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  • in reply to: What are the signs of impending death? #16354

    LisaNZ …. Where do you have to travel from and too? I would check with the airlines or whatever mode of transportation and ask if there is anyway you can travel on a space available standby for humanitarian reasons. Explain the situation. You never know. I have seen it happen before with a letter from the doctor verifying condition. Do you have something called the Red Cross or similiar Organization? Give them a try.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    LisaNZ wrote:
    Hi everyone

    My Mum was diagnosed 2 months ago, and already my Father thinks she is close to the end. I’m terribly frightened and can’t be with her as I live overseas. She hasn’t eaten properly for over a month, in the last week she’s eaten almost nothing. She is skin and bone, and rarely gets up. On a few occasions she has had an accident in the bed as she couldn’t get up. My Dad thinks she won’t be here in another 2 weeks time. She is also very agitated and becoming quite aggressive which is something she’s never done before.

    I desperately want to go home to see her, but I have no money to travel at the moment. I’m trying to save money so I can go but I don’t think she is going to last that long.

    in reply to: What are the signs of impending death? #16353

    LD…I’m so sorry to hear your husband is close to the end of life. I really feel at this stage all family and loved ones probally should have visited and shared their last loving moments. Trying to determine what day or hour someone is going to pass is something that does not happen very often. Quite often a person will hold on to life for every possible moment until a loved one lets them know it is okay, they will always be loved and they may rest peacefully now. It’s not uncommon for someone passing to look or await for those words of reassurance. The last sounds or hints are so different for everyone. LD, the children should understand the timing of someone dying is not an exact science. Trying to rush for the final breath puts your children and others at risk for an accident. It is such an emotional time for all. May your husband rest peacefully until the it’s time to go. I’m sure Hospice Staff will do their best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Pain in the stent area #20631

    RANK… Possible leaking stent, possible fluid on the lungs. He sounds as though he is making peace with is condition and what unfortunately depresses you may be his relief. It’s hard on you for sure,is there someone who can help you out for a bit? I wouldn’t be doing any more chemo until you get a clear okay that the stents aren’t leaking and the hard breathing ,if this has not been something of the normal, in my opinion possible fluid retention possibally collapsing his lungs. Waiting until Tuesday is a long time in my opinion. You and your Dad might want to visit the ER if things get worse.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: vomitting and nausea #20627

    Belle ….. My heart aches when I see this happening. The only thing I can suggest is some medication for anxiety. The emotional load of what to expect next can be tremendous. I’m sure she is really frightened and looking for some type of comforting. The human mind is very complicated and it is known fact it can cause vomiting, hyper-ventilation, headaches,etc.. Belle I’m no doctor but I’d try something to let her mind get some rest. Of course I’m just providing a suggestion ,not knowing all that is already prescribed. She may be having a reaction of to much pain medication. I’m so sorry I can’t be of any help. You may want to talk with an experienced hospice nurse OR GO TO “ER” TO GET UNDER CONTROL . They may know something that might help. Also, unless there has been recent scans I would not rule out anything pathological either. I surely hope this can get resolved real soon. Bless you Belle for being there for your sister.
    God Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Resection surgery is a “go” #20594

    Hi Sophie…… I’ll be thinking of you as will many others and sending good thoughts and prayers. It’s a scary thing to go through but with your daughter and niece being there to support you, you’ll do just fine. We’ll be keeping a eye open for Hollie’s update.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14692

    Hi Nancy… Glad to hear only 2 cycles left to go. I’m doing okay thank you. Just finished cycle 2 of infusion and will now start filgrastim injections tomorrow to counter-act lost of to many white blood cells. Do lab and nurse eval on Monday to see where platelets and red bloods cells are sitting. They never quite reached the normal range last cycle. I will tell the Doc to hold off for a while this time around as I suspect they’ll be a little lower and I need to let them climb back before next cycle. Your positive attitude is such a plus.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hi Iris… Thanks for your post about diet. Your absolutley correct in my opinion. I feel high protien, high fiber, high calorie count, high potassium, ect. helps tremendously. I’ve had mets to both lungs for over six years and still chopping wood. I feel longevity can be lost if you don’t take that extra step to keep your body pumped up with the good stuff. Oh, I go astray from time to time with my diet but most of the time Eat what is needed. I also feel a couple drawbacks to maintaing the weight and body strength is not exercising and not taking anti nausea medicines when needed. Personally the more I feel nausea the more I eat and you have to keep telling yourself eat and drink and don’t lay around. You have to interact and socialize with people to keep your mind healthy as well. Iris , I’m so happy to see Peter taking a strong positive approach. It really does work. Although we know many variables come in to play for each individual; Like aggressiveness of cancer, Individual response to different trearments, and how soon it is diagnosed, doing all the above is certainly helpful in keeping the bunny battery energized. Thanks for the reminder.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: new to this site….please help… #20451

    Lilly… 7 mm is very small. Did any of the doctors suggest resection or radiation? I know some individuals have gone back for second resctions depending on location and size. Advocate and push on with positve mind as possible. The fighting is far from over, especially if he recovered and gained weight back After a major whipple surgery. Your Dad sounds like a fighter to me. Removing them little manasties when possible does help in my opinion.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: MRI scan didn’t confirm laparoscopy results #20582

    Hi G….Sorry to hear the sneaky little tumors were hiding on you. At least you know were to attack. Keep your chin up and keep on dancing.
    God Bless,
    jeff G.
    P.S. Just got cad pump off after 3 day infusion cycle two. will see Onco on the 10th and get schedule for CT to see if this filfil or fulfil whatever regimen is doing any good.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20335

    love and hugs to Barb!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New member diagnosed 1/18/208 #20446

    Joyce …. Glad to hear Butch is getting surgery done . Wish you guys only the best!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: end of six month chemo #20577

    Jane UK…. The only thing I can suggest is have and MRI with/wo contrast done instead of CT. When ever I’ve had MRI’s versus CT Scans a more indept view of what could be going on. In my case we found a small soft tissue tumor pressing on my spinal roots causing significant pain to lower back,side and stomach. Once that was found I had IMRT 3-D radiation to that tumor and it’s been over a year and no problems so far. The scan should be head,chest, abdomen in my opinion. Aggressive and different diagnotics procedures instead of the routine CT Scans can be extremely helpful in my opinion. I wish your sister the best and what ever is causing her pain subsides quickly.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: SO……… it has returned! #20541

    Sherri… Sorry to hear about your stepdad. You Said you spoke with Dr. Canady. I was just wondering if he is back doing surgery now? I have followed his media and controversies pretty closely. Is There anything he suggested that might be of any help for your Stepdad? I surely wish you and your stepdad the best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: SO……… it has returned! #20535

    Chrissy… I’m sorry to hear the news about chucks. Have they Dx how much of a return it is? What kind of chemo are they going to start him on? You have it right Chrissy love and support him step by step. Wishing you guys the best and will be chatting anytime you wish.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Miracle Man Update #20520

    Hi Lainy… Wish you and teddy the bst with the cyberknife surgery. Sorry to hear about the kidney complication though. Well, Made it to Maine. Weather been offf/on drizzle. Like Dorthy said there is no place like home. Couple days to go. Been visiting my Mom and she was smiling and remembered Valerie and I with no problem at all. Over all the nursing home has really been taking excellent care of her. That makes me feel great. Tell the miracle man to keep his chin up.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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