal area where it really needs to be, if you know what I mean. Margaret, I’m so sorry your Father is going through this horrific situation but if he is still suffering, advocate loud and clear for the doctor to try something that works.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hi Lisa,
    Thank You for your so gracious and kind compliment. However, my knowledge of CC has got to be credited to this Web Site and all of it’s members input including you. Patients and Caregivers alike have collectively provided information from research and personal experiences that has accumulated a wealth of information for us all to share. Thanks for recognizing my tenure in battling this disease, I hope to keep on rolling but you just never know with CC. As far as age goes, in my opinion it’s more to do with overall health than age. Although it is scientific fact that life’s aging process can hamper or slow recovery of major medical problems, I personally feel someone of age 80 can fight this disease as well as someone in their 40’s. I keep returning to the positive approach, as a key factor but even that is just one of so many variables. Hope is always in the air! whether or not we can benefit from it remains to be seen or possibly not. There is no simple right or wrong answers; this world has grown in to a very complexed enviornment. Best wishes to all!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Fever therapy #20769

    Barbara…. Type in Vitamin C in the search window above and you will get at least 10 hits of people who have tried or currently doing. Lots of infor for you to digest.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Butch’s resection was successful #20971

    Joyce… Super news about Butch. Wish him a steady and speedy recovery!
    Jeff g.

    in reply to: Miracle Man #20621

    Lainy , Congratulations! I promise not to tell anyone. Ha!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Feedback and Silly Question #20941

    Lisa … Glad to hear your tumors are still responding to treatment. I agree there is hope !
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Miracle Man #20618

    Good morning to You Lainy,

    It shouldn’t take more than a day or two. But I guess it would depend on the facility and how busy they are. The first appointment is for your consultation with radiologist Oncologist and Second one for proper calculations and markers. Sometimes they can do this at same appointment. As far as giving you a date, it don’t take a rocket scientist to look at a calendar, now does it? I’d give them a call and ask and just tell them my hubby is getting anxious to start treatment. I think we all find it hard to maintain patience with the slow pace we are subjected to at times, almost torture. Give’m a friendly followup call Lainy. Did you know one of the highest job turnover rates in a hospital/doctor office is the receptionist/ appointment maker. They take such a beaten sometimes.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I am losing my mind #20952

    Charlene…. I agree with Patty. My Mom qualified and recieved 20 hours per week of at home respite assistance. A nurse contracted with the State came to the home and did a health assessment. It gave my Dad 4 hours a day break for three years before more difficulties occured. This could be done for John’s Mom or maybe both. Home health care/respite can actually come to the house or also John’s Mom could go to a day program transportation provided and interact with others. Also meals on wheels for those who are house bound can’t get out and drive. Your County Social Services Dept. should be able to help as well. This worked in the State of Maine. John’s Mom’s primary Care Doctor can request the assessment. In Maine it was called Interim health Care. I’ts covered under Medicare. It was a blessing in disguise for my Dad until he took ill as well. Relief is there Charlene as tired and worn out as you are, when you catch your breath, make some phone calls and don’t hold back your disparity for help.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    P.S. Another way to get some assistance is your local Crisis Hotline Number. Just let them know you need help now,before your rope snaps. I’m digging for ya Charlene.

    in reply to: Fever attacks #20919

    Hi Iris,

    Something came to mind, I was having problems with infection/fevers and each time it was found to be a touch of pnuenomia caused by fluid retention around my lungs. Still have some fluid retention problems because of chemo, but seems to be clearing. I was put on furosimide/lasix to help pass the fluid through my kidneys. I take furosimide twice daily now instead of once and they added one potassium tablet a day to assit with clearing the fluid. It really seems to be working quiet well as the urine is flowing. Of coarse I’m drinking alot as well due to chemo. And talking about diet, I couldn’t believe the amount of sodium in packaged foods. That came to a stop. It reminder me of my military training days where we were given sodium tablets to retain water to prevent dehydration on the drill fields. I actully got pnuemonia from retaining to much water and had to be hospitalized for a week. Just something to ponder. possible bouts of walking pnuemonia I call it.

    in reply to: Fever attacks #20914

    Iris… my Oncologist recommends Ibprofen first every 4-6 hours and if fever don’t go down/ control or break with 24 hours or if it spikes upward seek out doctor for cause and anti-biotics may have to be changed to a broader spectrum/ stronger if he becomes immuned to one kind. cool bath may help initially, but if your pretty sure it’s infection don’t wait.

    Bless ya!
    jeff G.

    in reply to: Need advice: which major cancer center? #20933

    HANDYMAN …. Dr. Nabbout. I’m going through the Veterans hospital as he is contracted to provided service once a week. His primary office I believe is at kansas Cancer Center in wichita, up by Via-Christi Hospital. He also works at remote sites. If you google kansas Oncologist his name and vita should come up. If you have trouble I’ll call my nurses at VA and get infor of where he provides services. He is going to be leaving on three week vacation starting next week. Another good Oncologist is Dr. Johnson at Kansas Cancer Center. I know he stays quite up to date on current protocals and trials. Hope this helps.
    Jeff G,

    in reply to: The doctor has pulled the plug #20903

    Alice, Jeff here again. I thought I might suggest you you click on Patient Support above ,then click on Ask Dr.Giles. He has answered a question similiar to your situation of what you might do. Maybe it will be of some help.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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